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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. Try the Belgian beer then, the little brands. The monasteries there used to brew their own, and this made a tradition of good, strong stuff in many variations - long before this got reinvented and called „craft“.
  2. Sorry, but this is simply not true: You can choose „Location“ in your settings, and the location will be recorded (if available) and as well shown in the information section of a note. On my iPad there is a little Google map showing with a pin where the note was created. So if you have the locator running on your device, and if you have your settings set, you will record the geodata of where you created a note. What this thread is about is an overview map-style showing the creation location of a number of notes. This existed and was taken out of the functionality 2 yrs ago. If you would like to have this back, place your vote. Photographers hint: There are a number of programs where the geolocation can be added to pics, if not already in the EXIF-information. This can be done in after-shot processing, batch-style (select all pics from one place, and add the geolocation). Because the location of a photo shooting will often not be the same place as the location where a note with this photo inside will be created, I think tagging the picture itself is better than relying on a program like EN to geotag the „picture container“. But if wanted, see above.
  3. It’s worth it. A tool for conversion is included. Both versions can be used in parallel.
  4. What do you mean ? Cutting back on the coffee, to pay the EN bill ? But this place is running on coffee ...😱
  5. One good thing your posting had: Made me remember I wanted to vote for this - just done 😉
  6. Sure it is different: Local notebooks do not sync up, the proposed non-syncs would not sync down. I just wanted to point out that one sort of syncing control is already in place, which is setting to local and not syncing up. The other is as well in place: Not syncing down, if not chosen as „offline“. This would be it, but today it is only available on mobile clients. So we have all of the tessera pieces, but it is not put together yet.
  7. About pricing, I think we all agree that the step from basic to Premium is pretty steep. The video about the new editor shows some interesting aspects EN is currently working on. For me, it is more important formatting options will be unified over devices and OSes, than to beat a DTP program on it’s own turf. And I would like to have markdown capability included ...
  8. Keep cool, in the meantime you were able to buy Evernote socks ... nothing beats a diversification strategy 😳🤣 1st I agree with you, 2nd I think we will have to wait for the release of the new editor to find out whether this issue got resolved.
  9. Sorry, not the same: If you are on a desktop, you have a mobile database. Not syncing means you can have a local notebook, it just will not sync. This exists, called local notebooks. However, all the other notebooks will sync down, master copy on the server. I understood this should be avoided, because some users are on desktop OS computers with little memory (like some Apple laptops with small SSDs). On mobile devices, not syncing makes less sense, because there is no local database. The only local database you can create by setting notebooks to offline. This means they will sync (unlike local notebooks on the desktop, that will NOT sync), but offline notebooks contain the only notes you can work on when offline. This is helpful when you want to save on your mobile data. Plume, or are offline (abroad, without roaming, on a plane, in a train etc.). Because the two use cases are different, and the basic setup of the clients is different, there is no „one fixes all“ approach - or I am not able to see it. However, I have as well voted in favor of being able to select notebooks to sync, or not to sync. For me, the more relevant case is the laptop with a tiny SSD, combined with a large EN database. Maybe one works on a home desktop with all the power, and just wants to take a part of all with him on a laptop. This would speak in favor of making the choice on the device, not centralized on the server. Like „install EN, dial into your account, get a list of notebooks, and be able to select „all“ or only a part of them for syncing“. And of course the chance to change this whenever you want, plus having the un-synced ones be securely deleted from the local disk drive.
  10. @IainBev Just one comment: Not reflecting the respect I showed to your posting. And a German proverb, about EN listening or not: „Everybodies darling is everybodies fool“. Have a nice day !
  11. Each one has it's own approach - this said before saying other things. A technical issue first: The EN database is build in a way that enforces each note to be in one and only one notebook. To change this would mean to rewrite the whole thing, set up a new server structure, migrate all user databases (local and central) etc. Tags are already set up in the way you find it, with complete flexibility. So if you feel you must create a deep, treetype notebook structure and file away into this, you should probably move somewhere else. Now why this is not necessary, if you look a little bit deeper into ways to organize information: Notebooks in EN have very limited logical function. They are more like a large container than a filigreed filing structure. They are used to control things like being shared, being local, being offline etc. And you can control search easily, by first selecting a notebook and then entering a search string, or search for a tag in the selected notebook only. Tags are used to make searching easier, and to give a logical structure. This structure is not tree-type, it is a net. If you search for "2018", you will find everything tagged 2018 If you search "invoices", you will find all docs tagged invoices If you search for both, you will find all invoices from 2018. If you want to search for all invoices from 2015 to 2018 containing the ZIP-Code 12345, it is easy to do this as well (ZIP as text search) If you set up a tree structure (nested folders / notebooks), one of the 2 initial searches above is easy, the other is not. The combined search maybe is easy, for example if you file 1st "Invoices", and below this "Years". It is hard if your tree is "Invoices" - "Suppliers by Name", or other. With tags, it is always easy. And you can search for initially unrelated tags as well, the search will create the relation. Tagging is an effort if you have a lot of notebooks. First you have to think about the right notebook, then about the tags. It is no effort if you have few notebooks, and do the main filing work by tagging. Tagging is easy, because you do not have to decide about "Putting it here, putting it there" - just apply all tag wanted, and be done. And tags make it easy to avoid duplicates, because you do not need duplicates. Adding a new tag creates a duplicate by logic, while still needing just one note. Probably you do not want to make the step, because you have invested a lot into your notebook structure. I have been there some time ago as well. Then I realized that this is not the best way to set it up, it was just like that because I came from the traditional folder-tree Windows forces on us. In fact it is pretty easy to reorganize: Use one of the desktop clients (Win or Mac). First select all notes in one notebook, and mass-apply the notebook-name as a tag. Or apply 2 or more tags, that combined make up the notebook name. Then move all the notes into the new "container-type" notebook. Even with a lot of notebooks and notes, this can be done with little time spend to reorganize. You will find everything you had in the notebooks structure now in the tag list. The tags can be nested (however it will not show on the mobile clients yet, EN is working on this). This is the way I would set it up, and have done so for my data. Do what you think is right for you, but do not expect software that was designed differently to follow this. As I say - maybe switch to another tool.
  12. For me, it is still GoodNotes 5. The notes stay in there as long as they are „work in progress“, export to EN when closed and of future use. GN5 has a strong handwriting recognition and offers a search function (if needed) in all notebooks for text. Text can be selected and converted into computer text as well, which works incredibly well with my ***** handwriting. The pdfs exported into EN are fully searchable as well (if this feature is enabled on export), the handwritten text will be found. Just takes 2 steps on my iPad , first search the note with the pdf, open it, then search for the text inside of the pdf. The handwritten match(es) found will be highlighted. One-time-purchase, good support, new features added permanently. Syncs only into iCloud, this works well over i-devices. Backups can be done to other Cloud-Services as well.
  13. If you are happy with Nimbus, you did the right thing for yourself. The organisation concept of EN is to build the logical structure of the notes with tags. The result is not a tree, but a net, which is way more flexible, linking notes of all types together, with multiple links. Finding information is driven by search. But a I say: If you want to create a one-way, tree type structure in which you force your information, go to another place (or create it by nested tags in EN, which is easily possible- but does not unlock the real power behind tags).
  14. For engineers: This forum is user driven EN staff may read, and in rare cases will answer Direct support is restricted to paying users, non paying users may find answers here, or may try contact here https://twitter.com/evernotehelps Just an engineer as well, so we know that what the hell we know ...
  15. Good for you. If formatting is high on your agenda, it is wise to pick a tool that is better suited for this. IMHO there is nothing like good or bad software, there is only good or bad matches between your demands / use case and the tools you pick.
  16. Could it be that the scans that were not saved happened when you had already reached your monthly upload limit ? This can easily happen with scans, especially when saved as pictures. When I use my scanning app, it is set to create pdfs.
  17. The EN editor is basic, and sensitive to formatting that comes with text and other stuff copied into it. My "solution": Do not try to get a nice formatting done, take it as it is, use basic formatting only. Copy as text, whenever possible. If you want a nice layout, take the information to another program. P.S. Getting the editor improved and unified over devices is a top priority of EN for this year.
  18. Same procedure as every year, Ms Sophie ? Yes, James, same procedure as every year ! (This joke is for German readers only ...)
  19. You are right, and I want to add something for clarity: Nesting tags is far superior to nested folders, that we all know from OSes like Windows or MacOS. A document can belong into just one folder, one folder into just one other, etc. This means that all organization must be done tree-type, and the only movement is up and down, following the branches. If a document has several uses, one starts to create help-structures or else. Nothing really works, or you end up with a lot of duplicates. One example: Some invoices may be tax deductible, other not, some invoices (but not the same as the tax stuff) will be needed when claiming warranty, others not etc. With folders, you have to decide whether you build a "tax" tree, or a "warranty tree", but no matter how, the other aspect will be missing. With tags, you can create both structures side by side. If you need to find all tax related stuff for 2018, you just search for "tax" AND "2018", and it will find among others all the relevant invoices. Same with searching for warranty, here maybe by direct search for the device plus the tag "warranty" or "invoice" (to exclude all the other notes with user manual etc.). There is always just one note somewhere in its notebook, but with tags, the approach is more like a net, not a tree. Access is possible from many entry points. This is why IMHO nesting tags is important, and nesting notebooks is not. If the tag nesting feature would be available on all clients, I would probably change my tagging strategy from a 2-level-nesting to a multi-level nesting. Because it means re-tagging, this can be done step by step, never loosing the searchability of all notes. You can apply the new tags side by side to the existing ones, and when you are completely done, you just delete the old tags. This step-by-step method is another pro for tags - when you change a folder structure, you have to do it in one go, for not to create a complete chaos.
  20. I agree that it is not good practice to overwrite local data. When I read your posting correctly, it was not done as long as the system was running unchanged. Just when updating, things went wrong. This is why I assume that during update, something happened to the data base, being synced or not. One reason can be that the update did not only include program code, but maybe a change of the data structure as well. Then the database must be updated, because the new program will not run on an old database. This is just wild guessing, but could explain why the database was set back to the server version during updating. In general and away from this issue: Think about creating regular, frequent backups. There are many things that can go wrong, and data that exists only on one device is easily wiped out by desaster or accident or malfunction. There is inexpensive or even free software to do the job, or you go to a cloud based service that needs an internet connection, but will not need an external drive. From what I know, currently Backblaze is probably the best service in a price-Performance ratio, because they sell a full, permanent backup of 1 computer (no Storage size limit !) to cloud server for 5$ a month. This includes versioning, so you can even go back in time if the last version created won’t do. 1st rule you learn in any IT-course: No backup, no mercy.
  21. Not very likely to have a bug not fixed, but no new posting between 2017 and today. How were the pictures created, how were they stored, how were they loaded into EN locally, did the sync go through without an error message ? If they are not visible on the server via web client, they are simply not there. The question is: Why ? Because maybe the activity log must be analyzed to find out, you should think about issuing a support ticket.
  22. Looks like .... It is unlikely somebody from EN will drive by and read this, because this is a user forum, and Skitch is currently not in the focus of anybody.
  23. Works on both desktop clients, in the respective way how you do multiple selections in the given OS. EN does not deviate from the „usual way to do things“ in either client. But as the saying goes, being on Windows is like being on a dived submarine: You open the first window, and immediately the problems start. Just made it to my first Mac after 25+ years using Windows ...
  24. In the notes metadata (that you can look up through the note information) this information is available, and both searchable and usable for sorting of notes. I am not sure about this, but I think external programs like Mac Scripts or Filterize should be able to read this out and insert it in an automated process into the notes text.
  25. If I take the Editor video out of the video series, it will have layout options like headers. So hopefully we are now not talking „if“ any longer but only „when“.
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