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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. On the general question of subscriptions and customers vs users, I'd say that if you bought something from a seller, it's pretty routine these days for that seller to keep 'updating' you on the latest products available in hopes that if you're liking the current purchase, you'll be more open to buying a new one. Bending Spoons just effectively bought a multi-hundred-million user mailing list, so I'd think they'll be looking to take some advantage of that. Deals and discounts may be on the way in the future. Meantime it would be embarassing to multiple-mail someone who bought 4 individual products at different times from different companies so I'd guess it's already someone's job to de-dupe user email addresses...
  2. Hmmn. Should have specified: I set up an EvernoteClips folder in the local Drive folder on my C:\ drive, so a share to that folder online gets synced "internally" within Google and then imported to Evernote... and synced back to their server. Not exactly elegant, but it works...
  3. Yup - known issue, already fixed - but Apple & Google take time to review updates before they're available to users. Meantime share to another service - email if you're a subscriber, a cloud drive if not. Set up a cloud drive folder as an Import Folder and sharing there will automatically import to Evernote. It's possible to have multiple Import Folders connected to different notebooks if you need them. Create import folders
  4. Depends on whether they see Evernote as a separate entity, or part of the group. Bending Spoons has, I saw somewhere, nearly a million users. No doubt there's an overlap, but if I were them I'd be trying to sell Evernote to those users and 'Spoons products to us. What we see at the moment (I think) is mainly fire-fighting; they just got their feet under the table and started to deal with day-to-day priorities as well as realising that trying to manage a business something like a day's travel away from your home base is not viable. I see no reason to think they're not looking for subscription business - that at least is a stable source of income. The two chains they have around their corporate neck are backwards compatibility for Legacy users, and the continuing use of bandwidth and storage space by free users. They reallly have to do something about both medium to long term. They're a business, not a charity.
  5. Updating to v10 does not automatically delete notes - either you logged in to a new blank account with the wrong credentials, or you had one or more local notebooks and opted not to convert them to online notes. Either way your Legacy EXB file should still exist with a complete record of all your notes, and by reinstalling the older version you should get back to normal. If you're still missing notes, please give us a full explanation of what exatly happened and maybe we can assist...
  6. So this works out at around $12 / month, not $40??
  7. The idea in this forum is to have a single issue discussed in one thread. This thread is about sharing to Evernote. So were my responses. If you want more information about your issues, please go back to Support quoting your original ticket number.
  8. You're contrbuting to a thread that's about sharing browser content. If that's not your issue, I'd suggest you take your subscription and report your actual issues to Evernote Support, which is actually what you're paying for. A subscription does not mean that you can magically continue to use the app no matter what changes happen to devices, operating systems or other features. And elsewhere in this thread an actual employee confirmed that Yes, the red screen issue is - he thinks - fixed, but the version containing that fixed is mired up with Google and Apple, hence my other comments. PS if you've not already tried it - uninstall Evernote / power your Android off and back on / reinstall Evernote. Support will ask you to do that anyway and you can jump past that step quickly.
  9. Well if they want to pay that much, I'm happy to let 'em. Evernote didn't ask or imply that anything like that amount would be required...
  10. Wow. What a fuss. I had the issue on one device, found several work-arounds, chose one that suited me and got on with my life. SHARE your clips with another service - there are dozens of options on my Androids - and choose one that works for you. Evernote have presumably used the information they got from users who were affected by this issue and have fixed it. Sadly Google and Apple seem to have first dibs on any apps that might be uploaded to a mobile device - until they have verified that it is harmless, software companies may not distribute their software - even if it is fixing an issue that Google and Apple apprently missed last time around. If you want to complain, how about asking them to fast-track the new revision? And my chosen workaround is to have a Google drive folder (other cloud drives are available) to which I can share my clips. Evernote has that folder marked as an import folder, so anything posted there gets posted into my account - pretty much like an old-fashioned clip.
  11. Who's paying $40 / month? Last I saw, the most expensive version was less than half that... even less if you paid a year up front...
  12. Over 15 years of heavy use I don't recall any losses of data with Evernote - but I still keep a backup copy of my database just in case. I have had data losses from several other apps - because I'm relying on a network connection to complicated electronic devices that all have their own peculiarities. Only two things in life are certain - anything elextronic is not.
  13. A lot of factors influence Evernote's development, and one of the most important (despite the cries of "they never listen") has been, and still is, feature requests from users. There's a lot of pressure for Evernote to be a one-stop-shop with word-processing layout, calendar level time management, and task management abilities. Until v10 Evernote also had the overhead that it was being developed for several different operaing systems and probably hundreds of different screen sizes. So Evernote is a result of decisions made by several different committees at different times. Hopefully the new owners will bring a little discipline to the table and point the app in a clearer direction; but I'd say they need at least a year before they can make any major decisions. Meantime Evernote is what it is. As to your concerns... It is possible to use a symlink to base the database on an external drive - your 100GB if diskspace is probably on the low side and won't help with speed; an external SSD could be very helpful. I use one "trick" with Notebooks - every topic from Amazon to Zapier has it's own notebook and all my notes / emails / documents relating to that topic are in that one notebook. The title of all my notes starts with a yyymmdd date - so go to Amazon notebook, sort notes by title = a summary of the latest activity in a few keystrokes. There are overlaps sometimes - do my emails to an individual at company go under their name, or the company? Make a choice and keep that rule for all such conflicts: assign to company notebook, add a tag for the name. That saves me at least two levels of search. With colours: I also use emojii: ◒ 🔵● ○ 🔴🔵🟢⚪⚫🟡🟣🟤◙ ⭕ 🔸 🔹 💠 🔶 ㊙️ - and it's possible to have a Table of Contents list in one note, export that to HTML and use that 'bookmark' list from outside Evernote to jump directly to any note in your list. Mass editing - the limit should (I hope) disappear at some stage, but meantime I use ta gs - process 100 notes, add a temporary tag. Search again with "-tag:<temp>" to exclude the 100, repeat as necessary... Duplicate notes - deal with if/when found; there never has been a way to find them specifically in any version of Evernote. ...the change from Legacy to v10 was a one-off. I think you can depend on there being no similar ground (or system-) breaking changes in future. If you want to continue using Evernote, then work-arounds and compromises will be the name of the game. If you need any suggestions, feel free to come back here - and good luck in all your activities!
  14. That if you read the page it says: Export your notes to: Create backup copies of your content
  15. Yup. News to me... Companies rarely give advance notice of what they're working on - users get upset if an announcement is not 'their' thing, and competitors get advance notice what to prioritise. Oh, and... Export notes and notebooks as ENEX or HTML (on a desktop client, not the web)
  16. I don't care who owns a company* or where they're based - as long as it does what I need, I'm happy. * OK - with one or two notable exceptions involving the apparent sanity - or otherwise - of the individual(s) in question...
  17. That's not available to free account users, but I found an alternative - share to a Google Drive folder, and set that folder as an Import Folder to move the content to Evernote. As to when to expect a fix - when the Support team understand why this is happening and can code a reliable patch to avoid it. They will as soon as they can - but no-one can say when that will be!
  18. As @BrooklynBen suggested - I was the former custodian of an archive of a few hundred thousand customer details for a big company, and the one thing I and every other IT staff member did on a daily basis was 'curation' - editing details / adding tags / changing titles / listing keywords... there's always something to do to make searches more accurate and to eliminate false positives. That's what owning a database involves. Get used to it!
  19. Hi. There are a couple of help pages that might... er, help - Tips for searching scanned PDFs, How Evernote makes text inside images searchable - that first one lists the types of PDF that can't be scanned. No clue as to why some of your documents are missed out - it would be worth getting in touch with Support if the answer is not pretty clear from these pages... EDIT - forgot to say: I scan and OCR all (well, most) of my attachments which may be affecting my experience.
  20. Export notes as a PDF Export notes and notebooks as ENEX or HTML -And this is a (mostly) user-supported Forum, so if you have issues, especially data losses, please get in touch with Evernote Support who may be able to help you get your data back, or at least avoid future losses. Complaining here is like having a toothache and hoping your dentist will fix it 'soon'.
  21. Hi. v10 does not support local (unsynced) notebooks. If you install the new app it will offer to convert those notes to synced items. Your option - if you wish them to remain offline - would be to export those notes to PDF or HTML and keep them in local storage, perhaps with an index of links to that location as part of your online notes.
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