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Everything posted by Boot17

  1. @SuzanneThe free version is now basically a free trial version (instead of a free version). You are limited to a maximum of one notebook and a maximum of 50 notes. You can use it indefinitely, but you cannot add more notes or notebooks than that limit. The 7 day thing that you are talking about is most likely a 7 day trial of the "Personal" paid subscription plan.
  2. I'd use the following search syntax to search for keyword 'something' in the 'my-tag' tag: tag:my-tag something
  3. I hope you aren't typing '#' to create a large header, '##' for a medium header, and '###' for a small header, or '---' for a horizontal line, etc... because... those are from markdown! And then they've already bamboozled you! 😃 Some markdown-based shortcuts are nice, but if there is just as easy a keyboard shortcut (like Ctrl+Alt+K for linking), that works great for me.
  4. You can nuke it temporarily until the next restart with the old Chrome Dev tools 'Delete element' trick But I just got used to having it there since that was easier. 😃
  5. On Desktop and Web: Click on a cell in a column and then shift-click on a cell in the last column and then click the little down arrow icon and a menu pops up. Click the "Distribute Columns Evenly" from the menu that pops up.
  6. Obsidian runs on iOS, iPadOS, MacOS, Windows, Android, and Linux. The paid Obsidian sync ($99 per year) can sync to all of them. You can also set up a bunch of other kinds of sync outside of Obsidian (some paid, some free) but there are various tradeoffs that you'd have to research. One example - I was using iCloud Drive for Mac, Windows, and iPhone and it was working ok but I didn't have many notes into it and I've read that Obsidian can be slow to open on iOS using iCloud if you have a lot of notes. (iCloud offloads downloaded files and I believe Obsidian then redownloads them when it is launched -- not sure though.)
  7. I have fond memories of that image! ❤️ I'm not sure that's the exact one, but it seemed pretty close! I didn't know gazump was a real word until a little while ago. I actually associated the word gazumped with a gorilla before I knew what it really meant. It just seemed to go so well together to me. I like your new one now too though! Cheers! 😃 Sorry for the continuation of the meta tangent. /end
  8. I imagine that first buyer's reaction would then be something like this at some point: 😁
  9. Yep. It's part of the UI "revamp" that they did back in January/February. A couple of comments of mine with regard to increased padding (in general) in a big long thread about it: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/149750-new-ui-experiences-bad-and-good/?do=findComment&comment=717750 https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/149750-new-ui-experiences-bad-and-good/?do=findComment&comment=717814 I've seen a similar comment about the specific margin you are talking about too -- in that thread I believe. I'm not sure if they are still looking for feedback, but this survey link for it is still live: https://waz9zvkd1f2.typeform.com/newuifeedback
  10. Hahaha. Are you me? Before I had scrolled down to your comment I was thinking.. man, that ship sailed three years ago! And there were a lot of improvements done to v10 to make it better since it's first release -- at least some of those based on constructive feedback I'd guess.
  11. On the next update... if (user === @ferol) { showFiveSuggestionSpecialFeature(); } Just for you. 😃
  12. Kind of reminds me of the "AI Note Cleanup". They really wanted to showcase that so it took up prime real estate on the toolbar even though (I suspect) the high majority of users didn't use it. Many of us griped about it in the comments (and probably some submitted feedback). Now we see that functionality relegated to a spot that makes more sense -- at least to me. The way that they have the slash command hint text now -- there is absolutely NO WAY you are not going to know about it. So from that standpoint, it's kind of genius. Yeah - a setting to hide it or something would be fantastic.
  13. I was a fairly valiant level 3 defender at one point, but lately these days I'm mostly just smoking a flavor of Obsidian. Having said that, my experience of Evernote is not near so bad as yours. (I mean I couldn't even say it's bad.) There are a lot of different factors that go into it: use case, personal preference, work flows, platforms, number of notes, hardware, configurations, technical expertise, frustration tolerance, years of experience (on both Legacy and v10), etc. Some people can love Evernote for various reasons and some can hate it for others and they can both be right.
  14. Not that it changes anything, but it seems it's been this way since the beginning of v10. From 3 years ago: Also - some discussion on it here: Be sure to like and subscribe to my "Saturday tool tip" comment in that thread! 🤣
  15. Ah - I was missing going to it from the Settings -- I didn't even know that was there as I've never accessed it from that way. Personally, I don't know, maybe it's weird and they should just auto-close the settings dialog after clicking on the "Open menu" button, but I'd think it would only take one time to figure out and then we're like "oh 🤷".
  16. Hrmm - it seems to be working for me ok. Which version of Evernote and OS are you on? I'm on Mac Desktop 10.79.2 [Edit: I wasn't following the steps correctly to reproduce.] I can close the Keyboard Shortcuts in all 3 ways (that I know of): clicking the keyboard shortcut button that launched it, clicking the 'X' in the Keyboard shortcuts side bar, and press Cmd+/ (this tooltip shows when I hover over the keyboard shortcut button).
  17. I'm sure they'll expand it, but --yeah-- most of those slash commands can be accessed by keyboard shortcut or markdown snippet syntax shortcut. Slash commands are cool and I know this is just the first iteration and I'm sure they'll improve on it with feedback. And my feedback is that it's cool, but the "Press "/" to insert an element" is pretty jarring to see so much. I bet (and hope!) we'll see it tweaked.
  18. Would be funny if Bending Spoons created an Obsidian plugin and called it ARLO*. It would read your Obsidian-based markdown notes and generate one or more ENEX files. (Technically, anyone/devs can do this.) (*ARLO stands for A Rope Ladder From Obsidian. A play on the infamous YARLE - Yet Another Roper Ladder From Evernote tool. No "Y" in the ARLO, because it would be the first ladder going the other way from Obsidian AFAIK.) One reason that I don't believe Bending Spoons would do it though, is because the support of it (both development and supporting customers) would be more trouble and money than it is worth. Most people aren't going to leave a free-based platform to move to Evernote which costs a bit of money. Some will obviously, but I think most won't. You never know though.
  19. Except for you can have other images next to it if the alignment of all the images is to the left. Federico (Evernote Product Lead / Owner) did post about the image alignment on X, but it was only with regards to now being able to center and right-align an image. When they first implemented it, it broke a few things, but they fixed them and made it work like v10 used to work, but now with being able to center and right align an image.
  20. I agree, the black of Evernote editor background is a little too dark for my taste, but the examples you showed are also a little too light for my taste. I guess I'm a mama bear kind of porridge guy in this scenario... just right! The editor background of Evernote (after UI Revamp) is #141414. I thought the old color of #262626 was perfect.
  21. On Desktop and Web you can hide it temporarily by a little bit of hackery... Before: After: Quick overview -- use your favorite search engine to help you if you need more details, but basically to do this, you use the Developer Tools. On Desktop and Chrome Web you press F12 to activate. You use the little "inspect" tool (click on it): And then hover over and then click on the task button like so: That shows you and selects the underlying DOM element in the "Elements" portion of the Developer Tools: Press the "delete" key and presto! -- you've deleted the task button temporarily. This change should persist until the next time you restart the Desktop app or reload the browser page. I also use a similar hack to make the task side bar about 200 pixels wider.
  22. The price didn't deter me so much (I'm on at the $129 Personal, but I got it for 40% off this year -- so around $85 I think), but the UI revamp rollout gave me a bit of whiplash and I haven't been too keen on some of the direction and feature implementations in general. Not that they are so bad necessarily, but for me it wasn't as good a fit. But the upcoming collapsible headers and bullet lists and toggle commands are going to be useful for me. The UI revamp got me re-looking heavily into Obsidian again. I still really like Evernote and I think they've fixed the things about the UI revamp rollout that bothered me the most so I'm looking to see how to keep Evernote into my workflow while perhaps using it more as a filing cabinet and using Obsidian for most of the day to day note taking and productivity work. I'm not sure.
  23. It could just be coincidence, but it's possible that some changes have been made due to some detailed feedback in the comments. Off the top of my head: table cell left and right padding note title missing in the window title images being side-by-side issue image resizing box funkiness improved contrast in some places Having said that, there are also many different changes going on and the version number doesn't always matter as much now do to the A/B type testing that they are starting to implement to test small UI feature changes on a percentage of users. I must not be a very good surfer because sometimes I fall off this board and into the wave instead of riding it.
  24. Yeah - it's a little bit weird that clicking on the note title and not the notebook is how you move notes, but I'm sure that being able to click on the notebook to view all the notes in that notebook is super handy (for those that primarily use notebooks). I do need to change the note to just one of 4 notebooks that I have and I find myself (incorrectly) clicking on the notebook to do that -- but I'm getting more used to it this way.
  25. When they rolled out the UI revamp (starting back in like version 10.72 -- but the version wasn't the only thing that mattered, there was a "switch" on the server side that was flipped on accounts gradually over several weeks), they created huge increases in paddings and other issues. https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/149750-new-ui-experiences-bad-and-good/?do=findComment&comment=717680 https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/149750-new-ui-experiences-bad-and-good/?do=findComment&comment=717814 https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/149750-new-ui-experiences-bad-and-good/?do=findComment&comment=718044 All three of those are comments by me with regards to ways the tables were messed up for me. The huge padding has been fixed for me in 10.78.2, but the offset on selecting the rows still persists, but I'm sure they'll fix it at some point. I don't use the "Home" view much so I don't notice what issues for me there would be there.
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