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Everything posted by CalS

  1. To not be at the whim of software and operating systems I think use of a simple text expander makes sense if one does a lot of date insertion in different apps. I use AutoHotKey these days. Here's a link to a simple date hotkey with AHK. May not be worth it for everyone.
  2. Used to be in pre V10 Evernote you could use Reminder Dates and search by them. There was overhead to maintain the time if you wanted more than just day sequence. You could create saved searches and sorts representative of your needs. You can still use Reminder dates in V10 but can no longer sort by the field should you use it in list view. Clueless as to why the functionality didn't carry over but alas it did not. Maybe it was the introduction of tasks? FWIW.
  3. Yeah, I haven’t used block but I did in this case.
  4. As a retired CIO I will leave it to your expertise.
  5. Anything that we can search in some form is pretty much a database to us. It is a database of my emails readily searchable. A very specific and vertical data base for without a doubt and not particularly extensible. But a DB none the less. I left EN as V10 did not meet my needs. Now I have a folder structure, use Windows indexing on that folder structure, and use Directory Opus to query that folder structure. In essence I have built a 25 GB database. But I guess it is not a monolithic bit of database software. Though the tool set does get the job done, roll your own that it is.
  6. Actually that is a common definition of a data base. All databases don’t perform the same way though hence all this angst.
  7. Was a simple process pre V10. What was it, Shift+Alt+T to find a tag and keep finding tags in notes that contained the preceding tags. Great bit of functionality that hopefully finds its way back into the mainstream.
  8. Yeah, this is one of the things that got borqued in the move to V10, that being tag searches. Painfully slow with V10 versus 6.25.1. The winnowing tag search of the old EN was a marvel to use, and so productive. 🤷‍♂️
  9. Based on the HTML variants and coding preferences out there sounds like a lifetime job. 🤣
  10. If you are using EN via a browser like Edge or Chrome you can go to the context of your choice in EN and then use the Apps function to create an app from the tab. That app can be put on the taskbar and one click will get you to your EN window. Works the same as in the browser and depending upon menu set up you can end up with some incremental vertical screen real estate. FWIW.
  11. Not sure it was intended but the OP posted to a 6.25.1 Windows forum.
  12. I'm pretty sure if not certain that -Notebook searches never worked in pre V10 EN. If they appeared to work for you in the past it may have been because there were no notes with the tag trigger in that notebook at the time. Fix to this in the past was to have the Complete/Done notebook not be in a stack with the active notebooks containing trigger tags.
  13. Yeah, "Legacy" is a slightly different version than the final version of EN pre V10, which was You can still get that version at Filehippo, I think.
  14. After exporting all my notes I still use Web Evernote for the occasional look up (mostly OCRd image stuff). The speed has improved but is still too slow for me. But slower for me still are the extra steps to do just about anything. Complex search in particular. My use case anyway..
  15. Point is EN will change the modified date when the note is changed. Pre V10 tag changes did not cause such an update. EN did to want to change modified date with a tag change back in the day. Which was a PITA should one accidentally delete a tag from a group of notes. Try finding them without a modified date update. .Different philosophy now I suppose. Sympathies if your use case got hammered. V10 did that to quite a few of my use cases and unfortunately I had to leave EN. When I used EN I would change the created date to get a past document in the right place. I did so at my own peril but knew EN wasn't going to change the created date once the note was created. So low risk.
  16. In my experience if the tags you use aren't a part of how you think they won't help much. Keep them simple, easy to remember, and as few as possible. Statement for statements for example. Use the power of search. Before I left EN I had less than 500 tags for 57k notes. And I could remember most of them circumstantially as they meant what they were, Statement example again. 🤷‍♂️
  17. It's a use case thing for sure. I looked at most of the alternatives for my use case and none stacked up to V10. But then V10 did not stack up to 6.25. So I opted to roll my own as reported in these forums. It is a combination of MEGA, Directory Opus, WorkFlowy, and Windows Search with AutoHotKey for streamlining. Not for everyone.. I exported all of my 57K notes in December. I've been tweaking it since and am approaching the same level of productivity I had with 6.25.1 as muscle memory has developed. I keep checking the forums to see if V10 begins to achieve the speed and UI productivity of 6.25. I might return if that were to happen. Meanwhile I keep a basic account, just in case. 🤷‍♂️
  18. Well if they seize they shouldn't be able to read anything, not that there is that much worth reading in the first case. Don Quixotes abound in the world!
  19. All things change. A couple of tweaks to my new way of doing things. I reexported my EN data by notebook by year. More manageable in Directory Opus. Still do searches at the root which are fast. Big deal, I replaced OneDrive and BoxCryptor with Mega. OneDrive (or BoxCryptor) would run the CPU for a minute or two for any file change, turning on the fan and the rest. Mega has end to end encryption, syncs very quickly without consuming resources, and has a better IOS app in my view. Much smoother and my entire repository backup is now encrypted. Other than that things are working well for my use case. I think I am done diddling, I hope I am done diddling. Still coming back once a week to these forums to see if something big happens. EN is a friend I can't quite let go of. 🤷‍♂️
  20. Haha, not sure I am ready for the dark side! IAC, issue does not seem to be my old decrepit docked X230. Windows 6.25.1 runs circles around V10, at least pre 10.32. Again, my use case. My new method, cobbled as it may be, does the same. There’s more to performance than hardware. Half of the performance issue for me are the extra clicks and lack of easy access to shortcuts. And last I checked complex tag searches are still an issue? Some saved searches don’t work in the current browser version anyway. Not good for me. I’ve said it before, 6.25.1 spoiled me. Neither ugly nor pretty but fast and UI friendly for my use case. No search lags whatsoever with 57k notes. V.10 scuttled that. V10 may get there someday, hope so. No emotion here, it just is what it is. Okay, maybe a little sadness…. 😉
  21. Unfortunately not everyone has shared your experience @agsteele. ☹️
  22. It can be done. I did not want to switch but was forced to as the new EN was not working for my use case. I completed the conversion this past December. I keep a Basic account running 6.25.1, rarely used to date. I also visit the forums from time to time to see if any significant improvements to performance are implemented as I would not mind returning if my use case were better supported. 🤷‍♂️
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