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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. EN is not HIPAA compliant and should not be used in a medical environment. I doubt that adding medical charts makes any sense. „Don’t use it, but here are the charts in case you do“ doesn’t sound like a great idea.
  2. On every Mac there is a full emoji keyboard, plus there is an app that lets you add emojis. Why don’t you use what’s already in place instead of dreaming of the next copycat feature that nobody needs who is familiar with the computer he uses.
  3. First the client needs to be updated. Then you may need to log out, and back in.
  4. The cause is known if you read the forum: NVIDIA GPU (maybe only some of them, probably a driver issue). At least this was the common denominator.
  5. It seems you are not aware of a bug in the previous versions: You needed to select a notebook first before the reminders toggle even worked. This is now fixed, it works from „All Notes“. And this is how it will work from now on, by design. Don’t like it: Feedback@evernote.com
  6. Actually anybody should follow the rules set by the employer. If you are the guy who gets the servers encrypted through a phishing site, you will not be a happy employee any more. We all have private mobile devices - use them if the employer runs a locked up network.
  7. The procedure is pretty straightforward: Log out, quit the app. Use the app AppCleaner to remove the EN app. The regular Uninstaller will NOT remove all, so problems often persist. Restart the Mac. Download the installer fresh from the EN website. Run it, open, log in. Now let the client open (can be in the background) to allow a full download of your content. In my case it took days to load !
  8. LOL Until Apple Silicon Windows ARM was a curiosity, not getting love either from Qualcomm nor Microsoft. Since Apple launched, they are scrambling to get their act together (including „motivating“ a team of former Apple engineers to jump ship). The installed number of devices is still a very tiny fraction of all Windows devices. There are a few users now - but for them, every dev needs to drop everything and code a new version ? This will happen - you just need patience. Which never is a bad idea …
  9. To clean up, quit the app. Now use the app AppCleaner to remove everything from your Mac. Restart, reinstall, log in. Now keep the client active for some time (can be in the background) to let it download all it needs. What you get is a minimal - functional install, You could further reduce it by moving the database to an external drive (SSD), or install without a local copy. Without a local copy you will suffer some drop in performance.
  10. On iOS after getting 10.98, I needed to log out and in again. Then it showed.
  11. What do we learn ? Everybody has it’s own priorities. What a surprise (for my use a web access is essential).
  12. @Alex512 simply use links and a TOC table of content note. EN even has the courtesy to add automatically a backlink, that allows to navigate in both directions. Links and TOCs are not restricted to a linear relationship, like nesting would be. A note can be linked to several others, and there can be specific TOCs for certain purposes in parallel.
  13. For me on my projects these are work(ing) accounts. And still no such trouble 🤔
  14. Unfortunately these companies follow a most stupid course of believing the train will not hit them if they only keep their eyes shut. Stupid and costly strategy …
  15. Log out, restart the device, log in again. Working now …
  16. I often run Free accounts parallel to my main paid one. I use them for projects, it creates a useful independent silo for this temporary use. Sometimes I mix up which devices to use. Following the instructions I never caused a lockout in 4 years now - the unsync limit was introduced in 2020. It‘s probably easy to happen if I ignore the messages, and believe it is my birth right to get a valuable service for life for free. This attitude can easily be healed by a month of subscription.
  17. It makes sense for everything below 1.000 notes. My searches for example should not end up with 1k+ of search hits.
  18. Possibly they are testing a further restriction. Since you are a user, not a customer you are exposed to a change of plan without notice any time. If this is good practice I leave to others.
  19. If the subscription was held through the AppStore, let it expire. You said you already canceled it. Your account will drop to Free at the date it runs out, and the subscription in iTunes is stopped. You can still see it in your iTunes account as an expired subscription. You can subscribe again any time, either directly or through the AppStore. Until then your account will be restricted following the Free plans rule. Hint: Make sure to remove all devices but 1 or 2 BEFORE the subscription expires. There is an unsync per 30 days limit as well that could effectively stop you using your account for quite a while.
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