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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. Why not check the help database for a change ? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/29216279537043-Troubleshooting-issues-with-Account-Management-and-Web-Actions-Logins
  2. There is a deeper, non technical issue between share control and recipient actions. Up to now the shared note still belongs to the sharer, and he has control over the share. He stays being the owner. Some aspects that are discussed in this thread would mean to take control away from the sharer. I‘m not sure this would be a good idea. A word of caution about using links: A link uses the UUID of a note, the unique identifier. There are actions when the UUID is replaced by another. After this links are pointing nowhere and are worthless.
  3. You find some advise on the forum if you search. My advise is: Scan to folder, rename the pdf to something that serves as a good note title. Then drop it into an Import Folder, which creates the note and avoids rework, because it‘s already properly named
  4. If you share a notebook, the notes inside inherit the share. Depending on the rights given to the recipient, he can handle the notes. Since the sharing lies on the notebook, when a note is moved, the sharing ends. The best way is to setup several shared notebooks, and keep shared notes in them. My wife and me have a shared notebook designated „Exchangebook“, and several others for certain content. The rules are that who puts a note into Exchange expects it to be moved by the other person. What is in content should stay. Among us we don’t share individual notes.
  5. You can’t - currently there are the 3 predefined ones.
  6. You still seem to have a bad time using forum search. No workaround (and I just reported your post because of name calling, violating forum rules).
  7. You create a note, tune it to your needs and then click on the 3 dots top right. From the drop down menu choose "Save as template ..." and follow the instructions.
  8. Maybe your registry is somewhat compromised. Back in the days when I was still on Windows, I used CCCleaner from time to time to check and fix registry issues. But I have heard that since a takeover, it has turned into crappy bloatware. But checking and repairing the registry could still be a good move.
  9. Anybody claiming sluggishness or high CPU usage on Windows desktop client, and running a NVIDIA GPU should check this posting:
  10. If you still have problems, and are employing a NVIDIA GPU, check this:
  11. @pjbaker For me if a note is shared individually, the recipients will show in the note sharing. If a whole notebook is shared, I need to go to the notebooks section and look up the share there. It will not completely show on the notes inside of the notebook. So either your shares are somehow broken (defective local database), or you need to look in another section.
  12. This is no general malfunction, it is a malfunction of your install. Just added a tag on my Mac, it showed up on the iPhone in less than 30 seconds. To cut the sync elephant in slices, the web client is the central point. Nothing syncs between devices, every sync runs to the cloud storage, and back from there to all other clients. The web client is a direct window onto the cloud server. You add a tag -> not working locally: Local client broken -> fix it (Full uninstall using Revo (PC) / AppCleaner (Mac). On mobile full uninstall, then a FORCED restart) -> working locally: Check on web client It shows up ion the web client ? -> no: Sync from local client to cloud broken -> find the reason (can be local client, can be network) -> yes: Sync of changes is working -> check on other device (mobile or desktop) It shows up on the other device ? -> no: Sync from cloud to local client broken -> find the reason (can be local, can be network) -> yes: Abandon search, everything working
  13. To me it looks as if mission relevant information is already missing. If the uninstall doesn't work, install EN again, without further attempts at uninstalling. Then restart the PC. When it's back up, use Revo again. Should work now, since the new install refreshed the reference information.
  14. This is basic Windows UI stuff. Closing an app window is one command, quitting the app another. Just learn the twist, then you can dance.
  15. No. On the web the keyboard shortcuts are those of the browser itself - not those of an „app“ being executed in a browser window.
  16. The TOC is as it was created. It doesn’t automatically update, and I’m not aware of a manual way to kickstart a link update.
  17. Excellent - top rated input for all who have a laggy Windows client, or a laggy web client on Windows (with NVIDIA graphics).
  18. A small dose of technicalities: #1 would require a redesign. Apps for handwriting analyst the writing while it happens, to enhance the recognition rate. #2 would require a redesign as well. Sketch is build around an (almost) infinite canvas - it is similar in this respect to Freeform (as an example) and completely different to say Goodnotes, that uses a virtual page.
  19. @agsteele told you he doesn’t encounter anything like the effect you claim. That‘s all, whatever you try to read into that single post. As told, it looks like a local issue that is caused by conflicting software on your phone.
  20. It’s a good idea. But keep in mind that the apps you mentioned are basically single platform, some not even covering iOS and Android. And they are building their software for years to reach a certain level of perfection. This means it’s not an easy thing to do, and the current direction of development of EN is completely different. So proposing it is fine, but I don’t expect any activity in this direction anytime soon. For me it would be OK if Sketch and picture annotation would be unified. This would allow to finally get rid of the dreadful annotation tools that still exist.
  21. OK, it seems this is a conflict between something EN requires when rendering (displaying) a note, and the NVIDIA driver. Maybe it’s better when using a non Chrome(ium) based browser, like Firefox. Else it’s sending a support ticket, with an activity log and maybe a system information from your Windows system. This will likely need a driver update from NVIDIA.
  22. @Doministry so finally you answered the question (in a rather stupid way, but that seems your personal trait). The stuff on your screenshot is there, covering up the buttons. From what it looks like it’s from a (screen) recording app, maybe from Android itself. Now you need to find out which software occupies this part of your screen, and is blocking the area for the navigation buttons. Have fun finding out - it’s something local and no bug of the EN app.
  23. It seems there is an interaction between EN and the drivers of NVIDIA GPUs. Maybe you can check and confirm: PC & Win11 & NVIDIA GPU (which ?)
  24. Since it’s only happening with Checklists, not with bullets or numbered lists I think it happened accidentally. But I could be wrong. If you don’t like it, contact support.
  25. PC, Windows 11, NVIDIA GPU, probably Chrome browser, or a Chrome(ium) derivative ?
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