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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hmmn. Try your Billing page for an indication - https://www.evernote.com/BillyBillingProfile.action
  2. I was dragging and dropping files into notes yesterday with no issues. Tried attaching files today - no problems yet... I almost feel left out... just tried clicking a few tags directly and setting tags as filters. Both work.
  3. I'm very sorry to say that having been working with 10.59 all day I have no problem with searches, new notes or permissions required. (Win 11, fast desktop) There are a couple of oddities, not least that when I create a new note the whole display blanks... and then comes right back with my empty note; but nothing catastrophic ...yet. Maybe I just wasn't hitting it hard enough today - we'll see what happens tomorrow!
  4. Yes. But it's worth contacting Support so you get direct feedback on when. We're mostly other users around here - Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (but it's usually easier to use the Support option in the mobile client).
  5. Hi. Reactivate your Evernote account | Change your account login email address
  6. All the apps on various OS's are essentially the same base code just being converted by Elektron into different local actions. If an update has issues in one OS it will probably affect them all. If you're complaining that an update has a fault - welcome to computing. A fix should be along shortly.
  7. ? The app is 2 years old and 6 months into new owners. Goodbye and good luck in your new home.
  8. Dunno if it's relevant, but I just got updated to 10.59.5 and I don't see any problems yet - I am pleased to note that the "are you sure?" warnings when opening web pages and local applications are now optional, and my local files are movable... still waiting for the other shoe to drop.
  9. Just to check - this is how you change your email address... Change your account login email address... which also affects where the emails go.
  10. Hi. No. Scanned images include some fuzzy logic so 'house' might also be listed as 'horse' or 'hose' - there's no narrative of continuous text, just a tree index of possible interpretations. It is (mostly) possible to extract the text from images through third party apps (an internet search menioning your OS will suggest a few) and paste that with an image to create a better index.
  11. You'n me both - and I believe they are actually doing that.
  12. As far as I know offline working has been around since day 1. Since tempers are getting a little heated around here, please can we remember that we are all users of the app, and are supposed to be sharing ways to fix or work around issues rather than blaming each other for their existence? I'll return to my usual mantra, which is: if things don't work, tell Support. If you can't use the app because of an issue, find an alternative. But lets play nice.
  13. You should find that if you select that ticket and scroll down you can effectively re-open it by raising more issues. It would not be unreasonable to ask for an update forinstance after a week or so...
  14. But not my meaning. ChatGPT says... A "misquote" is a term used to describe the act of inaccurately or incorrectly repeating or reproducing someone else's words, statements, or writings. It occurs when a person quotes someone but alters or distorts the original content, leading to a different meaning or context. Misquotes can result from genuine mistakes, misunderstandings, or intentional misrepresentation.
  15. Hi. The usual casue for this situation is the login was slightly incorrect and created a new 'empty' account. Please log out and then - carefully - log back in.
  16. Hi. I'd imagine you'd need to go to the source and re-clip it correctly to get this sorted out, but there is a possibility that if you click on the grey bar at the top of your clip (if there is one) you'll see a magic wand (really) - click that to make the clip editable...
  17. HI. Evernote is under a little pressure at the moment since a recent update caused some problems, so there are no chat or phone options. A link to Support is at the bottom of this page - How to use Evernote for Microsoft Teams - and you'll know when you have contacted them because a ticket number is automatically assigned. This doesn't guarantee an immediate response, but if you come back here and post the ticket number, we can try to flag it for a Forum admin (we're mostly other users here). Hope you manage to get this sorted out...
  18. Most of them don't have 200 million users to support - and before you query that number, yes I'm sure it's far less now - but we're in a bit of a mini crisis while new staff take over the reigns of a product that they presumably knew little about in detail until a few months ago. The new management might have bitten off a bit more than they should in one go - but I'd remind you they are an (apparently) successful and well-respected firm in their own right and we have no reason to believe they won't turn this around in a few days. The forum exists for wild speculation and the blowing off of steam (you're welcome) while the Support tickets are dealt with in order, with subscribers getting priority. If you want to hear from staff, it has always been the case that you contact Support directly. A public forum is not the place to share details.
  19. My original point was that complaining here is fine for letting off steam, but fixing a bug is a two-way street. Users have to contribute more than gripes and unfounded statements - Evernote can't fix what they can't identify as an issue. So individual logs and detailed explanations help to focus on the problem. After that is identified, its just a matter of coding to fix it.
  20. Hi. Do you wish to abandon or save the notes in your personal account? If you can still log into that account I'd suggest you backup the notebook(s) to individual ENEX files so they can be imported to your business account later. Then remove your email address from that account by changing it to another address (you can obtain a temporary address online if necessary) and Deactivate the account. If you can still then log into your business account using the old business email address, you will be able to change it for you personal address. All the links and additional information you need are here - Change your account login email address Export notes and notebooks as ENEX or HTML
  21. Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (but it's usually easier to use the Support option in the mobile client). Have you shared this issue with IFTTT or Zapier support? How are you certain it's down to the Evernote site?
  22. Hi. Please state your device, OS and EN version and give us a full explanation of what's happening. Do you open the app and see nothing? Get blank notes?
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