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Michael Vanyukov

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  1. Thank you, @PinkElephant, @mackid1993, @Kheldar321, and everybody who helped to identify the source and solve the problem.
  2. Since I last posted, everything went back to norm without any response from Evernote or notification from Comcast (Xfinity), my provider. It was clearly the latter's blocking evernote.com, and I submitted a request online to unblock and called them more than once. Finally, it's my calls and their "escalating" the problem to their level 2 support that did the trick.
  3. Right. Switching to the cellular connection from a different provider fixes the problem, so, as you say, it’s the provider. Who is telling me to buy equipment to enable the use of a single app instead of fixing his own blocklist.
  4. @PinkElephantI just find it strange that Evernote is the only site/app that is affected with any DNS glitches. I am still not sure it's not Evernote itself that limited access from Pittsburgh PA, for whatever reason: nothing else has changed and it had worked with no problem until 1.5 weeks ago.
  5. Would you know how to approach them to delist Evernote from any such filtering?
  6. Thank you for the detailed explanations. I run a mesh, Deco. No problems with WiFi. There have not been any with anything before 1.5 weeks ago, when it started with Evernote. Now, I am concerned if there will be problems with WiFi as well if I change the router.
  7. Xfinity recommended buying my own router and use bridge, whatever it might be (they are supposed to help with that). Their recommended ones are Arris G36 or Netgear CAX80.
  8. I definitely am not comfortable. I’ll try to get to the ISP tomorrow again. If that doesn’t work, I’ll try to take that “bridge”, but i am out of my element there. Know nothing about any of that.
  9. Changing DNS on the wired desktop to the https://one.one.one.one/dns/-recommended values does not resolve the EN problem. VPN does, but not on my work-provided laptop, where VPN interferes with GlobalConnect and crashes. I had a long and fruitless conversation with Comcast yesterday: after an hour of various tries, I was told that I'd be contacted with the solution in 2 hrs. Never was. Will try again. They could not change the DNS on their end either - I was told they have the same interface as I do.
  10. Thank you very much. Is there a more technical term to talk with Comcast, or “bad DNS listing is commonly used”?
  11. I found this: "If it's a Comcast supplied gateway device, you can't change the DNS servers."
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