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Everything posted by WilliamL

  1. Yeah I’m uk too so experiencing those same political ‘joys’ lol. I feel a large part of this is manufactured and that frustrates me. It’s entirely legitimate that users are frustrated with 10, the lack of communication and the bugs that were present, and some still are. What frustrates me though is this stuff about legacy isn’t supported to its all doom! Legacy is stable, so what’s the issue! It’s working and has been for years really, so what’s with these hypothetical bugs that mean 6 breaks and 10 would be forced in some bizarre ‘ultimatum’. 6 is a perfectly adequate resolution to the issues people have with desktops, the grips about mobile are fairer as that can’t be rolled back. Personally, I’m on 10 on windows and it works great for me, but I’m not a power user in any way. You rightly point out too that we are on 10.3 so work is clearly going on at pace. If they can sort the syncing issue on iOS (they must ASAP cause still more are mentioning it) I’ll be happy with where we are at. I just don’t get this let’s create a hypothetical issue and then complain relentlessly about it thing, and it’s everywhere just now.
  2. Yeah things are getting a little hysterical now. We have gone from legitimate gripes about bugs and the constructive elements of that, to ramblings of oncoming doom. It’s getting a bit tiresome.
  3. Yeah they changed it when people here started to question them on it. That such a policy ever existed for a notes platform though is a red flag for me, no matter what they should be aware of their policies and how those impact users, privacy is a big thing for data. I have heard some conversations about security concerns, honestly I’m not sure if there is any merit to those, I go only on what I’ve personally observed or seen and none of that sadly tells me that nimbus is a company I should be trusting.
  4. Personally I would run to the hills and live as a hermit before I would even consider poking nimbus with a stick! Their last privacy policy was dodgy as granting them royalty free access to all your data! They fixed this - the evidence they showed me - a link to the Evernote forums as proof! Their updates info on the apps show poor grasp of English (see the most recent one on iOS) and their app has ground to a halt for people who have added in a few hundred notes. On top of that they have staff active in these forums appearing to recruit users here which is a crass and inappropriate tactic. There is literally nothing that endears me to that company.
  5. My experience has been similar, I also don’t download notes to offline - it’s a mobile so generally always has some form of connection which is enough for me. My app on my phone has always been superb, it’s struggled more on the iPad but it’s come on a lot. Could still be a bit faster but in comparison to other notes apps it’s already generating the notes quicker, just not as quick as I’d like.
  6. Additional export options! That sounds great!
  7. I’m so sorry you had that experience. Sadly, it seems there are Nimbus staff here (they are not subtle either!) selling their product on the frustrations of people here. I wouldn’t trust that company at all on the basis of their poaching of users here.
  8. I have to say I don’t trust nimbus notes one iota. There last privacy policy was shocking, it literally said we grant them royalty free access to all our data! They have ‘fixed’ this (why did they miss that in the first place) and their reply to me - get this - linked me to Evernote forums as evidence they had changed it! So their staff are lurking here no doubt trying to farm off users and I just don’t think that’s ethical. Deeply uncomfortable with so much of their practices.
  9. Nimbus? I’m surprised by that, I have it on my iPad and it takes at least three seconds to open each note, Evernote 10 in its current rather buggy format is way quicker.
  10. Haha yeah! Forgot about those days 😂. It has worked for me, I also if I have done work I really want to ensure I don’t want to lose, check the web app to make sure it’s synced as expected. It’s frustrating but hopefully these things will soon be resolved.
  11. I have had a lot of issues with this - I am finding that once I have written in a note, if I pull down on the notes at the left to make it sync, this does now work and I’m not losing data. If I don’t force that sync still some issues, seems to be improving with each update but still less than ideal.
  12. This is an extreme stretch! These forums are littered with posts that most companies would delete! There are even ones about which competitors to change to along with the best ways to do it! No, I don’t think there is any censorship going on here, although should Evernote decide to do so that would be their right. Some topics have been merged with others but that’s the only type of moderation I’ve observed here. Evernote have had a lot of fair criticism recently but this isn’t one of those.
  13. Hmm, I was just coming here to update I’ve experienced this issue since the new update. Pulled from background from overnight and it was still able to sync. I am making sure I use the pull down on the notes to make a sync option when I have made edits, that seems to work now and actually makes the app sync whereas before it didn’t seem to do anything. I still see delays in sync where final bits of text may be missing, that’s why I’m using the pull down sync to make sure that stuff gets uploaded.
  14. Bear is great for apple ecosystem, but!, the webapp has been coming soon for at least 3 years and still nothing that says it’s soon - I don’t think it’s ever coming, I can’t be locked into one system so sadly bear is out. It also has poor search, when searching a term it finds the notes but doesn’t highlight the words in the note, all you get is a list of notes which have that text....somewhere, highlights are.....coming soon too. Great beautiful app but not in the same field as Evernote sadly.
  15. I agree, I have definitely seen an improvement, no complete fails as we both experienced, still weary as well but hopefully this is things on the up.
  16. I’m definitely seeing an improvement. I have not had any moments when the app fails to sync entirely as before. I am still seeing some sync delays, by that I mean that if i entered 4 tasks and checklists 3 are there so i need to keep dragging down the notes to force sync, but that seems to work now. So far so good, though I am still checking everything with the web app, will be paranoid for a while i think.
  17. Notejoy does look good - i felt search in it is very underpowered though. Seems not to highlight the words in notes just shows you notes that have those words. That’s note much use for me.
  18. I am so pleased this is fixed! The flashing screen in dark mode on my iPad meant I couldn’t use it, I was in light mode which i really am not keen on. To have dark mode working properly is great for me.
  19. It’s a quote from a film, stop picking fights where there are none. Chill out and calm down.
  20. Just downloaded it, seems a good bit smoother and faster. Great to have another update with hopefully more stability in the app.
  21. Yeah, I’m trying all of em cause I enjoy it, but I just keep seeing glaring things I can’t adjust to. It’s quite striking that even in this weakened state there’s not one app I’d recommend as an alternative.
  22. True enough, for me multi platform, tags, powerful search and a decent editor are the key things. Bonus are decent export (we don’t have this yet), forward in emails, offline notebooks. But we all have different needs. Just striking for me despite many options none really has the same spread for me.
  23. So there is lot of frustration about the new Evernote and a fair bit of it is justified. I think many of us have tried out other notes providers, maybe out of curiosity or maybe a desperate desire to move on. I have been the former, I like playing with notes software to see how it works and get an understanding of it. What I have found is that even in its most basic form nothing quite gets close to what Evernote has even at this buggy moment. Notion - what even is it, takes longer to work out how to do something than do it, it doesn’t seem to know what it wants to be. Nimbus, seems ok but the iOS app is slower than pigeon deliveries. Amplenote - has potential but way too expensive. Notejoy shows a lot of promise but it’s search doesn’t follow into notes and highlight search terms so not much a point in that. Joplin - no wysiwyg editor, without that it’s not an option for me, it’s also so pig ugly it’s actually distracting. I’m not covering locked to platform apps like bear and keep it as they are not in the same scenario as the others, they are locked down for a select few. I don’t mean to rail on those above notes platforms, it just strikes me that even in my frustrations there is nothing that quite does what Evernote does as well as Evernote does it. If they can resolve the bugs and improve communication it can be in a strong place.
  24. I checked today and nothing was there, the joys of these slow roll outs. Somewhat frustrating that there is no notice of an update with indication of fixes or new features.
  25. What, there is an update out? Lol Evernote have communicated this well.
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