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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Have you tried it? What comes up in your browser is different from what's in the link (or was, last I looked), and notes need to have their sharing link enabled to be visible outside of Evernote's firewall. Contents are not searchable even then, and - while I wouldn't use the word 'unhackable' in this day and age, working out on which shard your note is hosted, plus the note's UID, is going to require quite a lot of horsepower...
  2. Hmmn. Not directly - I use Filterize for some tables of content. It 'looks' at all newly-synced notes and can have rules like "if this note has tag 'example', add it to ToC 'ExampleParent'. You can then link to the ToC confident that all notes tagged with the keyword are listed there. Filterize also moves notes between notebooks, shares and unshares and can carry out very complicated processes. I use it a lot - (this was doing a bit of mass reorganisation) It's a subscription service for more advanced usage, but worth it to me (for the moment...)
  3. If you consider 'dashboards' as tables of content, it's fairly easy to set up a complicated hierarchy - all you need is a searchable keyword, whether as a tag or a common title. Now with links and backlinks you can create a Project ToC, and add a list of level 2 keywords. Each of those becomes its own ToC for project stages, and each of those level 2 stages can be ToCs for level 3, and so on. ToCs can be added to through searches, creating new entries and dragging and dropping existing notes as required. I've found that at some basic level it's enough to create a note with a table listing (forinstance) individual emails - here's a recent example: ...since I use Outlook and drag .MSG messages from the inbox to the note, each of those icons expands to a fully actionable email back in Outlook. This was all about me applying for a particular benefit and missing out - probably because I messed up the initial contact - but it gives a full timeline for one level of contact to which I can attach reminders or tasks to keep on track.
  4. Hi. It's always helpful to know what device, OS and Evernote version you're using. Basically the parent copy of your database is stored on Evernote's server, and optionally a copy of that database can be kept on desktop devices. There's no automatic backup as such. If you view your notes in the web version by signing in to Evernote.com in a browser, you will see all the information that Evernote has saved. If that's different from what's stored on your device, then you'd need to sign out of Evernote on the device, opt NOT to keep the copy, then restart the device and log back in to Evernote to re-download the local copy. There are other threads here about how to keep a local backup if you need one, but if your notes aren't being synced to the cloud in the first place, Evernote can't recover them.
  5. In addition to any scanning delays, Evernote has a set of OCR limitations which might be affecting you - see if any of these apply... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313388
  6. No clue - that's a Support question, but I doubt the answer's available for security (as above), even if there is one.
  7. Totally agree - just read someone else's definition of 'smart' filing which includes their AI putting notes in categories based on content. Anything containing pictures or words relating to wooden furniture forinstance would automatically go into a category. So your picture of grandad in his favorite chair would go into 'wood furniture' along with the rest. That sort of instance could give rise to as many correction actions as is saved from just manually titling and tagging the notes in the first place... I have a deep suspicion of 'black box' curation.
  8. Actually I think it was more a throwaway "selected staff may view your notes for admin reasons" that threw everyone, not AI itself - but you raise a fair point. ChatGPT (on which I think Notion's AI is based) shows this in FAQs... ChatGPT General FAQ | OpenAI Help Center (Q5) Maybe we should be careful what we're wishing for...
  9. Hi. You could try uninstalling with Revo Uninstaller Free, which will remove the app plus various status files that Windows won't normally touch, then restart the device and reinstall from Evernote.com.
  10. It sounds as if you're waiting for a slow network connection if searches are lagging - does your device have enough storage to keep your notes locally? If you save them to offline storage it can take some time, but if these are mainly look-up notes it may be worth the effort. Set up offline notes and notebooks on mobile devices – Evernote Help & Learning
  11. Hi. Want to give us a clue as to what device & OS you're using, plus the Evernote version? Desktops can certainly select notes, though in v10 there's a limit of 100 per selection.
  12. Hi. I've used the Gmail add-on (though if you check your Gmail in a browser you can also use Clipper) and I seem to recall that Settings (the three dots menu) offer the option to include attachments. These days I use Outlook to imap my Gmail accounts.
  13. ...just for the sake of accuracy, that should be gigabytes not terabytes. I did sums in my head, which is never a good idea...
  14. Hi. It sounds like your installation has become corrupted. That's really not expected behavious. I'd recommend you uninstall the application using Revo Uninstaller Free (which will remove all traces of the app) and then restart your device and download and reinstall the app from Evernote.com.
  15. Hi. Evernote seem to be trying to restrict the usage of their free app since it's mainly meant to be a trial version, not one that anyone might use for low-volume access - after all they're giving away free online storage that after a year or two gets into the terabyte range, and allowing access to most of the features of the subscription app. The quick way to get around the device restriction is to subscribe - which also gives you access to their Support team. Otherwise the limit will reset in a month, and you could (if you have another email address) set up another free account to use in the meantime and merge the two later. But I'm afraid your options are pay or wait - AFAIK there is no immediate 'reset' for any reason. More information here - Understanding the device limit
  16. Wow Evernote had a real peak in - what - 2012/ 2013? And a nice steady line from 2021 after they launched v10?
  17. Hi. I couldn't be bothered to read all that in detail, but I have been around longer than most (and pre 2010), and don't think I've had half the hassles you claiming to suffer. Bad news - the Forum is mostly other users (including me) so your cry from the heart is pretty much wasted. Try a feedback link from any of the apps, or contact Support to tell 'em direct. The CEO of Bending Spoons is by all accounts a fan of Evernote features, and they're into AI and all sorts of bells and whistles so I wouldn't hold out too much hope of simplification. Maybe if you can explain (preferably briefly) what you're looking for in a note-taking app, we can suggest some work-arounds or some alternatives...
  18. Maybe a support ticket would help, if you are a subscriber? Do you use any automation tools like Zapier when creating a new note? If not, how are these notes getting to your inbox notebook - clipper? Email forwarding? Also: what type of sharing is activated here? If the public URL is switched on, the notes are available for anyone with that URL - but you should find that with a search from your search-engine-of-choice, the contents of any note are still behind Evernote's firewalls - they're not easily findable. All that said I have no idea how this is happening, and I hope you find out more soon...
  19. You noted in your other post that you're downgraded to the free version of the app - therefore subject to the device limit. If you can sort out the payment issue, this will likely fix itself. If not... Understanding the device limit
  20. HI. For general payment issues see https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/135456-how-to-submit-a-ticket-for-a-billingpayment-issue/
  21. Hi. No clue how or why you "lost" your data, but signing out out Evernote and then back in again might help...
  22. ...and wasn't that launched a coupl of weeks ago "after several weeks of testing"? Evernote are currently in the middle of a takeover by an AI-specialist company, so when the ink is dry on the deal they'll presumbly inherit some expertise..
  23. Hi - if you're a subsciber, and need help with specifics it's best to go to support (which is not us - we're mainly other users here). If you don't mind a discussion in the open forum, it would be helpful to know what device you're using (the OP mentions both Mac and Android), what OS and Evernote version you have, and exactly where the image causing your issue came from - with URLs and screen shots if possible.
  24. Hi. If you have already paid your subscription, the account will remain open at that level until the next payment is due. It will revert to Basic if the subscription is not paid. You should downgrade and remove your payment details now though while you think about it to avoid any mistakes.
  25. Hi. Your subscription will continue your benefits until June, but you should change your status now so that you don't forget - and while you have access to Support if anything goes sideways. Go to Account Summary (evernote.com) in your browser and check the Billing tab to change the account level - or just make sure you remove your payment details if you are worried you'll lose access immediately. The account will revert to Basic if the sub is not paid.
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