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Everything posted by Jon/t

  1. Can you examine the clipboard using a Mac? In Windows it's Windows Key + V. Check to see if the characters are being copied from Sublime as plain text. If they are then EN is pasting correctly and it may be an error with what Sublime is sending to the clipboard.
  2. It could be end of line codes that Sublime use... I don't have this issue copying things from Typora or notepad. Does CTRL+SHIFT+V give a different result?
  3. Check you're not blocking cookies and stuff for EN. Also try it in a new profile in Chrome. Could also try in an incognito window. Working fine here all day.
  4. Its all from a point of view. Not everyone has the same experience. I left EN a few years ago as I got sick to death of the antiquated legacy app. The formatting was all over the place between devices and no paragraph headings! It also looked like something from the Windows 95 era when all the rest of my software was pretty and integrated really well. When version 10 came out I resubbed up and find it excellent. My workflow is great and I have paragraph headings 👍 I also think forums like this & Reddit (lol) exaggerate the bad. No one just pops up to say they think its great... apart from me.. 'cos I'm strange 😂
  5. As @agsteelesaid upgrade to the latest version and see what happens... I booted up version 10 at around 8am this morning and its now almost 6pm and EN has 5 processes running with RAM at 370MB and 2% CPU used... I'm using an old i5 laptop.
  6. CTRL SHIFT I gives you the note info with word count..... I think Macs have a different button to CTRL that does the same thing. CTRL (or whatever it is) / gives you about a million shortcuts which save me a bunch of time.
  7. Not an error that I've had myself.... try logging in using an Incognito/private window and see if it works. Could be a browser extension messing with it. Also try logging in using a guest profile. Also try clearing browser cache.
  8. Not sure I understand things properly... when I want to use EN for the first time each day I click the icon and it opens and I use it. Like all the rest of the software I use. Start of each day I click email, browser (Vivaldi - excellent for productivity), Todoist, Pocketcasts and Evernote and they all open. Maybe I just don't understand properly... does this not happen for you?
  9. Its much more than a wrapper that shows web content... honest, it really is. It can be fast or slow, depends how you build it. On another point... Without being pedantic... well maybe a little lol.... the the font size of 16 is in pixels not points and user experience best practice is to use 16px for default body copy. For accessibility is would also be good to have an easy way for the user to increase/decrease this.
  10. So just for laughs and I'm having an easy Friday I just exported a notebook in ENEX, single HTML and multiple HTML files.... all the titles are there and the multi page HTML export actually names the file with the title. Pretty sure OneNote 365 or OneNote 2016 (not the Win 10 app) can import HTML and all sorts of stuff.
  11. Pretty sure MS have an import tool available... I used it a few years ago when I got fed up with the legacy version of EN. ... quick search.. https://www.onenote.com/import-evernote-to-onenote It did a decent job from what I remember. I moved back for V10 as its lovely to use and IMO much better than the old legacy version.... thank the lord for paragraph headings 🤣
  12. ALT T to add a task... works here using Win. CTRL / gives you all the shortcuts.
  13. This link should help: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote There's a lot of books gonna need rewriting🤣
  14. I don't think so.... just hit backspace and it removes the checklist box on the new line.
  15. Checkbox is still there. It's under the blue Insert button towards the top right of a note.
  16. There are basic markdown editing shortcuts on version 10... just got it on PC here. You can do: # heading 1 ## heading 2 ## heading 3 --- or === for a line ``` for a code block `code goes here` for a code block [] for a checklist [x] for a checked list [][][]x3 for a 3 x 3 table Only caveat is that nothing is saved in markdown format as that's not what EN does or is and you can't export as markdown. They are really just editing shortcuts based on markdown but very useful.
  17. Just tried it again. When I forward an email or clip a web page it arrive in EN as a HTML content block with the wand centred at the top of this content. I'm using a PC but both apps should same the same.
  18. That seems very odd. The max number of notes you can create on all plans (except business) is 100,000. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005247-Evernote-system-limits
  19. A lot of it is down to the noise on the Internet and social media... If I say "I'm not too keen on the new update. It's changed the way I do things" then no one pays attention, and it gets swallowed up in the noise. If I say "Evernote CEO & Devs are useless muppets and the update had destroyed my life"... then I get attention which is all I really want... just someone to agree with me! Social media speak is everywhere now... LISTEN TO ME NOW!! I ran a training session last year where someone actually said LOL instead of laughing at something funny 🤣
  20. Yup... some of the language people are using is utterly ridiculous... so much drama and exaggeration. I was hoping this forum would be a place where folks discuss how to use the tool better & discover new ways of doing things. I've not been visiting the form quite so often recently.
  21. Thanks... didn't know that. Much easier to create tables.
  22. [x] gives you a checked one What's the table creation code? It appears as strange boxes in the post to me. I'm using the markdown shortcuts a LOT!
  23. I've had a few problems where it asked me to install but it hasn't and then when opened up again it wants to install! Usually worked OK after a couple of attempts. Didn't have any problems with 10.3.7 though... that had a different way of doing it with a progress bar appearing so maybe they've fixed a bug.
  24. Yup.... it's in the view menu. It's a show/hide option. Yes the title bar is now dark. Not sure what you mean about edges. My edges take the hint from the operating system... mine are like a browny reddish type colour!
  25. Have a look under the tools menu for local notebooks.... the new V10 doesn't support local only noteboks but I think you can import them into the Evernote cloud. They might be hiding locally.
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