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Everything posted by CalS

  1. I think you mean the EXB data base, ENEX represents the format of notes exported from EN. Your DB may be corrupted, not sure. If you don't have any local notebooks it is fairly simple to rebuild your data base from the EN servers. If you have local notebooks you MUST export them to the ENEX format and then import them after the note download is completed. Get the location of your EXB file, Tools - Options - General. Log out of EN and close the window. Drag the EXB file to the desktop. Start EN and log in. Your notes should begin to download at this point If you had any local notebooks, import them after the download is complete. PM if you have any questions.
  2. In the meantime pending any archive functionality, rough workaround would be to add a Stack.Notebook tag to the notes before you moved them to the archive.
  3. Well, you certainly would seem to have enough horsepower. I have a 4 year old lap top, a 256 GB SSD, 32,600 notes, a 17GB data base, and no response time issues, so it can be done. A few suggestions: Hold the Ctrl key and press help in the EN menu. Then press optimize data base. If you have Context turned on, turn it off, Tools - Options - Note - show Context.is at the bottom Some say Instant sync causes issues (it doesn't seem to for me), so if you like turn it off, Tools - Options - Sync. If you leave instant sync on, set the synhcronize automatically window to every 30 minutes. But do remember to force a sync if you make a change on a mobile device and you return to your PC. Advise if any of the above helps or not.
  4. Probably need a little more information on your environment prior to making any suggestions.
  5. The current version of Windows is part way there with On Demand Sync. With this function the note is downloaded only when you need it. I don't think storage is being released currently if a note hasn't been accessed in a while. That may be the next step. But you can free up disk space on Windows if you need it using this. FWIW.
  6. Try clicking on the drop down by your user name at the top right of this page. Then click on Profile and See my activity and you should see your posts.
  7. Only way I know how to handle this is to not use the bcc method. Rather, after sending the email, go to sent messages in your email and forward the email to EN from there. Two step process, but it preserves the email header info.
  8. If you were to clip something with Brave how would the tracking be any different than if you used Chrome or FF, from an EN perspective? Web page put in the note would be the same in either case?
  9. If you want to eliminate the notes with working in them the search would be "king furniture" -working
  10. Small point, but the tag list is accessible though one press on the Notes screen. The tag list in the settings area is for deleting a tag or making it a shortcut. Tags get added through note maintenance. That's about it for tag handling on IOS. "quite customary" and "for good reason" are a couple more subjective qualifiers, don't know how they help. You want nested notebooks to manage your stuff, EN doesn't do it, you want EN to change, got it. Don't know if EN is ever going to add the capability (your whistling may be an accurate assessment after all these years). If they do, great. If not and you like the rest of EN, decisions to make as to how to best leverage stacks and tags and search. Frankly, IMO, at this point it doesn't have much to do with the merits of the nested notebook versus tag models, more to do with what EN wants to do. There is an implication in the inactivity on this function.,
  11. Just when you are a newbie to the forum, first few posts.
  12. Not an in note linking solution in EN today. Closest you might be able to get would be to split the two notes, cross link all the notes to each other and maybe a table of contents. Not optimum for sure.
  13. Not sure, but this came up in another thread and I think someone said turning off focus to title in new note fixed the problem.
  14. You can only put notes in a notebook, and then you can put notebooks in a stack. Not sure All notes would quality as a notebook. IAC some folks would like to have more levels of notebooks with the ability to put notes in all those notebook levels. I'm with you, current set up works for me, but not for all hence the request.
  15. Yeah, don't have much need for anchors myself, but if one does it would work. It's that repetitive keystroke/click stuff that drives me a bit away from bare bones. I prefer to think of it as bare bones with an after burner.
  16. And until/if EN implements the feature you can create hotkeys using a text expander to accomplish the task, if you like..
  17. People want more levels of notebooks, they want full nesting, not just stacks..
  18. If you are using the desktop app it should play from there. I just tried on the web version and the clip played in another window (both FF and Chrome), did not have to download. What format of audio file is it?
  19. You could open the PDF in its own window and not lose your place when changing notes in EN.
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