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Everything posted by CalS

  1. Including an idiot proof net backup restore type process, I assume.
  2. You would assume all those cartoons and the like would eat up more space.
  3. Workaround, change the recent edit (updated) date of the note to 12/12/2030 or the like if you sort in reverse order. No official way to pin notes. You can do some note placement with reminders but typically a PITA if you have a lot of notes in the mix. EDIT: should you ever modify the note you will need to change the updated date to maintain the "pinning".
  4. Clueless. You would hope the more users, the more sophisticated the company, the more critical the data, the more attention to backup/restore. If you give EN credit for security, accidentally deleted notes are still an issue.
  5. Yeah, I have 10 notebooks, 2 of which are typically empty (INBOX and Scans) and 1 of which has a few notes or none (I named it Quick - easy way to get quick access to a current project set of notes by temporarily moving them there). Could probably compress to 3 storage notebooks plus INBOX and Scans, but I like how the current set up facilitates searches in my use case. Net of it all, manual ENEX backups once a week aren't too much of a labor. IAC. it's mostly for local NBs and accidental deletes in synced NBs, history covers synced notes pretty well for me.
  6. To paraphrase Henny Youngman, "If it hurts to have 100 notebooks, don't have 100 notebooks". Just kidding. Yeah, a utility of some sort to do notebook knowledgeable backup for restore purposes is needed. Fewer notebooks, ENEX is not so bad, but still automation would be helpful. More notebooks even more so. Could always add notebook name as a tag, but then why have notebook (other than the quick search restriction benefits). Not a good solution at all.
  7. For sure. Someone else recently, I forget the thread. IAC, 28k and still cooking. We'll see what happens in the next year or two as I approach 40k.
  8. Yeah, somebody posted about being in the 90s, someone in the 60,s (not near 100 but larger than typically reported). Real or not, type of notes, size of data base, who knows.
  9. The issues reported in the past had less to do with the number of notes, more to do with performance at higher numbers of notes. Though a few have reported approaching the 100k limit. As far as I can tell I have a decade of use before I get close to any limits, unless the performance gremlin rears its head. And who knows what will happen in the next 10 years?
  10. Got to 31,000 notes w/o any performance issues when I decided to move 5,000 notes from some old projects to a free account (never really searched them and I was getting a few false positives). Now, back to 28,000 notes, adding about 5,000 a year. FWIW, 350 tags, five synced notebooks (1 prime, 2 shared, Inbox and 1 Quick notebook for notes I am bouncing around with on a project) and four local notebooks (3 by content and a Scan for imports). My sense is I will consolidate one synced and one local notebook in the next month or so and have 7 notebooks from then.
  11. Funny thing is tags contain tags with nesting, all the more powerful now with inheritance implemented. IAC, to me stacks/notebooks in EN are used to segregate data into search, shared, and offline sets, not necessarily to "file" the data. Tags, text, and attributes (eg, created) are used to find things. And finding things is EN's strength. For me I care less where I put it, I just want to find it. Not hating on folks who want notebook levels. For sure you can use notebooks to accomplish the same ends, I just prefer tags.
  12. .... or I used a notebook/stack to get one click context for searches
  13. You can create a table of contents note with links to your notes in it. A quick search found this help.
  14. At present you would have to move the notes with the tag to a notebook and share the notebook. I up-voted.
  15. You can also add the delete icon to the toolbar in the single note window. Will be there whenever you open a note or create a note in its own window.
  16. EN does not have the functionality to redact a PDF. You need a program which can edit PDFs. If you do a search to find such software which will range from free internet based (which seems counter intuitive to me) to Adobe which costs the most. A middle of the road program will cost $100 or less. You can redact the PDF before or after you add it to EN, though adding it to a local notebook would make the most sense.
  17. Depending whether you need to print the documents in thier entirety in the future, you can redact your SSN and the like from the documents. As far as I know redaction completely removes the information. Somewhat less exposed.
  18. You are welcome. Always good to remember that there is no "right" way to do it. Per @Analyst444 distill to what works for you. It's not that hard to adjust or tune as you go, more fun if you don't have to though.
  19. Another viewpoint. I put all of my tax related documents in my primary local notebook, mixed in with everything else. I have a set of year tags, _2016, _2015, etc. The underscore is used to for the tag drop down and for sorting by tag. Relative to tax tags I use the list below, all of which are preceded with 1040. Each tax note gets a year and a 1040 tag, and if I have a tag for the account, that tag, Chase for example. I put the document type as the start of the note title with the entity after, 1099-INT Chase for example. For charity notes I start the title with Contribution followed by the charity and the date. In practice, the saved search -tag:1040.b* tag:_2015 tag:1040* returned all specific backup documents for the 2015 task year. If I want to compare YOY, I can do a tag:1040.sched.a search and sort by either tag or title to see. Or a tag:Chase tag:1040* search. Sounds more complicated than it is I think. FWIW.
  20. This feature has been in the request queue for a while, so who knows if/when it will appear. Common workaround seems to be to modify Created or Updated date, whichever date you use the most to sort, thereby forcing the note to the top.
  21. On my backup PC I use Foxit Reader. Others have referenced CutePDF and PDFCreator as good, free PDF creation tools as well. I use Adobe Acrobat X Pro on my main PC.
  22. @Shlomo Workaround. If you really don't want the closed projects in your search results, you could create a new free account in EN and ENEX export/import the notebook to the new account. Might be some issues with nested tags in the new account, but if all you are looking for is a not often used archive, not too bad. FWIW.
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