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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Usual method is via https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new or the Settings menu on any mobile client.
  2. Hi. All users can manage their own subscription on the "My Account" page - https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action, If you did not intend to renew you should contact Support via https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new or the Settings menu on any mobile client.
  3. Hi. You seem to have done most of what we would suggest, though it may be worth trying one more uninstall / restart / reinstall. One of the benefits of subscribing is access to Evernote Support rather than just other users like us...
  4. Hi. That's like buying a car to listen to the radio. Evernote is multi-platform, multi-OS and primarily web based. So, no. Select plain text, without images or tables. Right click that text; choose "encrypt selected text". Evernote is not yet HIPAA compliant (which is a US requirement for health care patient records). In Europe we have GDPR. You'd be best off getting some local advice on what is permissible.
  5. Hi. one reason users are sometimes locked out of their own account is because Evernote may have the idea that you have exceeded the device limit. It's easy to check Evernote's views on that subject - please see the link you were already sent.
  6. Hi. Which versions of Windows / Evernote and Mac / Evernote and is it the app or the OS that is being updated?
  7. Thanks for that - you still need to contact Support and quote this thread URL though - because we're mainly all users here. As to quickness of loading, until the last Legacy user has left the building, Evernote have to maintain two types of code for notes. If a note has been opened in v10 before, and not subsequently viewed or edited in Legacy, once updated to the new format it should be quicker to load next time it is opened. It doesn't need to be reformatted twice. It's apparently not considered possible to reformat every note in one go because by now Evernote probably have billions of notes on their servers. Until quantum computing is available it'd probably crash the internet if that much computing power got used in one hit...
  8. Might be an indication of the state of the economy. I have an "antispyware" app that I run every so often which has now started reminding me at least once per day that I can upgrade to a paid service for far better protections... it's a free app. I have zero negotiating power and three options - ignore the pop-up / pay up / stop using it. Going with the easy choice for now...
  9. Random thoughts here - I just got various W11 driver updates to install (including graphics) since when my system seems to have a new lease of life. I had to restart to finish it off, and Evernote reloaded faster than I've been aware of it doing lately. If you're having any sort of issue, it's worth doing a bit of system maintenance to make sure your system is completely up to date with everything and (as we now know) has plenty of free disk space...
  10. ...I think it's also a question that anyone using the Legacy free version will see more nags to try to migrate as many as possible to v10. Feed it back to Evernote (mainly other users here) if you're seeing too many!
  11. Hi. While I totally sympathise that the new app is different from and clunkier than the old one, the details don't especially matter. Legacy is unsupported, at current risk of glitches from OS and browser code changes, and exposed to the longer-term threat of Evernote developments finally leaving it behind in the dust. You can continue to favour the old app, but sooner or later that won't be possible. Best advice for anyone who has access to both apps (I'm in a similar position with Legacy on an old laptop and phone and v10 on my desktop and tablet) is to report individual instances which cause issues to Support, and raise them here so that anyone else in the same situation can be encouraged to make etheir own report. Only by having actual cases to investigate will Evernote know to take action. Plus you can give far more detail about the keystrokes to highlight text (forinstance) in a post here, including adding pictures. Others can add more detail. And yes, you'll probably get jumped on by one or more of the old-timers like me with 'helpful' alternate work-around suggestions. On your current list... your comments don't seem to explain your title, which suggests you found or were sent a link which didn't work. Maybe give Support and us more details so that can be corrected? And: Searches are a current issue and "should" be addressed in an update coming soon. It will presumably be a staged release. so you will get it sooner if you watch out for an announcement and download it direct from Play / Evernote.com Notes open slowly because they're being translated from Legacy on the fly. They're being kept in a backwards-compatible format so those still using the old app will have access. Offline reading should be possible - Set up offline notebooks on mobile devices - (there's more on laptops & desktops) which also gives you quicker access. No clue what's involved here - more information required please See (3) and (4) - notes are synced as you type when a network link is available Again more details needed - AFAIK most OS's will open a document in your default choice of app if it is available. -And 'clumsy'? a couple of comparative videos showing the same operation side-by-side might help explain that and give the developers some clues as to how to change things... Things are very different - we have new owners, new staff and (maybe) lots to look forward to. But everyone's guiding principal is to get stuff done - by whatever means. There are alternative note-taking options out there. If you can find a new safe home that suits your needs, that's always a choice. Good luck!
  12. Absolutely agree - as does Evernote. As my pachydramatical* friend kinda points out, the easiest way may be to open Evernote on a desktop if you can (free users have those darn device limits to avoid...) and then go to the Notebooks page and export each notebook to a separate ENEX file. That will show you "a" file size, although how much space the data occupies on the server may be different. If it's any help I now have a little over 62000 notes and my database (in Legacy) is currently 29GB. According to my hazy maths that means my average database size per note is about 40K - because I have pictures / PDFs / web pages and all sorts of stuff saved in there. Your mileage (as they say) may vary... *(c) me
  13. As an adroit and erudite writer I'd also like to formally apologise for proficiently and masterfully engaging in the ineffably exuberant and extravagantly verbose employment of an extensive array of effusive adjectives, artfully cascading through sesquipedalian expressions with unabashed enthusiasm. While this conspicuous copious and conspicuous display of loquacious linguistic prowess bestows upon the prose an unparalleled grandiosity, exuding a sense of intellectual grandeur that leaves readers awestruck in a state of reverential admiration for the author's lexical dexterity and perspicacious aptitude, it obviously causes some people to say "WTF?" Edited: Oops.
  14. I would like to offer a formal apology if my continuingly efficient workflow has offended you. I'll try not to detail it again... 🙂
  15. I'm not exactly having problems with 10.59 but I have noticed that searching is weird - I can type in the search box and hit <return>... and the display doesn't change; I have to hit it again to actually start a search. Otherwise results and other behaviour is fine, but starting a search needs a kick.
  16. Totally agree that whatever runs in China apparently stays in China since the software always (AFAIK) link to Yinxiang Biji, and you can bet that their backdoor has backdoors. (Basing this on a few queries we had years ago for ways to transfer links from that server to Evernote's) Anyhoo - seems like we're all nervously waiting on the arrival of 10.60, so let's hope that's not a new can of worms; I could do with some downtime to enjoy the Summer!
  17. Also to note - there was a glitch recently when MacOS updated and apparently limited PDF views in Legacy. Sooner or later an OS or browser update is going to affect other users and...
  18. You're possibly right - but since no-one actually knows (yet) what on earth went wrong or why it's pointless debating the point. Plus - gentle reminder; some of us are smugly feeling no pain (again...yet).
  19. It's still pretty pointless - presumably Evernote licenced the name and software and left Mr S there to keep an eye on things - which AFAIK will now have zero effect since he's now not based in Italy and has no continuing interest or connection with the 'original' version. Please let's not start a fight over the right way to address a non-existent problem...
  20. Can you not search from the 'all notes' view? Choose 'everywhere' under the search box.
  21. Good catch - same thing happened with me, but I haven't had any significant errors yet. I do see the whole window go blank from time to time as though the entire thing is reloading, which is making me nervous but seems to have no effect on my content. Plus I've now had the 'permissions' thing twice when my searches were limted to one notebook. If I switch that to 'everywhere' the problem disappears...
  22. Hence the suggestion that you should contact Support - they will at least be able to investigate how and why this happened. Have to say that I'm also on 10.59.5 and -so far- haven't had any of the nightmare cases that some are reporting... I definitely haven't lost any work, and I've been adding rather more notes than usual recently.
  23. It would make a lot less work for the volunteers (including, of course, yourself from time to time) not to have to read through a long diatribe about how the software is unreliable, the staff incompetent, and anyone who says anything to the contrary is a fanboi. The sad thing is that the forum is a potentially useful resource for users with issues, and statements like "it's not possible to download more than 100 notes", and "Evernote doesn't publish a support address" really need to be corrected because they're wrong. My 'car' generalisations above were intended to try to gently point out that no app or website is immune from outages*, and when (not if) they occur, there are a lot of people running around like mad things trying to patch it all back together. Having a peanut gallery shouting at them from the sidelines is both unkind and unnecessary. *My new mate Hal** found a few examples for me... (he's limited to pre-2021 cases, but you get the picture) Amazon Web Services (AWS) Outage (February 28, 2017): A human error led to an Amazon S3 service outage, causing several websites and services that rely on AWS infrastructure to experience disruptions. Websites like Quora, Trello, and Slack were affected. Cloudflare Outage (July 17, 2020): Cloudflare, a content delivery network and cybersecurity company, experienced an outage that affected numerous websites relying on their services. The cause was attributed to a bad software deployment. GitHub Outage (October 21, 2020): GitHub, a popular platform for software development collaboration, experienced a significant outage that lasted for several hours. The issue was related to a network configuration error. Reddit Outage (August 11, 2020): Reddit, a well-known social media platform, suffered a widespread outage that lasted for a few hours. The cause of the outage was not publicly disclosed. Salesforce Outage (May 17, 2019): Salesforce, a leading customer relationship management (CRM) platform, experienced an outage that affected many of its users. The disruption was attributed to a faulty database script deployment. ** Chat GPT - my new means to achieving super-laziness
  24. I think the team most likely responsible for significant parts of it are currently looking for work in the US. The new Italian owners - who have only been around for half a year or so - are mostly fighting fires originating with past versions of the apps. Seems a bit unfair to blame the responders for all the carnage...
  25. Hi. Not being cheeky, but why? If you have the app installed on local storage you'll be taking up some space, but there's a setting not to store data locally which means you'll have a temporary file of current notes only while the app is open. You can't then work offline. If you do store locally, Windows files will be at C:\Users\<you>\AppData\Roaming\Evernote although from version 10.59 onwards you can relocate that store if necessary. Viewing file on the web app is similar - it downloads a local copy of your searches and edits while the app is open. If you're looking to extract your files, you need to export each notebook to an ENEX file, so again total size (unless it's all one big notebook) is academic.
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