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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. In a completely different version of the app. Can we start again with details of exactly what issues you have?
  2. I don't remember Microsoft providing a backup feature for any of their products either - it's up to users to make their own copies of important files or databases. Same with Evernote - I have an ongoing backup of my account and there are several methods for obtaining your own copy. Your choice whether you decide to use them.
  3. Hi. I'm not sure what's happening with your account, but as @agsteele says - in my experience links stored in a note tend to open in the default web browser for that device, unless they're links to another Evernote note in which case they should open within the app. Evernote has no interest in your activity other than being able to verify that things are working correctly and to collect some statistics - like most other apps - on which features are most used.
  4. Hmmn. You could use a home computer to export your notes to HTML or PDF and save those files to an acceptable external cloud service (if there is one). But beware that your company might still object strongly to work information being kept outside the local server. If you access an external source from a work computer without permission it may attract unwelcome official attention. If there are no acceptable external sources, you may be able to refer to a personal phone or tablet in which case Evernote mobile might be appropriate... But again - businesses tend to have a severe sense of humour failure about employees using unauthorised third party storage facilities. Caution is strongly advised.
  5. Hi. Device? OS? Evernote version? Integrate how?
  6. I haven't created a specific link that I can recall, but I seem to have a normal 'send to' option.
  7. Depending on your OS and expertise - I'm looking into Power Automate; free with Windows 10/11, which adds scripting possibilities to Windows automation. It would (in theory) be possible to add a unique character* to the current note; search for notes without that character; select the next note and add the character again. Rince and repeat in quantity. Don't know how long it would take per 1,000 notes, but it might be viable. Maybe... Edit: actually - you need more than one character for search to find it. Maybe a unique word.
  8. Speaking as a former support team manager - please don't start a new ticket for an ongoing issue. Responding to the last email should be enough to wake the matter up without tying an agent up for 20 minutes doing the internal admin to link the new query to an older report... Not much if one person does it, but a bunch of new reports can tie up a person for a day. Plus if it was me, I'd re-prioritise the query with the latest report and not the original one. Just sayin'
  9. Hi. AFAIK there is an Evernote-readable database at the location mentioned. It's not officially available to users for any purpose and (again, AFAIK) it's not possible to compare it with any other source. "Official" backups involve exporting notebooks by download to ENEX files.
  10. Hi. If you have an issue - uninstall / uncheck "Keep data" / restart your device / reinstall (NB if you have a lot of notes it will take time to rebuild the database) / retry your searches. If the issue still exists - contact Support (mainly other users here).
  11. Wow - sorry for the lack of encouragement; I seem to have had an action packed year so far... just spotted the previous comment and downloaded the app. First impression - it ate my test account with remarkable speed and generated HTML pages as I requested. There's no text formatting on the pages though, so they're edge-to-edge text. Maybe MarkDown will be better. The whole thing is a bit bare bones, but it's early days yet. More in a few days...
  12. Hi. Are you letting the installation software run through the uninstall process, or have you tried to uninstall 10.39 using your standard OS app? Try again with Revo Uninstaller Free, but if it can't find the original installation, try re-installing 10.39 first and then uninstalling it 'officially'. Remove everything if you can and then download the current version from Evernote.com and start over. Good luck with all of that...
  13. I'm still on old versions of the app on my phone and one old laptop, and I haven't had any issues - agreed there's some sort of a glitch, but unless you get this every time you open your notes, just log out and back in or restart something; it's a random glitch.
  14. I still get the page, which seems to be a part of my "my account" process - could well still be a viable option, but you'd have to check with Support. I was offered a discounted price, so a third-party gift card might be more expensive - and what happens if your intended recipient already has an account? Would your 1-year subscription get credited to their existing payments? Could you buy more than 1 year? I might be interested in this! (Thanks for the question!)
  15. Don't know enough about the technical aspects to comment intelligently - I'd assume that in creating v10 the search process was re-coded, so I guess there might be differences there... I still have a ticket running with Support myself. I'll reference this thread and see if they have more to say.
  16. Hi. Device? OS? EN version? Is it possible that you have a note that is too big to sync? If you're a subscriber I'd suggest you contact Evernote Support (which is not us - mainly other users here.)
  17. Hi. This used to be an issue in Windows 10 too apparently...
  18. Hmmn. Didn't think about it before, but I did have some problems getting the note link to work properly so its second nature to me now to copy and paste the link into the note I just copied from, then to copy the newly-pasted link from there into another app. So - try copying the link into it's 'parent' note, then recopy from there to an external app.
  19. Hmmn. No matter how 'simple' an amendment to the software may appear, thousands of other features have been requested. Why should your preference be the next in line? And. Evernote now have nearly as many users as there are people in the US. Messing up the code - even a little tiny bit - would be very very bad...
  20. Hmmn. I'd suggest you contact Support about this - I have PDFs going back to 2013 that are perfectly legible. Is the issue that you can't find these notes, though they do still exist on your system; or that they are not visible on the system at all? - Maybe test that out by finding one or more 'old' notes in Legacy and flagging them with a unique tag, then check whether you can find that tag (or something else unique like creation dates) in v10.
  21. Hi. It looks like you never get the chance to log in, so this is a process problem on your device somehow. Are you using Windows 10 or 11? Since you've mixed the Evernote.com and App Store versions, I'd suggest that you uninstall the app using Revo Uninstaller and retry the install with the latest version from Evernote.com. (The app store mainly just adds Windows branding.) Whilst you're at Evernote.com, check whether you can sign in to your account there - it will be a fallback if the installed copy still refuses to work. Sign out of anything else that is running and Power your computer off and on again - check that you're connected to the internet and try opening the app again. If it still fails with no other applications running you may have either a slow internet connection or an almost-full hard drive. Download Revo Uninstaller Free - Remove unwanted programs easily
  22. Hi. Which version of Evernote are you supporting here? The Linux client is still in private beta, and I was under the impression that none of the v10 clients are open to external scripting. Plus having the attachments stored separately seems wasteful of space - I could see the attraction of a backup of the notes + attachments, but just the files? Seems like there'd be a need to mimic the notebook and stack structure so that the attachments don't disappear into a humungous pile of documents and images... Well done for creating your own support app, but I'm not sure whether it would ever be applicable for me...
  23. Hi. What device, OS and Evernote version are you using? Copy and paste should be possible between notes. Users should also be able to save attachments from a note to the desktop and re-attach them to another note / merge notes together / export a note to ENEX and re-import the content in a new note. Maybe if you sign out of Evernote and restart your device you'll have some better luck. Please note we're (mostly) all users here, not Evernote support - if you have an issue it may be worthwhile contacting the company's official support team.
  24. Odd that MS haven't prioritised an importer then. Mind you there's no shortage of people coming the other way too.
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