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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Cancelling halfway through an annual contract doesn't typically get you a refund, but you could certainly ask - we're (mostly) all other users here, so we don't have any say. We also don't know what Evernote intends to do about grandfathered-in 'older' account types, so unless you've been told you face a major increase in subscription, the new charges may not apply to you. Best ask Support.
  2. Really no double posts please... I answered here -and we're mainly users in the Forums. Feedback via the mobile apps or Support to talk to Evernote - but I'd guess the answer will be "maybe".
  3. ...And this is relevant how? Evernote's new owners have been in charge for a whole 6-ish months, and have dealt with a few touchy subjects like relocating the whole operation to Europe and trying to fix Sync. I think they've been more than a little busy. Meantime there are plenty of toggle lists out there that can be linked to and from Evernote notes. (I use Workflowy) Even Evernote bullets work pretty well for indents. I'm sure the new Evernote team will know that this is a highly-requested feature, but starting from now and with a few thousand other requests flying around it might take a year or two to implement. Meantime they're not going to say whether, or when that might happen. Not ignoring - just not commenting.
  4. ...In which event why do you need EN at all? Not sure where the company is going with its tasks integrations, but you won't (IMHO) see them adding new separate apps for years, if ever...
  5. Erm, why? Installing v10 automatically accesses the server database to populate (optionally) a new local database on a desktop. The EXB database from 6.25 is already left in place by the update as a backup (even thought the app is removed) in case anything goes wrong. It is possible to reinstall 6.25 from third-party sources to revert to Legacy and/ or to extract a notebook-by-notebook ENEX copy in the event of need. Overcomplicating the update is more likely to cause trouble than solve it.
  6. Hi. What happened where? What caused the red screens? As opposed to the zillion other issues that folks are raising here? I'd hope they're too busy fighting fires to spare the time... Not for many other people as yet - try uninstalling the app / powering the device off and on again / re-downloading and installing. If you still have issues tell Support about it - they can't fix what they don't know about...
  7. No, I think it's getting closer and it has your name on it... 6.25 has been 'deprecated' for a couple of years now - it's no longer supported by Evernote, and changes in operating systems and browsers (and within Evernote!) may affect your ability to access it. I hope you have a backup for your notes, and an exit strategy if you really don't get on with the new version, because you won't be able to continue using it indefinitely. If it's any consolation both apps open notes in pretty much the same way, so how you found a difference I don't know - notes will open within the app or as separate windows as required. To get the upgrade on Android, you simply uninstall what you've got and restart the device. Download and install the latest version from the play store and you'll be up to speed. (I'm assuming here that you have Android 10 or greater, otherwise you can just ignore this paragraph - older versions of Android can't run the new app anyway!) On Windows, go to Tools>Options>General to check where your EXB database lives, and close Evernote down. Find the database and back it up to your desktop just in case, and then uninstall the existing application via Control Panel. Download and reinstall from Evernote.com to get the new version. You'll be able to reinstall a Legacy version if you desperately need to, but that is a short-term solution you shoudl avoid if you can...
  8. If you want to ask for a refund I'd recommend that you simply contact Evernote Support either via Settings in a mobile app, or https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  9. Not traffic as such, but how many simultaneous connections d'you think the uptodown site can handle at any given time? The enthusiasm of millions of Evernote users on a good day might be indistinguishable from a DoS attack...
  10. Most versions of Android will have a small nervous breakdown and throw an error at you if you don't use the Play store. Side-loading APKs can be a risky business if you don't know what you're doing. Google advise against installing anything they haven't carefully tested into the Play store - although their record on catching bad apps is not that good...
  11. That was my incoherent way of explaining that it wasn't possible to download the APK file to (forinstance) a Windows PC and share it to others. It would install on an Android, but not allow a distribution of the APK file. Because Google runs the play store and decides what gets uploaded where. If Evernote want to continue offering an Android app they have to play by Google's rules. Plus I have no idea really how many Evernote Android users there are, but imagine the internet traffic generated by a million people upgrading and downgrading their apps... and then multiply it by a few tens of thousands (because if you downgrade you then have to upgrade again). The Internet would not be a happy place for months... If you still have issues, you still have work-arounds. Some of us now have the update, which (crosses fingers) seems to be the cure. Have patiance and it will come to you.
  12. There's an Evernote help page on speech to text... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209004717 and another on recorded notes https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314418
  13. Like closing that option down? Recent price increases have been to ensure that Evernote remains in profit (or gets there soon) and one huge albatross around its neck is the fact of hundreds of thousands of users who still get most of the features for completely free, despite benefitting from the regular updates and upgrades and the free web storage provided. The new owners have a business to run. They may have to make some harsh decisions...
  14. OK I flagged the numbers. Can't really comment on others' experience, but I had a request responded to within a few days recently - maybe it depends on what the issue is...
  15. ENEX files don't contain any notebook metadata, hence the usual suggestion to download notebooks to separate ENEX files so that information can be retained.
  16. Just checked - I definitely updated to 10.52.1 on my Android, but the Play store doesn't give any version details, and (AFAICS) won't allow APK downloads to a non-Android device. A quick search doesn't show the same version available anywhere except the Store. I guess everyone is in a queue millions of downloads long and for the moment Google are in charge...
  17. Hi. You're welcome. To confirm you're not a 'bot, can you advise your device, OS and Evernote version?
  18. Hmmn. Can you post the ticket numbers here? I can flag them for the forum Admins to take a look at which might get you some action...
  19. The system is, you make a report on the link we already shared and immediately get a ticket number. Within a day or two (or several if they're busy) you'll get a human willing to help if they can. Depending on the details in your original report, they may have questions. That's about as good a support response as I've had from any tech company - and I used to run an IT support team back in the day. Meantime we're here to help with work-arounds if we can.
  20. Still need more about exactly what is being dragged / more general background to comment...
  21. OK I sit corrected - didn't realise all of that was one package deal. But for the record - I get red screens, but I can still create, open and edit notes... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  22. We can't really help with general performance, but if you can give us more of an idea about what you feel is missing, mabe we can suggest some workarounds - or point you to where the new guys have hidden the fun bits...
  23. I took a look at Obsidian a while ago - seem to remember there are a bunch of plug-ins or add-ons to extend the functionality, some of which are probably part of the actual app by now (it was a while ago). I'm even older than @RobertJLee, so I think learning curves are only as steep as you make them. What you do need is patience - everything takes too long, until it doesn't.
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