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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. This restriction is placed by the browser or by the OS developer - in case of Safari it’s in both cases Apple. Your concern is not bad, actually it is the very question the dialogue wants to point at. Before this dialogue was installed, the status WAS that you granted full access, on installation of the plugin. If you give it full access today, nothing changes compared to before. A web clipper obviously needs full access to do it’s job. You can cut this access (you could before, but you needed to do it actively yourself), and then it simply doesn’t work any more. It all boils down to the simple question: Do you entrust the developer (in this case EN/BS) with your data ? If not, stop using a product or service. In case of EN it is quite simple: Their business model is to get paid by their users, and only their users. Plus they operate under GDPR restrictions, the European data protection law. If I make a ranking, they are very solidly in the „can be trusted“ segment. It is much more important to ask this question on services where „great“ features are offered without compensation. In these cases you resp. your data are the real product.
  2. Yes, OK. It just indicates the download status of this notebook. Black with white arrow = downloaded for offline use. It will show as well behind the notebooks in the notebooks list view.
  3. No. 3 Macs, all doing fine. In the past something like that was often related to a corrupted local database. The cure was to remove the install using AppCleaner, restart the Mac and install fresh. To give it time for the local download, the app should be kept open in the background for an extended time, several days with large accounts. Can’t tell for sure for the latest releases. I jumped trough that loop last summer for the last time. Had no need since.
  4. There never was such a list, roadmap or whatever. Eternal discussion, it simply doesn’t exist. Want to know what’s next: Follow the blog, or Federico on X. Pinting is available, basic sort. I doubt the ability to print a documents meta information is available in any app. It for sure is NOT available in most apps I use. Want it: Open Note info, make a screenshot, done.
  5. Thanks for explaining your intentions. What is the website, please ? I asked you to post the URL here, for a try.
  6. Write a list of what was added - I am sure it is impressively longer than the nitty bitty detail aspects that may have been lost in transition.
  7. Try if this helps: Go to your notebooks settings, and set the default to any notebook. Then set it back to your preferred default notebook.
  8. The filters are fine, they often help to cut a search short. Just keep on typing. Or use the quick note switcher Win: ctrl-Q, Mac: cmd-J.
  9. Maybe you don’t know, but you are discussing the ability of your OS spell checker. EN doesn’t bring along it’s own solution. First you need to address this with your OS provider. Second check your OS language settings. Third invest a little into training it, by teaching it words
  10. There are other options. Among the free scanner apps, probably Lens from Microsoft does the most complete job.
  11. You decide about your subscription. Every time since 2020 when you decided the only supported clients were v10. Using deprecated software instead was your personal thing, unsupported but possible. The signs were clear this will not go on eternally. Since last year there were warnings all over. You can decide next time the subscription comes up whether to continue. You could even cancel now, and let the sub expire. Your decision …
  12. Because it saves directly into EN ? Get an EN subscription, then you don't pay for Scannable. And without an EN sub, the scans will quickly eat your 50 notes allowance.
  13. It’s easy to see what’s wrong. It could be fixed. The question is whether this is a factual thing, or a cultural. Culture eats facts for breakfast, no exceptions.
  14. If you have more than 1 notebook, the effect is the same as having 50+ notes.
  15. From what I see a lot makes sense what’s is done. Many features were requested for a veeeeery long time (jump marks / sections inside of notes, combined with a note TOC: Awesome, even with the deficiencies we still see. Solid importers for major other apps: A necessity, else everybody steals your customers while you can’t attract from others; and so on). But new releases are pushed off the ramp without even the slightest QA. We had releases that break things. Rapidly fixed, but still I am completely annoyed by this way of running an operation, starting to get „update paranoia“ myself. This is easy to fix: Make it a step in the release cycle, set up a procedure, assign some people, and DO it. You may even find out early who of your devs is more prone to nurture the bug farm than others, BTW. Example: Just got these days for the 3rd time my iOS offline downloads nuked by an update that toggled the offline switch to OFF. I am traveling a lot, and need access to my content. While I type this, my iPhone is busy downloading my notes again. On the Mac suddenly some offline content was not available any more, with a weird random pattern: 2 notes were created a few minutes apart, similar content, both synced and fine. One fully available offline, the other not. And now to the support issue: Whenever I asked support anything, what I got was canned stuff as an answer with NO relevance for my problem. 20, 30 or 40 lines of nice sounding and completely worthless answers.I am used to analyze sources professionally: When I strip the niceties away, the legal bywork, the general purpose advise (oh yes, update) and the soothing (oh, it was flagged for the devs, wow), what’s left is the name of the support specialist - probably even that is made up. These answers are worthless, useless, an offense of my ability to read them and understand there is nothing in the package. This is no way to run any premium service - and I accept no excuses. Either a company lowers their exposure to support queries by improving the product, or it damn needs to hire enough people (and set up the organization to control them) to assure 24hrs 24/7 reaction time. If you can’t for 9 months now, you lost control of your business. It’s like delivering a Ferrari to your customers, pushing the installation of the brakes to a later update. Oooops.
  16. Nice to hear about your experience. The iOS version is ok, basically the same new UI. What I find irritating is that it now has a significant delay on opening. Before the app opened on the iPhone in an instant. Now I am forced to admire that Bending Spoons made it with love for a felt eternity. In fact it’s only a few seconds - but exactly then when I don’t need it, because I want to get at an information quick. No, it’s not the iPhone (it’s a shiny blue 15 Pro Max, running the latest iOS), and the delay survived even a forced restart. I would prefer less love and a little more professional effort in coding the user experience. Of all waiting experiences, probably app startup wait is the most annoying.
  17. Don't we all come to this forum to learn something from a new perspective, from time to time ? 🙃 @AlbertR Nice catch !
  18. The app will only download when the app is open, and has some time to fetch the latest changes. If I know I will be traveling, I would check it anyhow: The latest update again toggled my "Offline" setting to OFF, wiping all content. This has happened now 3 times, always after updates. For me this is a sign that EN does not check even a basic list of critical features before releasing new stuff on the users. If you want to catch a plane the next day, you better refrain from updating at all ... 😩
  19. I took a measure. On my iPhone 15 Pro Max "Your Evernote" takes up 4mm out of 15.5cm total screen height. Which is 2.6% of the screen height, not 20%. You can take this answer as serious as I take your rant. You are long enough in this forum to know that your answers should be directed at feedback@evernote.com
  20. I don't either on rereading it - must have been an interference by the autocorrection. The second sentence describes how to do it: Select ALL, the copy and paste. No shortcut needed. Since nobody else has posted here, I conclude this is the ultimate answer.
  21. No, there is no database debugger. You can only purge the existing database, and download it again. In general it needs time to download a database. If you switched recently from legacy, and only open the client when you actually use it, it may be the initial download has not even completed. Let the client running all the time, in the background. It will take hours and on larger accounts days until the download has completed. The GitHub project is a good alternative. Since it fetches all data through the API from the cloud server, it doesn’t depend on the local database.
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