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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. This was one of those happy chance things where I was looking for the model and serial number of the monitor and came across a bunch of emails saved a couple of years ago. They are an escalating series of comments and responses with the final email showing all of them in one hit. In Legacy it's easy to clear up that sort of thing because of the stats - just look for the biggest file size and zap the rest. Same for any random duplications I find - two notes with the same title? Do they contain the same number of words / characters? If so delete one. I don't have an ongoing process to find and delete unnecessary content, but -as here- if I find one or more duplicate notes in a search I'll try to tidy things up for next time. It should take a few minutes at most, but where in Legacy I can scroll up and down a list of hits and quickly see the relative sizes of notes, v10 requires a 3-finger salute on each note, and another keypress to close that Info window. It's wildly inefficient. I would not intentionally search for duplicates to try to slim down my data footprint, but when I run into them I like to be tidy... plus I'm pushing 57K notes now - I want to limit further growth as far as possible. I know the limit is 100,000 notes, but I have no interest in testing any boundaries!
  2. I'm just getting used to v10, having stuck my fingers in my ears and hummed very loudly for over a year waiting for either Evernote to improve or for my hardware to get fast enough to run the software at a reasonable speed. Happily both things have happened, and here I am. Currently doing a bit of "curating" - housekeeping / weeding / tidying - involving 15 notes which chart the evolution of a support request with my desktop monitor supplier (I could just as easily be dealing with duplicate notes.) Most were added as emails, so include a history thread which would allow me to clean up the earlier emails. Some are just duplicates because I saved something twice. With Legacy, checking whether two notes are identical is pretty easy - you see the note size / word count / character count at the foot of the window. In v10 it's not so much; it's Ctrl+Shift+I or the three dots menu to pull up note info; and the stats are on the last line. I'd very much appreciate an option to include stats somewhere on the main note screen to make comparisons easier. As it is I'm probably going back to Legacy to get this done. It's harder than it needs to be in v10.
  3. Hi. How are you starting the print? If I use the note menu (top right three dots) or Ctrl+P I don't get any border. Have you checked your printer settings?
  4. Not sure that's an answer to the question. Did you find and delete the %AppData% > Roaming > Evernote folder?
  5. ...and when you try the delete/ restart option described above??
  6. Hi. How do you send your notes to Evernote? You infer that you don't always use email... And which version of Evernote are you using? Legacy or v10?
  7. Hi. I'd imagine any printer would do that job for you - they'll be able to generate 1000 business cards from one original, or copy 1000 documents individually. Pricing might be an issue... if this is a regular thing it's probably cheaper to look for a sheet-fed scanner and do it yourself.
  8. Hi. I'm not a Mac user, so others might have better suggestions - but here are some comments that might (or might not) be helpful. Selecting more than 50 notes at once can be problematic: it's possible, but a nuisance to get around that up to (I believe) about 400 - but the limit exists. Mac scripting is (currently) disabled and I don't think many automation apps have the ability to move notes within Evernote. You can add stuff, but not change it. Installing the Legacy app gets around both the above - you can use scripting and select as many notes as you wish. Alternatively. One external app I use a lot - https://filterize.net/ - can apply various tests to notes as they sync - as in: "If this note has the tag <xLIndburg>, move it to the <Ransome> notebook and remove the tag". They have a 30-day free trial, which might be about what you need... On which basis I'd say tagging is the way to go - get Filterize set up, and every time you want to re-home a note, just tag it with a unique version of the notebook name -"xLIndburg" in the example above - to avoid confusion with that word if it's used as a tag elsewhere... Hope that helps!
  9. Hi. Short answer, No. The search system works the way it works; the chances of changing it to cope with one user who has problems... minimal.
  10. Nope - also a Brave user here, and Evernote seems fine to me..
  11. Hi. The general Support link is at the foot of each page under Contact Us. For general payment issues see (That link is on the front page of this Forum) You can also downgrade your membership and remove your payment details to avoid further billing here: https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action -See "Account Level"
  12. Hi. This isn't a negotiation, where reframing the proposal might get a quicker or more positive response. Big software houses like Evernote run long term planning so that they can concentrate their main resources on a single main project and all related resources: like sync speeds and accuracy (which I think is actually the current case). Others will deal with bug fixes and maintenance; and they'll have another main project lined up after that, and another and another... The forward planning is so that if one project requires in depth work on one system like indexing, it'll be grouped with any others that come along so's not to have to re-engineer a fundamental system several times over. So I'd guess Evernote know exactly what they're doing for the next couple of years. If thumbnails are in that pile, they'll get seen to when other work on the related systems gets done. It's not going to get taken out of context for 'special' attention, even if it does annoy and delay folks. If thumbnails haven't made it into the schedule yet, it'll come up for consideration with everything else at the time. And (maybe) get started in 2+ years from now. In the meantime, no matter what happens here, work-arounds are the only way forward. From recent discussions where Evernote seems reluctant to change a thumbnail, even where the image is deleted from a note, I wonder whether it might be possible to start a new note using one chosen image, so that the note gets a suitable thumbnail - and then copy/ paste the content of another original note including random other images into that new container with the approved thumbnail... ?
  13. Hi. Nothing that we're aware of - we're mainly other users here. See https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/135456-how-to-submit-a-ticket-for-a-billingpayment-issue/ for more.
  14. Hi. On a quick test "dat" seems to be how other apps behave too. If I search for something and find something that looks like the right area, I normally (I think) click somewhere nearby to copy / paste / spellcheck / insert - or do whatever it was I was searching for. If you click and then 'esc', you are left in the right place. Starting a search but then cancelling it (correctly) returns you to wherever you were at the start.
  15. Hi. Sorry to hear that you're having such issues. I'm on more or less the same package - professional / 10.38 - and haven't seen any sync anomalies yet... Given your subscription level it's difficult to believe you might have exceeded your note size or monthly upload limits, but it's worth checking your actual usage if you've not already done so. There's a help sheet* for this situation, which Support have presumably taken you through... though again it's worth checking that nothing there is applicable. It's may also be productive to do a little health check on your network connection, and to tag and copy the affected notes (or as many as you can identify) into their own notebook. It will be interesting to see how well or how badly the new notebook is treated in subsequent syncing. If the same situation applies, can you see any similarity between the notes? All sourced from the same device / web page / app? What about opening a new note on your desktop and copy/ pasting one of the older unsynced versions into it, ideally as text only; that would exclude any random but invisible source code issues that might exist. It's a long task to identify some issues, but patience and persistence (usually) wins the day... Don't spam the Support team, but if they haven't responded in a while, do follow up your contact there and ask what's happening! * Tips for troubleshooting syncing issues
  16. Hi. Not sure that there is anything to fix - my system updated to 10.38.1 this morning and everything seems fine. Did you try uninstalling both the app and removing your data before a reinstall? Check also that you don't have any issues with your disk space or network connection, and there's no competition from someone else on the same network downloading War & Peace.
  17. Hi. Try logging out, then back in with your 'correct' email address. You may find that the 'empty' account is a new one with no notes connected to it.
  18. Hi. It's impossible to be charged unless you put your payment details into the account - which is not required for a free account. I'd suggest you contact Support to see if they can help... These Forums are (mainly) user-supported with Evernote staff monitoring threads. It's better to use the Support channels to report issues or to feedback direct to Evernote. For general payment issues see
  19. Hi. Where are you inputting numbers to? And what device / OS / Evernote version are you using?
  20. Hi. A subscription won't give you better connectivity here, but what made you think that Evernote are obliged to make sure that every third party device can connect to their service? Why not ask Rocketbook for help with their product?
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