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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. I'd suggest you contact Support - we're mostly other users here: Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (but it's usually easier to use the Support option in the mobile client).
  2. Hi. Please check the forums for previous posts on issues...
  3. Hi. We're mostly other users in the Forums. Please state your device, OS and Evernote version. Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (but it's usually easier to use the Support option in the mobile client). There are some checks here that may help...Tips for troubleshooting syncing issues
  4. Hi. We're mostly other users in the Forums. Please state your device, OS and Evernote version. Are you able to log in to Evernote directly? Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (but it's usually easier to use the Support option in the mobile client).
  5. Hi @Mikel Rideaux was there a point to quoting my earlier post?
  6. Hmmn. There are actually quite a few posts about issues with 10.59 so i'd suspect the support team are a lttle frantically busy - I'll flag your ticket however so hopefully you'll get some direct feedback.
  7. Hi. I've not heard of a 'permissions' issue recently. You should certainly send a ticket when you have time, but it seems like you are having a lot of troubles for one account. Have you checked your laptop recently for free storage space and any system / connection issues? Maybe let us know what OS you have and what Evernote version. I'd suggest you check your previous tickets here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/ - and re-open one if its relevant to do so.
  8. And then there was...https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/146910-android-passcode-white-screen-bug/
  9. It may be worth starting or voting up a Feature Request page if you'd like the option. Don't know what any provider is going to do if something goes viral thought - that'll be another 1M or so connections through the servers if they're not careful. It's a good opportunity for some (tasteful) branding, but it's also potentially a lot of non-member (i.e. non-paying) traffic.
  10. Actually, you're not - there's no extortion here, because at any stage you can downgrade your account to 'free' (being cautious of the limitations on note size and access), so you still have access to your current data. You could then open an account with any competitor and use that for all new notes, manually copying across any history that you need for that particular transaction. It's also possible to export all notes to ENEX, HTML or PDF files to use the features of a new provider to import your original data to a new account. It's entirely up to you. My take on the new owners is that they're a dynamic team with some grand ambitions to improve Evernote - hence the price increase. I have enough faith in their expertise to have ponied up the new cost of my Professional subscription, and I'll continue to give them the benefit of the doubt for the next 12 months at least. If things are as chaotic then as they are now... well this might be a different conversation. But assuming things have settled down - I'll be quite happy to have paid a reasonable rate to help the company keep on going strong.
  11. Hi. Please don't dive around betwwen threads - it tends to make us dizzy... stick to one conversation where you can! I answered your other post with information about the web client. Sign in to Evernote.com and you should be able to see the parent copy of all your notes on Evernote's servers. Unless you specifically opted to download those notes to your mobile, you won't have any accessible notes there - recently used notes will be in local temporary storage; but everything should be available online.
  12. Hi. Check in Settings on a mobile device (scroll down) to find a direct link, or use https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  13. Totally agree. Try signing in to https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/ and find your ticket details. If it has been closed down in error, scroll to the bottom of the page to reopen it and continue correspendence.
  14. Hi. Whilst I'm sure you know how many devices you have attached to your account - and that you're only allowed 2 - Evernote may have miscounted and locked you out of the account. Just to confuse things there's also a 'white screen' issue going around. Your data is safe stored on the server - if you check online to see how many devices Evernote thinks you're using by signing in to Evernote.com, you'll also be able to see and optionally print your notes. If yuo have been locked out you may be able to sign out of other devices, or you may be locked out to the end of your current membership month, The only guaranteed way back to your notes would be to subscribe, even if only for a few weeks. EDIT Whoops - forgot:
  15. Hi. Seems like a corrupted file somewhere. If you have a different version of Evernote installed I'd recommend a dep-clean uninstall with something like Revo Uninstaller Free (obviously skip this step if you don't!) then power your device off and on again, and re-download and re-install.
  16. Sorry to crush your hopes - we're (mostly) all users around here, so a few days is as quick as you get. I've had this happen to me a few times - usually when I inadvertently selected the whole page instead of a word or two, then pressed <delete>. If you catch it quickly enough, the 'undo' feature in your OS is usually best to recover the text - even if it hasn't synced to Evernote by that stage, it'll be in temporary storage in your system and potentially recoverable from there. Page history is more of a server backup - if and when your text is saved to the server, a backup is made several times per day. But if this was all new information and it didn't get to Evernote, then it's much less likely that there can be any backups available. When working on "long" notes it's best (IMHO) to work on a local word processor file set to create backup copies every 10 minutes or so. The content can be attached to a note as a file, or by copy/paste. Since the open note is effectively a web page and heavily dependent on a network connection I'd rather have my local saves.
  17. In its current form, Evernote will never be the equal of a commercial website with 'proper' tracking features, but I'm sure it would be feasible to set something up - maybe via a single-page actual website - which tracks which (and how many) users are active there...
  18. Hi. Not happening with me - have you tried uninstalling / powering your device off and back on / reinstalling?
  19. Hi. See if any of this helps... What to do if content is missing from a note
  20. I've noticed that some tickets got closed even though there were still things to be done, but that's the beauty of the https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests page. Pick one of your tickets from the list, scroll to the bottom of the page and you should see 'open a follow-up' or some such. Simply ask for more help or an explanation if a fix is not available to you.
  21. It doesn't help that some folks seem to think that raising it here means Evernote will immediately find the issue and fix it. In the past 8 months the organisation got bought out, laid off staff, buried in support queries by panicked users, and moved lock stock and barrile to Italy. The way to attract the company's attention is to hit 'em over the head with a support request so 1) you get a number and a place in the queue, 2) direct feedback to and from Evernote and 3) get to help Evernote pin down why this is happening, since it only seems to affect some Mac users.
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