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Community Answers

  1. Every place I go, Pink Elephant is there to insult someone. Do you have a life? or are you just a keyboard warrior. Not all of us are professional EN experts. We're just looking for a little help. Lighten up
  2. Incredible!! I tried your second suggestion again - even though I did it three days ago - and it's syncing. I have no explanation for that but it's working. So thanks again! I would not have tried that again had you not mentioned it!!!
  3. Great suggestions - but I've already tried both of them (sorry I didn't list it in the OP - I cannot remember everything I've tried right off the bat. Thank you!
  4. I've been a user since 2012. I have one device that will not sync. I have done everything I've learned over the years (uninstall, download the latest version, empty trash) and it will not sync. Other devices are fine. It's a Windows 10 computer that I have no problems with. I'm misssing something. Any ideas? Thank you kindly!
  5. This is perfectly said. And I would love an alternative to EN that did what EN Legacy does now.
  6. I just don't get it. It's been six months since the "NEW Evernote." EN has issued how many new versions in those six months? I have no clue. Here's what do I know 1. It used to be fast, certainly adequate for a workflow. I've been a paid customer since 2012 2. IT. IS. STILL. STILL. STILL. WAY. TOO. SLOW. TO. USE It's a very important tool for me. I am thankful I can still access the Legacy version. Now - EN - can you PLEASE fix the speed? We don't need another whistle or bell. Fix the main issues first. PLEASE!
  7. I used this method of backup this morning but I don't see an ENEX-file per notebook. I only see a handful on ENEX files, not one for each notebook. Sorry for my ignorance but any ideas what I am doing wrong? Thanks very much for any help.
  8. Thank you SO MUCH! I can't believe I've used Evernote for so long yet was unaware of this way to backup. Is it a good idea to keep the completed backup folder in Google Drive or One Drive, or do you suggest an alternate location? I have one on my laptop but would like extra protection. Thank you again!
  9. With the level of upset and frustration that dedicated EN users are expressing, wouldn't you think management would at least come out with a "we hear you and we are going to make changes" message? Other than the blog the CEO recently posted (which addressed almost none of the concerns expressed on this forum), there is silence. This is highly disconcerting. EN is crucial to my work. I don't want to leave. But the longer the silence goes on, the more troubled I become. And unlike some of the posters here, I don't have the technical expertise to do a thorough job of evaluating options. I'm fairly sure there are a significant number of people in the same boat as I am. Am I wrong in thinking that the tools and functionalities that have been taken away aren't coming back? That management is saying: "here the new EN and this is the way it is?" Or is EN a company that has lost its way and is losing talented employees, and therefore is a sinking ship? Sorry if this isn't worded well. The frustration level here is high.
  10. That blog post inspires less confidence than I had before. And maybe I missed it but he didn't address the tortoise-like speed of the new version.
  11. What alternatives do you like the most? The incompetence of EN makes me wonder if the company is in trouble and suddenly we will all have to head for the exits. I would rather prepare now.
  12. Slow Slooowww Sloooowwww Unusable. I don't want to migrate to One Note. I live EN. Paid customer since '12. But this is unusable. Using Legacy to give it time but how much is enough? EN has to rectify this within a few weeks or I'm gone and it sounds like many others are as well.
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