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Everything posted by CalS

  1. To date EN has not shown any inclination to implement recurring reminders, which have been requested quite a few times. Searching the forum will find the different workarounds that have been used. I up voted in any case.
  2. Not really possible within EN, no arithmetic capabilities at all. Probably better suited in Excel or the like. You can,however, put a link in an Excel spreadsheet to the note which has the screenshot and any of the data. But the manipulation of the data can't be done in EN.
  3. Yeah, I was referring more to the iPhone. If you had opened EN on the iPhone and made a change before a sync occurred that could cause the issue. Not saying there isn't a bug with what happened to you nor that conflict resolution could be more robust, just my experience has been if I am sure to complete a sync first/last thing with the iPhone or PCs I don't get any conflicts. FWIW.
  4. If using the desktop software you can access your notes w/o an internet connection provided you did not sign out of EN the last time you used it. As long as you File - Exit or x out you are okay. For mobile devices, as stated above, you need to be a paying subscriber.
  5. Anyone supporting this should vote at the top of the page.
  6. Safest bet is still to sync when you enter/exit a device. Sounds like EN may not have synced the last time you used the phone. One way to be sure is to press the sync and see the sync completed message prior to starting or leaving, particularly with a long note. FWIW.
  7. Depending upon which platform you are using there is an option to Always show PDF documents as attachments (Tools - Options - Note in Windows). Or you can right click the PDF and click View as attachment.
  8. You are welcome. Hmmm. Typically I don't have the left panel open but I thought I would do a quick test. For me when the option is ticked and I select a tag or notebook from the drop down the left panel scrolls to that tag or notebook. When it is not ticked the left panel stays as is. So it appears to be working. So not sure what is going on in your case, sorry. Maybe File - Exit, restart EN, and try again?
  9. I believe it mans the left panel, notebooks/tags, will move to the notebook or tag selected. You can always give it a go and see if you like it. Not something I use.
  10. I prefer the period to the hyphen, don't know why.
  11. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005247-What-are-the-system-limits-of-Evernote-
  12. This has been the issue from the start. Forum posts from EN employees have consistently referenced the policy as two concurrent devices, log out of one to activate another. The marketing on the other hand has made it seem like two devices period. Poor communications on a good day, questionable and manipulative marketing on a bad day, IMO.
  13. True for products with trial periods. Per @jbenson2 above, an infinite trial period was not working quite as well. But even within that, anyone can still have all the benefits of Basic EN forever, just with the two concurrent device limitation. Time will tell if this limitation increases the conversion rate.
  14. I think all you need to do is install Drive on your device, put the file there, and listen to it from there. No need to put the file in EN. You do lose the benefit of all your stuff in one place, If you want a link in EN you can go to Drive, right click the item and shortcut is placed on the clipboard which you can paste into a note. This will run the audio from the web though as opposed to the native Drive app. FWIW.
  15. One option is to put the rest of your notebooks in a different stack and use that stack as your main search context, though this is not practical if those notebooks are already in stacks. Another option that some use is to add a tag Archived to the archived notes and then add -tag:Archived to searches when you get too much noise. Using a text expander like PhraseExpress to create a hotkey to add the text can make this somewhat painless.
  16. You could create a tag for each of your special assignments, perhaps preceded by a period. Then add the tag .Special1 to each note and a simple search will find all the notes for the that assignment and a period entered into tag search will display all of your special assignments. Putting the tags in a hierarchical structure can complicate tag searches.
  17. Well thanks. Don't believe everything you hear on the radio.
  18. I'm of the opinion that any fields that are modifiable should be modifiable on all platforms. Multiple platforms can be restrictive/difficult for sure, but the more sameness the better for me.
  19. It is as two concurrent device limit. You can have as many devices as you like, only two signed in at a time.
  20. None, my bad. I was thinking of something else when I posted, a little too quick on the draw. Sorry about that. I will edit the post above. Thanks.
  21. Try replacing the space with a period in the tag names.
  22. You are welcome. If you want to add a little speed to the phone call process, drag a copy of the template to the desktop and then you can double click that ENEX file to have a copy of the template note appear in your default notebook. My method, FWIW. Full disclosure, double monitors make it easier to get to the ENEX file on the desktop.
  23. There's always the preserve tags option when copying a note.
  24. You can have 100 devices, it's just you can only use two at a time.
  25. once in general discussion? catch tablets and phones that way.
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