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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. I kind've see your problem - in Evernote's editor this is the format - Not a bullet test para test 1 test 2 test 3 here is the next bullet And here's the paragraph But for the moment that's the way it works. You can tab in to the next line like this... - That's a picture because the editor in the Forums doesn't behave in the same way. OR you could use a word processor and lay it out however you want. But with Evernote what you see is all you get. For the moment...
  2. So Evernote - who have according to the history have had a "flexible" attitude to the interval between updates, have gone 23 days since the last official one? See my comments above!
  3. ? It's difficult to pin updates to dates - living in the UK I seem to get them at least a couple of weeks behind some others, unless I can be bothered to uninstall and reinstall. I can't find anything specific on my system for when the last update was, but one of the APK mirror sites shows the mobile release (or at least their version of it) as being 11 Feb, and - you know - takeovers / layoffs / restructuring and such might take a little time. I think it's a little early to panic...
  4. Hi. For some reason it appears Evernote registers your existing iPhone as a new device and has hit you with the dreaded 2-device limit. Even so it should be possible to unsync one or more devices to get back to normal. You say you used 2 (ie both) of your monthly allowed unlinks, so the only choices you have are: upgrade - even if only for one month - to get access to your notes and Support and straighten this out. Wait the limit out - it will reset in 1 month - and maybe use another free account in the meantime if you have another email address to register with. Contact Support by signing in as a guest on the normal link, or via @EvernoteHelps on Twitter We're mainly other users on the Forums here so have no input on connection issues. If you haven't already seen it, this may help explain the current issues... Understanding the device limit
  5. Hi. Whether or not you are connecting from a 'new' device, it appears that Evernote may think you are. As you already found there's a limit on the number of disconnections you can complete in any given month. So the two easy answers are 1: to subscribe (even if only for one month) both to get access to your notes, and Evernote support to resolve any issues. 2: wait out the limit and reconnect next month. We're mainly other users here. so pretty much no use at all for access issues. You can try Twitter @EvernoteHelps to contact Support, or you can try the main support link, signing in as a guest. Another option would be to set up another new account if you have a spare email address (each account requires a unique address) and use that until your disconnection limit expires.
  6. Have you been getting texts for access to your own account? Or for access to someone else's account? Mistaken emails are not necessarily a problem, although it's probably a good idea to change your password to a unique strong one. And do you mean 'Duplicated' rather than copy? That may mean that you have two versions of the same note - not that someone else has emailed a copy somewhere...
  7. Hmmn. If you're a subscriber you will be able to forward emails to your Evernote account address... Save emails into Evernote Or if you read your mail off a web page, Evernote (browser) Clipper might do a reasonable job...
  8. Hi. There is no 'feature' AFAIK. On a desktop any user can export notes to PDF / HTML / Enex files - you'd have to work out which is best to move to OneNote. Or leave your existing notes with Evernote and create new ones in ON. You could then copy/ paste any relevant content from Evernote.
  9. Just for a laugh I also asked chatGPT what it thought... Not sure that adds a lot to the field of human (and non-human) knowledge, but it seems straightforward.
  10. Good questions! I think Filterize is pretty easy to use - you need to choose trigger words, and actions that do, or do not happen in the presence of such words. Filterize supplies some videos to get you going, and there is at least one 'how to' video on youtube. I've found their support team to be reasonably responsive (a few days) and they are helpful if you have queries about things which should have worked, but clearly didn't. I throw a variety of notes into my Evernote default notebook, and rely on Filterize to assign them to the correct notebook and assign the correct tags. This last action requires a couple of "Parametrization" rules, which boil down to a note in Evernote containing (in my case) three columns headed Keyword | Tag(s) | Notebook. When a note containing the "keyword" (which can be a phrase delimited by "") is synced - i.e. it has been edited or created recently - that note will be assigned the tag(s) I have already specified, and will be moved to the notebook specified in that table. The cell containing the keyword is limited to one keyword or phrase; the cell containing the tag(s) can contain as many as necessary; and the cell containing the notebook name must contain an existing notebook. My main Para notes each have around 30 lines of cells and adding a new keyword is as easy as adding a line to that note. I do have one rule as a safety measure - that if a note has one specific tag it is excluded from any processing. It means I'd already assigned tags and notebooks and I don't want that changed, thank you very much! I recently tried a rule - "if this note has the tag TEMP1 and the note is shared, turn off the share and remove the tag". (I had a lot of old shared notes I want to reset quickly). Sadly "a lot" meant that Evernote decided my account made too many requests with 24 hours and got me on a timeout - which meant that the notes got re-submitted when the timeout ended... causing another timeout... I think I broke the system. Filterize suggested I should really limit the rule to a few hundred notes at a time, so that situation is still under review. Filterize do have a very helpful multiple choice system for creating filters, as well as an "AI" EvA to suggest correct constructs - which has been around for 5 years or so. Filters can extract text or dates from notes, and I use it to maintain a series of active 'dashboards' where the filters are "tasks due today and earlier" / "tasks due in the next 7 days" / "tasks due from day 8 (from now) to day 30". These dashboards are tables of content which are maintained transparently as I edit and add notes containing tasks. Overall I'd say that as long as you're able to frame a plain language rule for your filter - "In the event of this, do that, but not if..." then you should be able to create a correctly formatted filter. Just don't try to work on too many notes at the same time! All of which is a major promotion for Filterize, but full disclosure - I'm paying them; I'm not connected with or receiving benefit from the firm other than as a happy customer.
  11. Well I'm using Evernote on Windows 11 without any obvious issues, and I suspect a lot of others are too.. Your active devices changed when you rebuilt your system - for whatever reason Evernote now believes that your system is a different device. It should have been possible to unlink one device in favour of your 'new' machine when you first tried to log in. You could try the standard Support link via https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and sign in as 'guest' to see whether they can help, or go to Twitter.com on a 'private' page to sign up. As I have an existing account (or several) I had to use the private page, but that immediately asked me to log in or sign up. Other than all the above, you could set up another Evernote account if you have access to another email address, and use that while you wait for the unlink feature to come back in a month. Hope one of those works for you!
  12. Well, you might believe that you only have one active device, but Evernote seem to think otherwise. The only way to inform them they're wrong is to contact support by Twitter @EvernoteHelps or upgrade (even if only for a month) to get access both to your account, and to email/ chat support
  13. Hi. A screenshot might be helpful for us here. I had something similar a little while ago on my free account - the new home page offered a set of worthy options including (something like) look-up data / a personal diary.. and other stuff. All I had to do was upgrade to save the changes. Since I already have a paid-for account (just not under that email address) I went back to my normal view and dropped the edits. That didn't hide the note view though...
  14. Hmmn - hadn't thought to look; but now that I do (both the app and the web) there's no shared notes in gaz-1 from gaz-2 My main point here though is that logged into gaz-1, I physically changed to log in to gaz-2 and create a note. It's like I opened the account directly to create the note. So why show it as 'shared'? Especially since this is a different kind of shared from sharing it externally - to colleagues or to Evernote forinstance. I think this should just be treated as a new unshared note in this account. When I'm able to switch from one account to the other I need to be treated as legitimately logged into that account, with all the related rights and priviledges. So new notes should not be - and don't need to be - 'shared' between gaz-1 and gaz-2 because (surprise!) they're both me! Like I said - not the most urgent issue we're facing, but it's illogical - and it annoys me, so I'm having a vent!!
  15. OK - this is mildly complicated: I'm a professional subscriber with Evernote 10.53.2 on a Windows 11 desktop. I have a couple of basic accounts that I use for testing. I added these accounts to my Professional set-up so I can switch between them. I recently looked at 'search' question and wanted to compare pro and basic behaviour, so set up & tested a new note in pro, then switched to my basic account and did the same. The new note showed as shared x2, though I had not intentionally shared it. Most other notes in the account did not show as shared - so had presumably been set up by me when logged into that account directly. I did a "sharedate:*" search and got ONE hit. - Presumably again, a share I'd done while logged in directly. I fed this back to Evernote with the above details directly: There was no option to include logs or images, but these pics and the relevant logs are saved on my system. TL:DR - it's not a major issue, but it's illogical and it would be nice to have it fixed sometime... PLUS: When you quit your added account, you only get a 'sign out' option. There's no obvious switch back to another account, though my pro account popped up as soon as I signed out. (I use this account at least once a year...) But looking at the 'share' details, it's not shared. ????
  16. I wondered if you were looking for just the numbers - from what I remembered Evernote searches from the beginning of strings, so searching for "1000" (I thought) would not find the numbers you quote, while searching for "10" should. However, I can (apparently) find both of those tems without problems. I also wondered whether it made a difference what level of account you had, so I switched to a Basic account I use for testing - and I even found 1000 in this over-complicated note title - "2014_02_06_11_58_37 20100000 - diary - 2010 - part year.pdf" So - I'd suggest (in order of difficulty) Sign out of Evernote and back in Sign out of Evernote / restart device / sign back in Sign out of Evernote / removing database as above / sign back in Sign out of Evernote / uninstall app (removing database) / restart device / reinstall app / sign back in
  17. Hi. Try logging in to Evernote from that machine. If it is the 2nd device on your account, there should be no problem.
  18. OK - please feedback to or otherwise contact Support (which isn't us) so they can investigate maybe look at your process logs to work out why this is happening.
  19. A sort of denial of service attack by message? What could possibly go wrong... 🤨
  20. 2 months into 2023 and this is still ongoing... have been fiddling with a dozen or so clips on the Android which never made it to my desktop - the (rather old now) notes still show a green 'to be synced' flash. Getting things together to refer back to Support and mailed myself a copy of the Evernote Android log. Magically my 'stuck' notes then synced and the Andoid was up to date! I hate computers...
  21. That's not us - mostly other users here. If you are having issues and don't subscribe, try feedback in any app or Twitter @EvernoteHelps
  22. Hi. You're not missing anything that I'm aware of - Evernote doesn't (yet) allow you to remember specific view options. It used to be possible in Legacy, so you could revert to that unsupported version in the short term and maybe feedback to Evernote that you'd very much like the option returned, and/ or set up a votable Feature Request here (if it hasn't been done already) to see how many others favour the same thing. It's unknown whether, or when, Evernote intends to re-include this feature at some future time.
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