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Everything posted by CalS

  1. Hey Gaz. At this point for some it may have less to do with bugs and more to do with performance and a more clicky UI which creates process change. I know when working on my wife’s account every note display was preceded by a bit of the spinning green circle. Not long, but still there. Folks will be forced to decide soonish I suppose if they can deal with that. 🤷‍♂️
  2. As an ex power user I helped my wife out this past week cleaning up some stuff on her Basic account. It took too long. I was using the web version. Sometimes images did not display the first time the note was displayed. A couple of notes were blank (maybe the content got deleted accidentally, I don't know). Sometimes I would enter a search and no notes would show. I would reset and the expected notes would appear. It was faster than it was the last time I did some clean up for her. But still sluggish. And this is a small 2100 note account, mostly recipes. Probably fine for the casual user, but I agree if you use EN highly interactively so much of the day is spent waiting. It be the framework. 🤷‍♂️
  3. Who knows, doubtful, but the numbers are what they are for the current increase. One can draw one's own conclusion.
  4. 69 to 129 in six years is about 11% compounded, that is 11% every year.
  5. @Dave-in-Decatur Most everything is server based now. I see it when helping my wife with her account. The lag in search index update was one of the things that bothered me early on. It has the opportunity to put a hitch in your get along when in the midst of a group of interrelated updates. Not much of an issue if you aren't searching or switching platforms quickly after an update. 🤷‍♂️
  6. Methinks maybe @Abnotes might have been referring to the fanboi tone of some of the replies in the forum....
  7. You can go the folder holding all the "Evernote" files and search for *.pdf. This should list all of the PDFs in those exported notes. Highlight and right click for the context menu and your PDF handler may let you combine them.
  8. I opted to leave EN when V10 appeared for other reasons. Sounds like V10 and PDFs would have been a hard fail for me as well. Anyway, to bulk export to a folder you need to install V6 legacy and use it to batch save attachments to a folder. Then you can combine any way you like and index if you like. But not a long term solution obviously
  9. Not sure what program you are using to display the three files. Here is an example of a search against a PDF created from this topic. It is in File Exporer. The folder INBOX is indexed, all files are indexed for name and content. So I think it is doable??? EDIT: This is how I find documents now, post EN.
  10. What does know what they are mean? Windows or Mac? EDIT: I've got 26 GB of docs on my C drive which sync to Mega (a chunk came from EN). Pretty much all one doc per PDF. All searchable. Not saying it is for everyone but again, not sure what doesn't know what they are means. I may be missing something.
  11. @ldoc What happens if you skip EN and concatenate new stuff on the g-drive? If bifurcating searching between EN and statement store is not a problem of course. From a Windows perspective I've found that if you turn on windows indexing to a controlled folder set the search results are very fast. I used Mega for my store when I left EN. The end to end encryption lets me store anything.
  12. @Mike P Ouch. Add a layer (Fin1, Fin2, ...) between Finance and the sub-tags? Not trying to put a round peg in a square whole, just spit balling. Workarounds can be sensitive I know. I've tended to use them with all forms of software when I really need something a product doesn't quite do.
  13. When I was using EN, Pre V10, all statements and the like were stand alone PDFs. To your point if a hotel charge appeared in more than one statement I would have to look at each if I did not remember the month. I felt it was easier to look at a couple of statements should the need arise as opposed to concatenating PDFs each month. Lazy approach. Still doing it that way.
  14. @Mike P Not pretty, but you could create a saved search tag:finance -tag:a* -tag:b* ... Not bad once the search is created. 🤷‍♂️
  15. I was referring to my new home grown process. When I used IOS EN pre V10 performance was mostly good in the later years. I never used IOS EN on the V10 stuff.
  16. I can still search on mobile, it's just by title. This works well as I'm mostly looking for a document and have reasonably good naming standards. And I have my confidential and not so confidential docs available, something I did not have with EN, albeit at my own decision. Just wanted to be clear. Horses for courses and all that.
  17. The benefit of local notebooks for me was security. I did not want confidential notes syncing to the cloud. I did however want to search local and synced notebooks in one place (EN) when on my PC. I did not need to search local notebooks when on mobile. So legacy EN local notebooks were a great fit for my use case. In the new world order for me all my documents and old EN notes are in MEGA which has end to end encryption while syncing across devices. Title and content searchable on multiple PCs and title only searchable on mobile. So I am still using local notebooks so to speak. Use case thing.
  18. @gazumped All good but I still wonder the betting odds on demise. Can't help myself! No particular benefit to anything other than the odd wager. 😊 Mostly true without a doubt, other than local notebooks. Their lack is unsuitable compared to past, was for me anyway. I opted not to cling.
  19. It would appear from the forums that there are still folks that don't view V10 as a replacement for legacy. Which differs a bit from the examples above. 🤷‍♂️ BS now owns the software and will do as they please. Seems they are not opting to be make V10 functionally parallel with V6 (nor was EN when they had the helm). So we come back to what's the over/under for legacy demise and the transparency in getting there. My 2 cents.
  20. Without a doubt having RTE users and not RTE users can’t go on forever. How long? What’s the over/under (rhetorical questions). 😉
  21. It doesn’t sound so much like two databases as it does a foyer that doesn’t let V6 in. Seems it shouldn’t affect anyone not sharing with anyone else, no notes to lock. Assuming the above description is accurate.
  22. Age old argument. Zealots on both sides. Not a zealot here. Just not interested in a conversion.
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