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Everything posted by Boot17

  1. I'm not sure what Ernst meant by "No problem here with Evernote 10.81.4 on macOS" -- MacOS does the same thing: when I select text and press '/', the text is replaced with a '/' key and then the slash commands popup up. I think they *could* intercept the slash and only popup the slash commands when you have selected text, but how would they know you wanted to encapsulate the text with a code block and you actually did not want to replace the text with a slash? The way the slash command is handled in this case in Evernote is the same way that both (for example) UpNote and Obsidian handle the slash command.
  2. Well, for those of us on Personal, perhaps the AI Edit will be a Professional feature only so it will go away. oh - yikes - I've seen a vision of the possible future and here it is: (Note - this was just a joke.)
  3. Yay! They did this! 🎉 But now... I select just one more character... This constant popup on text selection is even more annoying IMO. 🤦
  4. I've had mixed results with speed over the years. v10 has never been as quick as Legacy, but at times it has been good enough for me. Just now though, I clicked on an internal link and nothing happens, wait 5 seconds and it dumps me to the "Home" page. I click the back button and it takes me to the internal link I clicked on in the first place. That whole process took 7 or 8 seconds. Sometimes if I click again on the link before it dumps me to "Home" it will load all the notes and take me to a random note and then I can click the back button and it will take me to the right now and I can save a couple of seconds. This is on 10.82.2 of Mac Desktop direct download. I bring up the 'Switch To' command and 'switch' to filter by a different tag -- nope it keeps me at the same filtered tag. So I repeat the 'Switch To' command and this second time it works. I click on a note in that filtered-by-tag list and it loads that note ok, then I click on an internal link and instead of taking me to that note, it dumps me in the notebook and takes me to the fist note in the list. Perhaps it's my use of 'Switch To' and tags that is different at the moment here from many of you. I don't use notebooks as I organize by tag instead and I generally use the 'Switch To' command to find things vs the regular search in the side bar.
  5. It may be surprising to know that not everyone uses Evernote the way that you do. For example, some people use web clipping and/or email-to-note quite heavily. Do you? I don't. So what may be a good alternative for me won't need to do web clipping or email-to-note and if I suggested one of those two you, you might scoff if you relied heavily on them. For a forum search on alternatives: https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Adiscussion.evernote.com+alternatives Also check out: https://noteapps.info/apps/compare It's worth exploring. In the end, you may realize that Evernote v10 is the best all things considered for your personal use cases and preferences... or not. Also this: "now I cant access anything...", sounds like an issue with your particular setup that needs to get worked out and/or start another thread just for that and give details. Perhaps someone can offer help.
  6. I wonder if you kind of answered your own question/statement in that first sentence with that second sentence -- you've paid for a product for over 12 years even though open source products have existed that whole time. (Edit - oh perhaps you haven't been a subscriber that whole time -- but for a good chunk of it anyway?) Note that Obsidian itself is not an open source product and Obsidian developers are (basically) paid staff, so... Obsidian is fantastic, but requires a lot more technical know-how and maintenance than Evernote -- plus there are things that are just not as good as Evernote -- saying this as a fan of both. Many people do and will prefer Evernote (just not you anymore). I also get the impression that the Evernote staff is a lot leaner ("and meaner"?) than before, plus with their price increases and limiting of free plans -- I'd guess (SWAG) that they are making hand-over-fist compared to before.
  7. I agree with your overall comment and hope to see improvements there as well but I dunno about this one part. There was a big learning curve for the new team to handle and a lot of legacy debt for them to tackle and they were working through all of that and now seem to be getting their feet under them and are doing a lot of things fast now. Just off the top of my head in the last couple of months: UI revamp, collapsible headers and lists, big AI Edit improvements, slash commands, (finally) allowing for center and right alignment of an image, Outlook calendar integration, mobile home change/testing. I'm probably missing some. So again - yes - hopefully we see some improvements there for the things you touched on.
  8. Hrmm - interesting. I wonder when that changed. They used to put a version number on the downloaded executable too and now it's just "Evernote-latest". It seems that the exact version number is at least a little bit less meaningful than it used to be due to more server-side switches for feature-enablement and some A/B testing. Semi-related it made me think about this again: People often say "I'm on the latest version" when sometimes they are really not. They just think they are because when they click "Check For Updates" it says they are up-to-date or maybe they got a recent update. Tested "Check For Updates" just now (from a direct download install) and got this: Edit: whereas we know that's not the latest version... there have been several releases since then.
  9. IMO Evernote is really awesome software. I love it. I loved Legacy and I've gotten used to and love v10. Many things are better in v10 than in Legacy. I wish we could take the best of Legacy that we don't have in v10, but such is not the case. ...but I also have to agree with this quoted comment. In my own experience, Evernote is probably the buggiest software I think I've ever used -- especially the last 16 months or so has been at least a little bit of a bumpy ride for me personally. They are fixing a lot of technical debt and doing a lot of rewrite which could cause that (plus not having as many years of experience -- SME -- as the previous team) -- that's bound to cause a few bugs. However, they are also doing A/B testing on users of a productivity app which I think is counter-productive to productivity IMO. (And perhaps its always been pretty buggy at various times -- see the infamous https://jasonkincaid.net/evernote-the-bug-ridden-elephant/) Plus, I also use Evernote just as much or more than most software so I'm more prone to notice bugs I'm sure.
  10. I don't think the slash commands are meant to be scrolled, they are meant to be filtered. You do a slash command when you know what you want to insert. So if you want a code block, you type '/cod' and then hit enter.
  11. For me too. It took me many months to adapt to v10 at first and there are still things I miss about Legacy (for me it's multiple tabs (only on Mac), changing the modify date, speed), but overall v10 is a better product and I wouldn't go back to Legacy if it would mean missing out on all the things in v10 that I really like.
  12. There is a css variable called "--task-height". It is set at 40 pixels high. It looks like this (also as shown above) If it were changed to be 26 pixels then you get a more compact look: (So I think as far as changes go, this one would be fairly easy to change if they were so inclined.) Some people like the space, some people want it more compact, and some people want it somewhere in between. I think the new UI revamp direction is to space things out. On web, you can override things like that --task-height property fairly easy with tools like Tampermonkey if you are so inclined. On Desktop it's more difficult (AFAIK) and on mobile (especially iOS) nigh impossible. There have been a few requests in the forum for Bending Spoons to give us some control over the look and feel (including spacing) of different elements. I've never heard any mention that they'll ever do that.
  13. You can also hover over the profile photo in any comment and then wait for the little popup to show and then click the 'Ignore' button from there. Then be sure to select the checkboxes to ignore Posts, Messages, Mentions, and Signature.
  14. I haven't linked any calendars and I have a blue dot. Looks like Pink hasn't linked any calendars and has the blue dot. Anybody not have the blue dot that also hasn't linked any calendars? It seems like it's a reminder to "link a calendar" and not something with Outlook specifically. It's been with me through several updates and guessing it won't go away until a programming change is made there.
  15. ...and welcome to the club! 😃
  16. This one really irked me too, but I must admit that I shot myself in the foot as I downloaded 10.80.2 directly from the website because I wanted to try out the collapsible sections and toggled bullet lists. They rolled 10.80.2 back (I think?) and then pushed out 10.80.3 which fixes the 'Switch To'. Are the auto-updates (I'm on a direct download -- not through the store) purposefully delayed for things like this? Early adopters get to feel the pain more? No idea how their deploy strategy works, but I wish they would have some "stable" releases that we could stick to for weeks or months and then the auto-updater would only update us to the next stable release. And then they should only be pushing out the stable releases to the store. I'm at least going to stop manually downloading the latest release from the website and see how that plays out for me.
  17. I'm guessing the menu bar is probably only back because the implementation turned out too buggy to quickly patch and that we will see the hamburger menu reemerge soon. Just a guess though.
  18. Version 10.57.5 is about a year old and I'd guess that may be the reason it's not working. Is it working for the employees that have have upgraded to a later version? If so, I suspect that is the only answer. (If not, I think a ticket to Evernote Support would be the way to go.) I'd wager even Evernote support will tell you to upgrade to the latest version.
  19. Hello! Just FYI that you've posted in the iOS forum, but I suspect you probably mean Desktop? Which exact version of the app are you using and on what platform? And when you say Search doesn't work, are you talking about the Search from the side bar or are you talking about the "Switch To" command (which is known to be broken in 10.80.2 on both MacOS and Windows -- see https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/150972-switch-to-doesnt-work-after-upgrade-to-10802 for one recent example).
  20. Yeah - if you really need 26 levels of indentation then get a specialized tool for that. How does greater than 9 levels of indentation look on mobile? Terrible.
  21. Late to the party, but I just wanted to say I think the implementation here is super slick as well. I really like everything about it. Kudos to Bending Spoons from me. 🏆
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