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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. You're mainly shouting at other users here - you'd be better off feeding your frustration back to Evernote through the Support links. If you can use lower case and explain what you're trying to do, maybe we can suggest some options that don't involve sorting tags...
  2. Hi. You're talking to other users here so you might want to direct this to @EvernoteHelps (via Twitter). Sadly the free apps are very restrictive - given that you get free web storage and most of the subscriber-features, it's designed that way. I wouldn't think Evernote will be very receptive - changing your login details is not usually an urgent or a frequent task, and switching to the web could presumably be left until the counter resets.
  3. Hmmn. Not sure - the question hasn't come up before. I think my templates have followed me across various computers, but I never paid that much attention. As a short-term work-around you should be able to export a note as an ENEX file, and doubleclicking that will generate a new note with the same content. You could raise this with Support (who are not us...) to find out if there's an issue. Quick check - are you using the installed app, or the web version?
  4. Hi. Device? OS? Evernote version? And what are you clicking on?
  5. Hi. I'm saving PDF files without any issues so far, using the same Clipper version. If you can, please share the URL of any page where you have a problem. We're mostly other users here, so the log isn't much use, but if you are a subscriber I'd suggest you contact Support and send them the details.
  6. I'm not surprised Bending Spoons responded to a press inquiry from a reputable commentator - they want to stay in business, and the press have a lot more clout than users, regardless of whether they're subscribers. I still don't care whether we get any reassuring messages from the new owners - they could promise anything at this stage, but we won't know whether this is a good thing or a bad one until they start to deliver better services and/ or new features. Best you can say so far - nothing has changed for customers. Updates still get released, syncs still go through (mostly...) and notes get saved. I'm sorry for anyone who gets laid off - been there, done that; still have the ragged t-shirt. Hopefully the market is strong enough and Evernote's reputation is still good enough to see them back in jobs sooner rather than later. It is inevitable in any merger/ takeover though - both companies have tech departments, HR, Marketing and the rest. It makes no sense at all to keep two complete teams going. I'm still encouraged that we have someone who likes and uses the product in direct charge now - not saying the previous incumbent(s) had any sort of negative vibe for the company, but lately it's seemed that (as quite a few people here say) people who work there don't seem to actually use the apps as part of the day job... If Evernote has been drifting a bit lately, this new blood should inject some urgency - and maybe even some fixes and new features that we can all enjoy.
  7. Hi. Have you tried uninstalling / powering your iPhone off and on again / reinstalling?
  8. I don't 'use' it, but I thought it was a constantly-updated realtime search - so if you wanted a reminder of all uncompleted tasks due today, then the filtered notes widget would list them for you. As you add or complete items, the list would update itself - so it's not an inert saved search, but a live listing.
  9. Hi. I've been using Evernote for around 15 years and have 60,000+ notes and my database is just over 30GB = 31,457,280 KB if your storage is over twice that, you have a LOT of content! You have two choices - you can ask Evernote to dump the database so it's not in permanent storage (see below) - or you can find out how to apply symbolic links to convince Evernote that it's still dealing with the default location while connecting with another local device.
  10. Hi. You would need to contact Evernote Support (we're mainly other users here) to reconnect to your account... Contact Support
  11. Hi. You posted your email address in a public forum - you might want to fuzz or delete that part of your image. If you're a Free user, it looks like you may have exceeded the device limit on your account - see Understanding the device limit for more on that. If you're confident that it does NOT apply to you, then I'd suggest you try signing on via a web browser and maybe use the 'lost password' links to ensure you're using the correct user ID. If all that fails, you'll need to submit the issues to Support (which is not us - we're all mainly other users!)
  12. I've no idea why there was a redesign, but it is what it is - feeding back constructive suggestions to Evernote might get it changed. Using Legacy is less hassle but a higher risk factor. Since subscribers can customize the Home page I wondered whether you might see more there, but the widgets are not resizeable - yet - but with a little work that might be an option. And it gives Evernote the chance, if they plan on doing something to the Widgets before they revisit the editor options, to act sooner rather than later. And finally - I have a number of rules managed by a third-party app "Filterize" that are applied to new and edited notes when they sync back to the server. It would be fairly easy to set up one that said (forinstance) "IF this note is tagged ACME, contains the acme.com email address, or contains (add favourite keyword here), AND provided the link does not exist on the Acme History page, then add this link to the History page. (The processing is called 'Parametrisation'). You see a note-based list of all notes including thise keywords or tags. Those tests can be set up in a table so that other parent or client details can be processed, and new ones added easily - this table lives in a standard note and is referenced by the app. If you have more than one process to be handled this way, you can create a parent table of contents note with backlinks to the independent process pages to jump between activities. You essentially see a note-based dashboard of all your projects. That note is openable in its own window, as are one or more note-based lists relating to individual projects, or notes relating to one specific project. It was (I think) users' initial fascination with dashboards like this that sparked Evernote into adding their feature. I hope you manage to find something that works for you and clarifies your long-term processing!
  13. Hi. Means you can place a URL at that location by copy/ paste. "Set" meaning create or insert...
  14. Hi. Your original request seemed to be about editing notes, not just referencing them; and in either case my suggestion applies even more to access via mobile when you may be trying to download a large note over a slow mobile connection. Keeping notes small and using a table of contents note as an index means you can load a couple of paragraphs about a specific topic very quickly, or add/ edit comments quickly without risking the loss of an entire document. Plus: using smaller notes is something you can implement quickly. Asking Evernote to add or change a feature won't happen quickly, and may or may not happen at all.
  15. "Doomsday" may not involve Evernote. Changes in operating systems, internet protocols or browsers may affect how - or if - Evernote Legacy can operate. There is no support for Legacy, therefore if a system change stops it working properly, or at all, no-one will be working to rescue it. Evernote may give everyone some notice if and when they decide to change the syncing process so as to exclude Legacy users; but AFAIK they're not required to do so, having given everyone notice already that the Legacy versions are unsupported and used at out own risk - plus they have provided the opportunity to update to v10. You should ask Support however - no-one here knows what may happen or when...
  16. Hi. Without details I can't comment. Goodbye and good luck.
  17. Hi. There is an option to make text bigger. Why does that not work for you?
  18. Hi. Evernote Teams is Evernote's business product. I assume you are not actually a Teams user; so what is your device, OS and Evernote version? And have you tried signing in to Evernote.com to use the 'forgot password' option?
  19. Hi. See comments above. One of the major restrictions of the free account is the device limit, as you get access to free storage and all the features of the software - though at 'trial' levels, rather than production strength.
  20. OK - how come the ID is different? Regardless: you know you're using the same phone and I believe you - but Evernote has identified it fyas a different device. If you're unable to revoke access to an 'extra' device, your only options are to wait for the lock-out to end, or to pay for a subscription (even if it's only a month) to remove the lock and get priority access to Support to resolve this. See Understanding the device limit for more on this. If you use Twitter, @EvernoteHelps may be an option.
  21. It quite literally is different software with different code behind the editor. There have been a few instances where users have complained that one or another 'hack' that they used in one version of Evernote (even in the pre-6.25 days) no longer worked in a new version. One historic complaint came from a user on Evernote version 2.x who was unable to update his database to the latest version - which by that time was v4 or 5.x and very substantially different from the older versions. Evernote has never claimed that coders can use their notes for accurate replication of code snippets, and there's nowhere (AFAIK) in their API or elsewhere to offer ways to reintroduce the ability. I would not expect them to offer anything in the next year or so unless it's already in a pipeline somewhere. While you can continue to use v6 for a while, it is only a matter of time before changes to Windows or to Evernote start to cause different problems. TL:DR - you either need to find a way to use v10 soon, through work-arounds or third-party add-ins, or you continue with v6 while looking for a rapid exit to different compatible software. I do recommend that you feedback to Evernote direct to see what reaction you receive - but if they're contacted by anyone on the basis of "either you fix this or I'll leave" I guarantee you they'll politely wish you luck in the future and go back to whatever else they were doing. Given that Bending Spoons just spent quite a bit on buying the company, I would imagine they have some specific plans in progress. Unless they're already a long way into introducing this feature, it will take some time (many months to a year plus) to do the necessary R&D and QA.
  22. Hi. Drag and drop the notes from one notebook (the smaller one) onto the other. Wait until you are sure the donor notebook is empty, then delete it
  23. Hi. It seems to be because your iPhone idenified itself differently the second time - did you connect through a new phone or a different network?
  24. Evernote (obviously) is not currently a supporter of colour or layout tweaks for code. If it suits your use case, you could either attach a VS output file to your note to preserve the layout, or use any other code editor that supports the layout format you require and attach that to the note. If you need to search by the actual code text, then the badly-formatted Evernote version will do to feed the search index. You could make a feature request here to support coding format - the more votes it attracts, the more likely it will happen - or feedback directly to Evernote's new owners through the app links, or Evernote Support. You've already made a suggestion here, but the forum will be read at some unknown time in the future, while feedback and support tickets get attention within a few days. The new Evernote (I believe Bending Notes or EverSpoons are the.. informal name suggestions) seems to be far more coding-friendly, so at some future time they may extend the editor to include these options; but for the meantime we have no idea what plans they may have. Oh - and for processing 30 notebooks; you might also want to look at Zapier and/ or other external automation integrations like Power Automate which can run scripts for repetitive mouse /keyboard actions.
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