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Everything posted by CalS

  1. Not sure, but this came up in another thread and I think someone said turning off focus to title in new note fixed the problem.
  2. You can only put notes in a notebook, and then you can put notebooks in a stack. Not sure All notes would quality as a notebook. IAC some folks would like to have more levels of notebooks with the ability to put notes in all those notebook levels. I'm with you, current set up works for me, but not for all hence the request.
  3. Yeah, don't have much need for anchors myself, but if one does it would work. It's that repetitive keystroke/click stuff that drives me a bit away from bare bones. I prefer to think of it as bare bones with an after burner.
  4. And until/if EN implements the feature you can create hotkeys using a text expander to accomplish the task, if you like..
  5. People want more levels of notebooks, they want full nesting, not just stacks..
  6. If you are using the desktop app it should play from there. I just tried on the web version and the clip played in another window (both FF and Chrome), did not have to download. What format of audio file is it?
  7. You could open the PDF in its own window and not lose your place when changing notes in EN.
  8. Why not pick a topic to post in as opposed to so many?
  9. Not sure. t's kind of a default move in IOS, works the same in the mail client. Just like pressing time at the top of the screen takes you to the top of the current list. Agreed that it would not be obvious to everyone.
  10. Dragging down on the notes list forces a sync on the iDevices.
  11. Nothing stops a team from all using the same credentials to sign into an account, independent of what email is used to create the account. I do it myself if I am on two different machines at the same time or on one machine, a browser and a mobile device.. Nothing stops multiple people in the same account from creating conflicts either, me included. If you forward emails to EN the email address typically appears in the Author field, which is searchable and displayable in a List view. So if everyone forwards to the Email notes to: email address there should be a way to isolate from whom. With discipline a team could use the @notebook and #tag features when sending emails to EN to control the process. IAC, this seems to resemble a bunch of cooks and a stew so I'm wondering what I am missing?
  12. If you are comfortable with HTML you can use ENML to edit the table properties. I'm not much with HTML but was able to learn enough to create some default tables with the line colors and spacing that I like. FWIW.
  13. Though you cannot set sort by notebook in IOS and Android you can set sort by notebook in the Windows app today.
  14. It's called On Demand Sync in the current Windows Beta. If you turn the option on and you rebuild your EN data base, then notes are only downloaded to your local data base when they are accessed. Eventually should you access every note your data base would be back to the same size, but that could take a while. Downside would be when you are without an internet connection since you won't be able to access notes not on your PC. You can go to the beta thread and see some of the posts regarding this function.
  15. Don't know about TextExpander. The software I use is PhraseExpress, I use it on Windows. They have a free version for Mac you can find here. The actual phrase looks like the below. With this phrase I hover over the word, Alt-Right Click, and then I can cycle though instances of the word in the note. Any issues post back and I will help if I can.
  16. I'm with @DTLow, finding things is the most important thing here. So organize around how to find based upon your use case. A million tags or notebooks most likely isn't the optimal path. Notebooks and/or tags can be used to cull down to a manageable number of notes when searching. See if you can put a structure in place such that the majority of searches return a set of 20 or less notes, and if not, can be quickly refined with the addition of text.. IMO, care less about where you put it (notebook) and more about how you find it (text and tag). My searches are All Notes context anymore, 32k notes and climbing. FWIW.
  17. EN will support tag searches with special characters, though all searches are from the beginning of the tag name. EN won't search the body of a note for special characters. The tag C# would be found in the tag drop down, but C# would not be found with a text search,.
  18. So when I hit Alt-P I can click and drag the area that I want, let go and have the clip in a new note. Or hold Ctrl when I let go and have the clip on the clipboard. If I hit Alt-P and then click I get a clip of the window in which I clicked in a note, hold Ctrl and click and the clip of the window is on the clipboard. (I edited my previous post wherein I stated Alt-P and click captured the screen, it just captures the window clicked in, oops) Your EN doesn't work this way? And sidebar, Windows Prtscrn gives me a clip of both monitors on the clipboard which I can paste into a new note.
  19. Per @jefito re stack search, you can also select from the search explanation drop down. All searches are based upon some notebook context, so any search will be based upon the stack selected. If you select Stack A as context then only notes from notebooks in Stack A will be in the search results. As long as your archived notebook isn't in any of the stacks you won't see any archived notes in the search results.
  20. This may work if you don't have too many notebooks. Put all of your prime notebooks in a stack, call it Main or whatever. Leave the Archive notebook out of the stack. Then any searches using the Main stack as context won't need the -tag:archive operator since there won't be any notes with archive in the Main stack. Only works if you can put your non archive notebooks in a stack. If it doesn't fit your use case, then no help. Make sense?
  21. You don't need to use the -tag:archive option if your primary use notebooks are in a stack and the Archive notebook isn't. May not be @Eduardo Estefano use case but it could be for some who archive.
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