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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Is there a specific reason for this request? I would have thought that individual tags, notebooks or Stacks would allow you to keep your notes sorted in this way.
  2. Well, I'm in Wales now, but I was born in the Potteries (that's the middle of the Midlands for any non-UK people here) - maybe that was a local expression. Dog racing was certainly popular when I was growing up.
  3. Hi. Would this do the job? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360056265514
  4. Hmmn. I thought my variation was more widely known. You'll need this for a basis [TRIGGER WARNING - refers to biological processes and fossil fuels!] https://bit.ly/3GaBSEM - and given that scenario, you'll understand that the output of a racing dog and use of a shiny shovel is going to move even faster!
  5. Up to now I've not had the option of simply backing up the EN folder - I do, anyway as part of my overall system backup, but getting back to individual notes or even notebooks hasn't been easily possible with an EXB backup. I know there is a way to extract notebooks from an EXB as ENEX files, but that requires some fiddling around with the Legacy client. Backupery is in line with my ambition to have an automatic backup and an easy restore should I ever need it. If you're right* about a copy the local drive being sufficient to revive a database (or, presumably part of one...) then I am definitely tempted by the ability to cut costs (that need is probably stronger here in the UK than it is in most of the rest of the world). * I don't mean to doubt you with the 'if you're right' sentiment here, but that's my data we're talking about. I'll need to do a few tests to see how things really work with my own eyes! -And I do think that a good local backup of your Evernote account is essential for anyone using the apps - I've never yet had a need to use mine, but it would add some value to the 'free' app since users would no longer have to completely rely on their data being safe and available 24/7 on a third party server.
  6. OK so I've been operating a strict 'no updates' policy on my last public version of 6.25.1 for - what is it: 2 years so far? On the basis that the new Web version slowed one laptop to a crawl and froze my other slightly less well equipped lappy stone dead, and since I'm here to complete various tasks - and not blindly upgrade to the latest shiny app - I didn't want to risk cutting myself off from my most valuable source of information (that's you, Evernote!). And then I got a new desktop. It's a top-o'the-line Dell XPS (32GB) with a 1TB SSD, go faster stripes and the latest processor (which, my spouse advises me, is my last ever unsupervised purchase...) So I risked installing v10 for a trial. And what a revelation! With (as of today) 56,367 notes, 300+ notebooks and some 33GB of database I'm getting near instant loads / searches / updates on edit - the thing is faster than I've ever seen Evernote operate in over a decade! On my Rolls Royce of desktops it flies! (There's a very British expression involving whippet poo and shiny shovels which -just about- adequately expresses my enthusiasm here.) To be fair ALL of my software now works like it was just given extra horses, and working is suddenly as much of a pleasure as it's ever going to be. Kudos though to The Team, whomever and wherever you may be for developing what now looks to be a much improved version of the 'old' software - subject to those continuing minor annoyances of 50 limits and NO LOCAL BACKUP - which is why 6.25 will continue to grace the Dell lappy so it and Backupery can keep my last line of defence up to date. I think we can all guess what sort of kit your average Evernote employee is working on - so as far as the team is aware things must seem pretty rosy in Evernote land. Please note however that 98% of us aren't in a cosy corporate environment, and do not have the latest kit to run our software. PLEASE try to make this easier for those who have lesser spec kit - maybe even add a few old devices to your QA team so they can give you informed feedback (heck - give one to Ian Small; I bet he'd be interested in a bit of backward compatibility!) So: TL/DR - Well done everyone for the new app... now if it was just a leetle faster on older kit... (and backups. Did I mention BACKUPS?)
  7. Also: if you have another email address available, it's possible to set up a new free account and share one or more your notebooks from the 'editing' account to the free one as read only.
  8. Hi. If your scanner supports a connection to Evernote, you may be able to scan directly into a note. That's a Brother question, not an Evernote one. ALL scanners can scan to a PDF file, so if your scanner can't connect direct with Evernote, it should be able to scan to a folder on your PC desktop which you can set up as an Import Folder.
  9. Hi. Did you get a ticket number as a response to your report?
  10. Hi. So uninstall the various apps already and just use the browser. What's the worst that could happen? Don't delete any files, but just uninstall your app. No more local storage, just web access.
  11. Hi. I can't even read the pop-up from the image you posted - what does it say?
  12. I've been using Evernote for more than a decade and am currently running 3 different versions on 3 different OS's, including version 10 on Windows 11 to manage something over 55k notes so I think I have a fairly good grasp of what's involved in both the app and the process of note taking. I already cut images down to size quite easily by using a table - the image is constrained by the cell size unless you select it for Gallery view, when you can page through a selection of moderate-resolution large images one by one. I've not yet had the need to check, but Legacy had the ability to adjust image size on desktops by grabbing a handle at the bottom right corner. When I have a bad attack of artistry and need to get creative to adjust the levels or the framing of an image I do that pretty seamlessly in XNView which has keyboard shortcuts for crop / adjust levels / resize / save. It will open an image direct from a note and save it back there when you're done. It's like annotating an image, just not within Evernote. ...But I appreciate you're reviewing the rest of the market to see whom you should favour with your business. Let us know what you eventually decide - it may help another user!
  13. Hi. What device? Which version of Windows? What browser? I've never had an issue with backspacing content that I'm editing... What happens if you close the note and then re-edit to delete the unwanted text?
  14. Hi. As I'm sure has been said before: if you need a formatting that isn't supported directly by Evernote's in-built Editor, it's very easy to use any other wp client and either attach the files to a note, or copy/ paste the edited result back into it.
  15. Hi. You know it's the same 'phone, but Evernote clearly doesn't. Read this - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/218558068-Understanding-the-device-limit And (if you can) go to this web page and delete devices https://www.evernote.com/Devices.action (max 2 deletes per month!)
  16. A great light (finally) dawns. I agree - it's fair, and you should ask.. subscribers can raise queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client)
  17. Hi. How many is 'multiple'? Evernote have some restrictions in place on new accounts sharing content to avoid it being back door spam. 'Pending' may mean exactly what is says for 24 hours or so.
  18. I do use Windows and Linux on 64-bit machines, but ARM (I thought) is a relatively new development with which I have no experience. Doesn't Evernote work on Qualcom-based kit? -And Evernote staffers will get around to reading posts here, but there's a lot of traffic and it won't necessarily be soon, or generate any sort of response. Best option is still feedback via an app, or raise a support request.
  19. Hi. I doubt they're aware that a response is expected - this thread was silent for 2 years before your comment, and it's for the 'old' -now unsupported- Legacy version of Evernote. I'd suggest the best course of action would be to use the new Evernote v10 if you're not already doing so and reach out to Support with details of any operations you're trying to complete that don't work. If everyone feeds back their experience the company can build a picture of where improvements are necessary and how urgent it is for them to address particular issues.
  20. Hi. We're mainly users in this Forum and you really need to be connecting with Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new See also:
  21. Hi. We're mainly all users here and you really need to reach out to Support for assistance. We've never had a confirmed case of notes going missing (AFAIK) so it's a puzzle to work out why you can still see notebooks but they have no content. Have you restarted your device recently? Tried a new browser? What is your OS and browser of choice anyway?
  22. Hi. I see you've been pushing this bandwagon in all your 5 postings since 2019. What exactly is the issue here? Does Evernote not run in your current OS, or is it the browser that's the issue? If you've been around for all that time you must have realised that we're (mostly) not Evernote here. To get your point across you'd better off feeding back to Evernote or raising a support ticket. In any event most big companies won't comment on when or whether future developments might happen - it gives competitors a chance to keep up with your every new feature, and users will be disappointed - usually very loudly - if a feature gets stalled. I have no idea what flavour Evernote now is - I imagine since it's an Electron-based app it will depend what options that envelope provides.
  23. All due respect, but nothing is a stronger recommendation for a service than "I'm a subscriber". I started using Evernote more than 10 years ago, but subscribed after a year because it seems unwise to me to depend in any way on free software that might go away at any moment. Subscribing means the company has the funds to keep going. Free models are all very well, but they require a ton of development work and very substantial administration all of which has to be funded from somewhere. The more freebies there are, the more expensive a subscription becomes. I'd be very happy for a lower subscription - of course they'd have to close down free account to fund that and give everyone (say) 30 days to either subscribe or extract their data... but it would be a very convincing conversion tactic...
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