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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. <Sigh> a little random online reading would have found Evernote's April announcement that rates were increasing, and a search of your spam folder might turn up the missing notification for your renewal. If Evernote is not worth the cost to you, then contact Support for a refund, which they'll gladly provide. More reading might have told you that this Forum is mainly supported by other users, so we don't much care which choice you make - but if you need help with your account - which will now revert to 'free' with much tighter usage limits at renewal - please ask. Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - They're a little busy with refunds, so any response might take several days.
  2. If the note itself has gone, try the Trash notebook on every device you have connected to see whether it is there, and do a general search for the content to see if it has been accidentally moved to another notebook. If the note remains, but the content has gone, try Note History to see whether it has been overwritten. What to do if content is missing from a note Use note history to view older versions of a note What to do if notes are missing
  3. Evernote were at one stage the proud owners of "the largest repository of personal data on the planet". (The phrase stuck with me, but not the source...). You may remember that since 2016 they have used Google's business storage services. I'm not sure how many servers Google runs for its commercial services, nor do I know how many hold Evernote data. I'd think that would be commercially (and security) sensitive information. But I'd guess it's a lot, spread around the world. And "which server is my data on?" is quite possibly a meaningless question given the context. Based on recent conversations here about RTE and new coding for notes, and the difficulties of maintaining compatibility between officially deprecated systems (3+ years ago) and improvements meant to favour the latest 64bit features and architecture I'd assume that there are two places where data might be stored - 'old format' and 'new format' and given that translations between the two were described at one stage as being made on demand, its possible that there is no practical way to compare content between the two, which are probably spread on different servers. Although it's not the answer that you want, Abe Lincoln recognised in 1864 (according to Bing) that changing horses in the middle of a stream was probably a bad idea. Once you fix on v10 for your full-time use you'll be able to fix any errors you see. But Evernote seem pretty serious that Legacy issues are not supported in any way. I'm confident that they won't be willing to try to compare one set of data with another to find anomalies. If you want to do that, then it's up to you to find a way. I'd suggest a full ENEX and HTML backup of all your notebooks as they currently stand in Legacy, and regular local backups for v10; and then don't use the Legacy app again. I could be wrong - but I don't think I am...
  4. Congratulations! - And apologies - that was a dancing Elephant before I messed with it... -
  5. Hi. Strikethrough text is Ctrl+T in my 10.66.5 installed app. What's your device and Evernote version?
  6. Hi. You've been using a FREE service for several years, and the company now providing that service has decided that they can't afford to continue doing so. As I understand it, the choices are - subscribe, or find an alternative service. Your choice.
  7. Hi. As that was the first time we heard anything about this, how about filling in some background details like device / OS / Evernote version / subscription level? Upload quotas belong to Evernote, and it decides whether or not you have exceeded the limit. By the way we're not Support (or Evernote, come to that), just mainly other users. We can offer suggestions in most cases - like maybe use the Evernote camera feature if you're adding notes, or try an app similar to Scannable like Adobe Scan or Microsoft Lens. Plus - you're posting in a thread about the Support service - if/ when you respond to this, maybe start your own new thread to avoid hijacking this one?
  8. Don't know how practical it would be, but how about just creating a new note with the translation and then either adding the link to your main document as a link or creating a very short visible text so it looks like thisTr Edit: was trying to be clever and show “créer une nouvelle note avec la traduction" as the link, but I just got sabotaged by this forum! The idea should work with separate notes though...
  9. Yeah - I do a lot of mail sorting and this has never happened to me.
  10. I'm not Evernote, but have you checked how many other comparable web clippers there are? - One that I know of; which suggests that designing something which will accurately copy content of any sort from any browser in any code base is not the easiest thing in the world. So no, it's not a 'bug' but GPT's output is somehow different, hence the issue. You could report it to Support referring back to this thread so they can see the comparisons, and it may get fixed in time - next year maybe; or you can find another way to save the content you need. Maybe paste direct to a code editor to see what happens? Then attach that file to your Evernote note.
  11. Hi. Evernote doesn't have 'contacts'. You can create a new note and copy details across to update it, but I assume you want the contact details to update another app?
  12. Try using the 'copy code' in ChatGPT's top right corner for ordinary copiable text. Paste it in a search box for more correct layout...
  13. Hi. Then check your registered email address for the account - about halfway down here in the centre of the page. https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action
  14. Please don't. We're mainly other users here. If you have an issue, raise a support ticket - yes it will take a while, but you will get a response. There will probably be another update soon anyway. Meantime, just to rule out bad downloads - please uninstall the existing app / power the device off and back on / re-download and reinstall.
  15. ...what they said; plus - if you had reported this 6 months ago it would likely have been fixed by now. There must have been several updates since then - have you tried uninstalling the app / powering your device off and back on / re-downloading the latest version from Evernote.com and reinstalling?
  16. $19.99? I seriously doubt having an issue with the billing page is a scam to charge users - particularly since you can ask for a refund easily enough if a charge seems unreasonable. (...and yes, queries might take some time to get processed currently..)
  17. Hi. Welcome to the forums. You're posting in a three-year-old conversation, the lack of recent interest for which suggests that the original spam (which for some reason I didn't immediately delete 6 years ago) was not wildly popular. In any event Evernote is not a 'one-stop' solution, and there are any number of budgeting apps out there if you need them.
  18. I think it's pointless to hold out for any revision of the former Legacy set-up. What exists is all there is, and even that is gradually wasting away as other software advances.
  19. Hi. Check here to confirm your ticket was recorded - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/ - the autoresponder is presumably trying to reassure users that things are in hand and give some options for routine issues that might solve things quickly. You could try uninstalling the app entirely and then powering off and on / reinstalling to ensure you have the latest version and no update issues...
  20. ...And just to add: Legacy is not just at threat from Evernote moving on. Operating systems and browsers are changing too, and Evernote is highly unlikely to update anything that is not v10. Suggest by all means - but it is most unlikely to happen. @PinkElephant already suggested the closest alternative, which is to export to HTML and use a browser to view your notes...
  21. Sticking with my "Don't Panic!" theme - please be patient with any delays. Billing issues can and will be fixed in due time. Other priorities - like outages and password problems - may take precedence over accounting issues, but they will be dealt with. Users can see and add to ongoing reports here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/
  22. Hi. Running an IT support team is a bit like running a restaurant kitchen. (Been there - the IT thing, not a restaurant - got a t-shirt). While everything runs smoothly customers are very happy. If there's suddenly a rush, people get very upset because the service is slow - but it's not like you can draft in the next 5 people you see to take up the slack; you need people who understand the system, know what ingredients to use and even have a little talent for the job. It's not easy to upscale at short notice. The fact you have an automated response, with a ticket number, means you have a place in the queue. Your soup will be here soon. -By the way: we're mainly other users here; we have no control over Support, but if you're having an issue we may be able to suggest some fixes...
  23. Legacy is still available from some repositories - there are still some links in the Forums if you really, really need to get it back. The one major advantage v10 has - is that it will still be operating this time next year. If it's missing some features now, we can maybe help with some work-arounds; and once Evernote finish tweaking the reliability and speed they will be free to consider adding 'new' features that were not initially part of the new build.
  24. ...The "subset of users" being those expecting to use the company's resources for free - i.e. extracting as much value from the company as they could in the coming years? There is no "cost-effective" plan from Evernote, so the simple choices are to subscribe, or to use another provider. Many alternatives offer a lower subscription or 'free' access plus advertising - and many have been careful to make it (allegedly) easy to import content from Evernote. (I caveat the comment because I've never tried them out...) Just to repeat. This is/ was a free service, offered through the generosity of the company. It decided in these economically hard times that cutbacks were needed. There are no contracts or obligations here, just a company ensuring its resources are employed to best effect. Understandably frustrating for former users of the wider service, but not by any means a crisis.
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