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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. It's also possible to generate a "shareable link" which is something in the format https://www.evernote.com/shard/s2/sh/e701580f-ffc5-... when you also have the option to flag it at various levels. In this case anyone with the link can view the content, so anyone who has gotten to that page could theoretically invite hundreds of others simply by emailing it out. However the content of the page is not searchable from outside of the app so it's not a exactly a public page, just one that needs a distribution list.
  2. Hi. Always helpful to know what device / OS / Evernote version you're using. And for interest in this case - can you explain more please about why is it so important to have text, and not a link?
  3. So. 527 votes as of today. My maths is a little vague, but that seems to mean that .0003% of users here are vehemently in favour. Assuming there are another 100 or so forums where similar support has been expressed, that might move it up to .003% Hard to see why Evernote haven't tried to accommodate folks.. And please stop saying "this is simple". Changing Evernote's live code is like changing an LED on a racing car - while it's in use. I totally agree this is a nice to have - but if you really need this feature now., please cancel your account and find something else that provides the flexibility
  4. With the release of GPT4 I'm firmly in the torches and pitchforks group. Why in the world would you voluntarily connect your personal information (which includes anything you say or type into it) with a global entity that is massively faster and smarter than you and any interface device (other than another similar entity) that you might be using? We're talking superhacker smarts here and I hope browser manufacturers are ready for it. The possibilities are genuinely frightening - especially when you consider the said device could be given deliberately misleading input information or just flat out asked to influence opinions in one direction or another. And what about those messages from family members that sound exactly like they should / audio clips of celebrities endorsing views that you support? Any chance a virtual 'you' might generously give your savings to an (un)deserving cause? From this point on you can accept nothing as being factual. Check information from multiple sources / do things in person if you can - while it's not the Singularity we're expecting, I think our society just got disrupted big time.
  5. Isn't this kinda like wondering why your Tesla battery won't fit in that Volvo diesel you bought? Given that Evernote has something like 80+ competitors, using different interfaces and many of them operating with different services like integral calendars - how much work would you expect Evernote to do towards making the transfer from their environment into a different architecture and a different coding? Plus each one of those 80-odd companies may change or add features at any time, and there will be new players - I found a few recently that I'd never heard of before. (One based in a CN domain and politely called "high risk" by a reviewer!). Any compatibility would be an ongoing and onerously expensive exercise. Since Evernote has a published API, I'd consider it the sign of a suitably ambitious and competent note-taking app to have provided an 'import' option that moved standard Evernote notes into their environment as completely as possible. But fitting square pegs into round holes is always going to take some user (or AI!!) involvement.
  6. Hi. No pointing should be required - just reinstall and Evernote will find its data files when you log in as normal. For the record can you confirm your device, OS and Evernote version?
  7. Hi Emily. We're mainly users in the Forums here, and there's not a high density of business users. If you're a subscriber too, you'll have access to the Evernote Support team via https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new; if not you'll get a faster reply if you make the request with your boss's details. All business ("Teams") users should have an Account Admin who will have some magic powers, which include giving permission for some people to see different notes and notebooks - which might be part of your problem. If you know who that is, they might be worth a chat. Otherwise you'll get a (some hours or days) response through Support. Meantime - your boss should be able to email notes to some people directly which might help you... see here for more. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313328
  8. Don't know whether I'm missing something here, but if you can log into the forums with the account details, you should be able to sign into Evernote.com from any browser with the same information. Beware that Free accounts have some limitations about the number of devices you can use to sign in - if the account won't load it may be because you have exceeded the maximum number of devices. If you can wait for a while, the limit will reset and you can revoke access from all devices except the one you're actually using. I'll post a link below which explains more. If you can log into the account, then you'll be able to look for the last notes created there by creating a filter - another link below explains how - to list all notes created after a certain date - that can be a week or a month before your last conversation. The note may have been created before that and only changed shortly before you met, so check for updated dates in the same way. I hope this helps. I'm so sorry for your loss, but hope you can retrieve some useful information in this way. Device limits - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/218558068 Filter your notes - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360050105293
  9. Hi. Skitch hasn't been updated in ages - there are many other screenshot apps out there; maybe time to consider a switch...
  10. The fix for that would appear to be: don't edit the note title when using web links. I just created two notes "test A" and (you guessed it) "test B" and linked the two*, switched between them and changed one name, and the links changed to show the new name. Why that's different for web links I don't know - you could try asking Support? (Which is not us - mainly users here.) * using internal links in the format evernote:///view/120918/s2/e7eba1ef-0ccd-....
  11. Hi. Please read the post and the link immediately before your message.
  12. If Evernote are 'working on a fix' it may be that browser upgrades no longer support the code that the company used in that web view, and it may come back... Meantime other views are available so you can continue working...
  13. ? Shouldn't be possible in normal circumstances - I'd recommend a Support query (mainly users here) to share activity logs and work out what happened... maybe recover the situation.
  14. You're a little late answering a 4 year old post... Open Evernote Web alongside the app? Open notes in their own windows? What exactly are you trying to do?
  15. Hi. Have you tried searching for recent notes by date range? updated:day-2 (or created:etc) would give you a list of recent notes. If you copied the URL from that search page it will open the search page with a list of those notes.
  16. Hi. No. New users take a little while for account set-up; existing subscribers should have more-or-less immediate access up to the maximum of 20 internally, and of course on desktop any note can be exported to ENEX as a template and imported repeatedly; or saved to a Template notebook and duplicated as necessary.
  17. Hi. Have you tried using Evernote's built-in ability to scan with the device camera? It's more up to date than Scannable I think...
  18. A lot of users were upset about a small number of actual humans having access to their data, but I'm not sure how widespread anti-AI feeling is going to be - where's the difference in your data being stored in digital form -vs- because of a particular pattern in that digital data it gets flagged as misspelt or needing to be moved to another notebook...? My favourite science expert Sabine Hossenfelder had a think recently about whether AI chatbots actually understand what they're processing - despite the blurb her conclusion seems to be that AI has a limited / partial understanding. (My attitude to privacy is a little complicated - I started tech support back in the days when we could see users' accounts - passwords and all - in our admin screens, and one gentleman asked me to read a couple of his emails to him since his computer was broken. While that sounds a little wild, it wasn't totally insecure - one of my colleagues got fired on the spot for writing down frequent-caller user details so he could "save time"...)
  19. Hi. Please search before posting queries - this long thread may help...
  20. I've now reminded myself of where the switchover to 'classic' and 'previous' versions of the web app live, and there are two separate options there besides the latest one. One option appears to work, but the other gives me an "Oops" too - so either Evernote tweaked something in the background, or that old version of the page no longer works in the latest versions of the browser. (This is in Windows 11 using a recently updated Vivaldi)
  21. Which is obviously not expected behaviour. I've been using the app and a variety of device without issues - 'losing' the app isn't a catastrophe; all notes are automatically synced back to the server, and reinstalling the package will automatically restore the database. It's a nuisance to have to restore , but not a big time-soak. Don't know why the app would disappear - Windows shouldn't allow that either, so I'd recommend a system check to see what's going on...
  22. Hi. Mobile devices have never stored databases locally - unless you opt for 'offline notes', which can take some time to download to your device in bulk, every new request involves a download from the server. As networks get more crowded and note sizes get bigger, downloads might start to fail. You can opt to download notes to your device which may help - I have a notebook on my desktop which is 'shared' with my tablet, so I can add and remove notes on the tablet and control usage. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005177
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