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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Please search the forums for previous comments on this. You are also incorrectly posting in the iOS and version 10 forum.
  2. Can you see any of these old notes or are the all missing? It sounds like you created a new account rather than reset the password and your old notes are still in the original account... Note history will only work on an existing note anyway. If you can't see the notes already, you won't have access to them. I suggest you contact Support. EDIT: and please don't post the same issue twice - I deleted your other post.
  3. Purely as a guess, I'd assume that you you are not (presumably) the owner of the note, you would not have access to that feature amongst others. Which, I suppose might be the case here if the OP is not the originator of the note. On the other hand if you have a share that has edit permissions... But I don't have anything handy to check that here either.
  4. -and what version of Evernote is that? I get the same long list of options as @Boot17 on all notes, including the newest and the very old ones.
  5. Bending Spoons are AI specialists, so I don't think they'll necessarily be dependent on ChatGPT - and as I understand it, the issue with that was something to do with Europe's data protection laws and OpenAI were working to fix it.
  6. It's fairly easy to backup Evernote from a desktop - just go to the Notebooks page, click the three dots to the right of a notebook name and choose an export option. Do that for each notebook and save the resulting files. If you're a subscriber you also have the fact that there's an original copy of all your notes on the server, which is backed up periodically - meaning that if you need to see a previous version of an existing note, the Note History feature will provide that for you.
  7. Hi. Could also be to do with "exchange rates and applicable taxes worldwide being such a minefield that we'll tell you individually if and when you contact us..." - we're mainly users here - try asking Support directly.
  8. I'd agree with that... some of the major companies who appear to have been hacked in the past few years include: (in no particular order) SolarWinds Marriott International Twitter Zoom EasyJet MGM Resorts Capital One Home Depot Yahoo Equifax Please see this thread for possible vectors for such attacks.
  9. Hi. We're not Support - mostly other users here. And they'll probably want more than a tiny screenshot to explain exactly what you think the issue is, and what device / OS (W10?11?) / EN version you're currently using.
  10. Is this a recent install? If you have a lot of notes, it may simply be that Evernote is creating indexes / local storage and generally getting your setup complete.
  11. @Rammy Leeds I hesitate to send you off on tangents - I know all too well how easy it is to spend a lot of time with shiny things that 'might' be alternatives, which then prove to be dead ends - but can you give us a little more information on (very roughly) how many Word documents you're handling, and the intended final use for each one? -Are they simply your source for training material / items that you'll share individually with others / a reference resource which needs to be available as a searchable library? Evernote is a valuable host for many things, and at one time in MacOS was able to show Office Documents in full within notes. That was the now-unsupported Mac Legacy version - Windows Legacy never had this feature and now v10 is a rewritten hybrid in different code that has more options than the old Windows app, but fewer than Mac. It should be fairly easy to batch convert Word documents to PDF - ChatGPT (sorry) says "There are several free and paid batch converters available online, such as "Batch Word to PDF Converter," "DocuFreezer," and "Total Doc Converter." Simply download and install the software, select the Word documents you want to convert, choose the output folder, and click "Convert." The software will convert all the files to PDF in one go." - you may prefer to internet search your own options! Once shown as PDFs these files will be visible in their respective notes - though there could be a lot of work involved in sorting individual files back to their respective original homes. If the notes contained no other material you could consider using an Import Folder to re-import the files to new notebooks and notes, and then either share notebooks or notes with your users, or add an Evernote extension 'Postach.io' which will publish one or more selected notebooks as a blog. Any changes you make to pages in that notebook will automatically become available to those who have your blog URL. It's also possible to protect blogs with password access. When managing your PDF files, you may find third party app Docear to be helpful - it can read and manage academic PDF metadata (although that data might be variable in our case depending on the app generating the PDF) There's also Infranodus (also third party) which will parse PDF text and/ or Evernote notes to show you the most significant concepts in documents or groups of documents. Import Folder - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209004967 Sharing - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005417-Share-notes Postach.io - http://postach.io/ Docear - https://docear.org Infranodus - https://infranodus.com/ Sorry to hit you with information overload, and I know from your earlier comments that you find it illogical not to have access to the information you want in the format that you have - but in my experience, technology is always the fastest way to get to the next problem: solutions tend to be more elusive! Feel free to ask more questions if we can help, but having the additional information I mentioned should help us target your needs more precisely.
  12. Windows 11 / Evernote 10.54.4 - I just tried this on both DOC and DOCX files in my database - there's no option on right-click to show these files as anything more than file names - no 'Single Page' or 'All Pages' options. In both cases I can find keywords from the search box - ie here > That just gets me a list of files containing grey boxes - - and searching the note won't find my keyword; I need to open the file first and use Word's internal search to find the keyword(s) AFAIK you'd have to do a rough copy and plain text paste of the file content, or export to PDF to give you a visual representation of the content. The word and/ or PDF file can still be attached to the note if you need them for future editing or distribution. Although I do remember some comment from Evernote about Office file content, I believe that was purely about searchability and not about in-note visibility. -And re the Dropbox query; Evernote gets very upset if it can't access it's database 24/7, so network or cloud storage is not advised. It is possible... but really not a good idea! Sharing notes (or notebooks) might be the way to go if student access is what you need.
  13. Hi. If you cancel your subscription you'll enjoy the current service until your last payment expires, then your account will revert to Basic. You'll be able to open existing notes, but if the edited note size exceeds the Basic limits, you won't be able to save the edited version. Plus your ability to use widgets or the home page will be very limited - see the attached comparisons for more information - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005157 If you wish to cancel please change your status on the 'My Account' page https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action You could try Basic for a short period and perhaps consider upgrading back to your current level - but beware that any users currently on grandfathered Premium accounts, or the now discontinued Plus account, would have to rejoin as Personal or Professional users at (almost certainly) a higher rate.
  14. Not even if it's the only help available? Thanks for your opinion, but if you have some actual help to give, please do.
  15. It's not their fault that MacOS changed to make EN's now unsupported 'old' software suffer from this glitch - Evernote have a perfectly good v10 you can use if you choose to - Evernote Web may be a viable option since it has some older UI choices. There may even be a solution within MacOS if you can find it - but Evernote is very unlikely to continue to support an app for an unspecified -but likely small- number of users against unexpected changes from OS engineers. Maybe try Mac support to see if they have any suggestions?
  16. Hi. Each single device syncs with the server to send and receive all changes up to date. If you're having issues sharing changes, that might be down to the device on which they are created not being able to send them to the server (to "sync"), or the device on which you now wish to see them not having the time (or ability) to download the latest version. See https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313378 for more.
  17. MYOB meaning "mind your own business"? I don't actually see the connection. Nor do I see the connection between the fact that Evernote simply does not (usually) comment on whether or not they plan on adding a feature until they actually add it, and despite the number of votes this feature has, it signifies that only a fraction of a fraction of a percent of users are agitating for it. 200 Million people use this service (OK - after all the fuss 100 Million: let's agree on a LOT of users) and messing with the features is not something you do just on a whim. If they plan to add this feature into the new app (released with many features requested by users) they'll do it when they next schedule image-handling changes - which might be sometime in the next 2 years... or not. If you can wait - fine; if you can't, there's other note-taking software that will welcome your business.
  18. Hi. What are you trying to search and how? What happens if you use the search box in the left window?
  19. Hi. This is Evernote's general help on Tables - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360053945033 You can - to an extent - 'force' a table layout by clicking the dropdown tab and setting the width to available window width, by dragging the right most margin, or by including enough characters (with the colour set to background) to widen a column.
  20. Hmmn. I see what you mean - I still use Legacy on one laptop and Evernote uses my OS date format for created and updated which is a UK-based dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm. Provided you either only deal with notes that are created and updated in real time (or you change the system dates to suit) I can see that sorting by created or updated dates would be useful. I'm usually lucky to get my notes set up within a day or three of the event, so my standard is to use a text-expander to give a date and (optionally) time as a prefix to the title. When I sort any given topic by title I get my timeline. The updated and created dates are handy for clips and downloads, but I use them so little I hadn't noticed the format change. You could get some feedback from Support if you contact them directly - we're mainly other users here.
  21. Or take a screenshot? (Appreciate that's not always feasible or acceptable, but it would work...)
  22. Hi. Note History (subscriber feature) - even if activated now - and only for a short period - early versions of all synced notes are available. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313858
  23. Hi. The missing plugin is presumably to display the PDF, which should be available in the database. If you can verify that through the web browser you can at least be confident the information is waiting for you to export it to another provider. 7.14 though is no longer supported and will not be updated to follow the new OS. v10 is the only option for offline access if you need it...
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