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Everything posted by WilliamL

  1. I was thinking this the other day too. If Evernote is looking towards getting stuff done some form on contact integration would be deeply beneficial. I’m aware Apple is adding a tagging feature inline on notes and something along those lines would be really handy. I would love it if we could tag someone inline, say in a task and it would then notify them asking if they accept that task etc. I know we can currently share notes but it’s not exactly intuitive, inline contact tagging would be something I would find really useful (after I convince my teams to adopt Evernote lol).
  2. Just to say, this problem remains on today’s release. Have to use search as scrolling all notes is really glitchy.
  3. I get where your coming from. I’m really hoping EN10 improves, the iOS apps are not fun at all just now. My issue is I’ve found nothing that comes close to EN, other than the app I pmed you about.
  4. I don’t think it’s ungracious to be frustrated, to be disappointed, to look at other options - as you are and we are all learning from your process - so thank you for that I think though we need to be cautious in our frustrations, when we start placing onto people an agenda we cannot truly know and condemn them for that we are doing something I think is a little unfair. Apologies if my words came across harsh, they were meant more as tongue in cheek, I perhaps spend too much time on Twitter where the default is character attacks. I don’t know Ian, for all I know you could be right, but I try to give him the benefit of the doubt, even if I chose to move on.
  5. Agreed, it’s amazing how ungracious people are online where suddenly everyone wears big boy pants and is uber bold. I have never got the vibe from Ian it’s about money, he appears to have a clear vision for the product and it’s moving in that direction. Whether we like that vision and its reality is a separate matter lol.
  6. If you are looking Mac only one I’ve used that is excellent is notebooks 10 or notebooks for iPad as its sometimes called. It uses html as a base and syncs through Dropbox currently (iCloud coming). I’ve used it for years and it’s always been well maintained by the app maker. It’s not cheap but it’s a one off payment for the app. They do have a windows app but freely admit it’s uncared for as there’s no demand for it. I’m yet to find a good html notes editor (that’s for notes and not websites) for windows.
  7. OneNote is ok but it’s search is too limited for me, that it doesn’t highlight or do inline search for me rules it out as a reasonable notes option. Not being able to easily find key words within notes is such a time waster for me.
  8. I’m using 10 exclusively now across all devices. Once merge arrived that was key for me. 10 is a bit slower and does need more resources to run at times but I get home and tasks and a consistent ui for that, so for me that’s worth it…folks use EN so differently though so for others the trade offs are not as simple. Search remains excellent on EN10 for my uses.
  9. I have been testing note/doc software for productivity recently. My core things have been multi platform, easy export and finally - search. I have been shocked at how poor so many are with search. For instance OneNote - no in note search on iOS - OneDrive doesn’t find most terms, iCloud only name search, Apple notes fails to index some words. I figured search would be a given but only Evernote has consistently found the words in the notes I knew they would be in. Why are so many so poor at search, for me as I build a knowledge base in my notes, search is the essential feature.
  10. I’m having the same issue. Scrolling on the all notes list or any subfolder with more than a few notes is now near on impossible. It’s glitchy, it jumps back up or down depending on what way I am trying to go. Really frustrating. I’m not talking older devices, both quite new so power isn’t the issue. Hopefully this is fixed ASAP cause it’s making the app largely unusable.
  11. This thread is absurd. Tasks is just out and people are responding to it as if it should match todoist. A UI overhaul? Come on. Tasks will suit some, it wont others, as is the case with most features but to complain that it isnt as good as sole apps that have been running for years is completely unreasonable.
  12. I would strongly encourage you to be cautious with nimbus. It is an electron app, like Evernote and I’ve found it very slow. I have modern devices and have 3 notes in my nimbus, each takes at least two seconds to load! If you look into their forums it’s littered with issues of slowdown with even minimum content of notes.
  13. Hi this is a question out of curiosity, anyone ever been aware of how many words an evernote note can hold before it might get unstable or glitchy? I am building one for a book note which is going to be pretty substantial in the end so want to make sure I am not going to be prone to data loss. Its only 6k words just now but only a small bit into the book!
  14. Oh for crying out loud! I’m on this forum for a few minutes, which I’ve avoided for days, because I’m tired of the continuous and exhausting moaning and here it is again. I’ll stop here cause trust me my next comments are way less constructive!
  15. I don’t know what folks are doing with their apps but I’ve seen my EN10 app on windows running lower in demands than the native. I’ve never seen it running cpu when not in direct use and I’ve seen it using as little 85mb ram. Now I’m not a power user and my notes are primarily text but it fascinates me that I never see what seems to be an issue for so many others. In my option, electron, which is used by many companies with good effect including notion and Joplin is not a concern, it’s only being made so to justify some of the angst towards EN10.
  16. And this has what to do with the new home feature or task? Taking over threads to complain is ridiculous - are we not adults? This is petulant and really frustrating, just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean that wondering everywhere moaning about it. There are more than enough complaint and wingeing threads here and frankly many of us are beyond frustrated by the constant complaints, leave the treads alone that are not on that topic!
  17. Goodness me! Do you just go round every topic to post negativity? Is it against your ethos for any positivity? If you don’t like to product stop using it! By the looks of things that would increase your joy substantially cause your clearly not in any way happy with this product.
  18. That tasks feature is exactly what I was hoping could come with checklists etc. It will be so useful to have note reminders (I use these to compile meeting notes and it pops up near when the next one is due) but also inline todo reminders which I can use for the to-dos from the meeting. Great stuff, this is exactly the kinda thing I’m hoping for.
  19. I have both the legacy and 10 on my computer, to be honest for the most part I prefer 10, it works fine for my needs and the familiarity across devices is a massive plus for me, i dont need to remember where everything is, I can just get on with things. I use legacy to do full back ups and will continue to use it for that until 10 gets that feature.
  20. Haha intentional or accidental.....a tantalising glimpse of things to come? 😂 I think you can engage with things that are being worked on by joining the beta programme - @Shane D.is the chap in charge there I think.
  21. V10 works fine for me for the most part. A few issues I’ve expressed on the forums but by no means ‘bricked’. Are you aware you can download the legacy version for Mac/windows? That may help soothe some of this apparent angst so visibly on display here 👍
  22. Erm I see staff posting in these forums all the time? If there is a new bug or if they need more information about something they are pretty good at engaging. What they don’t do is engage in the rants and frustrations that many of us have and that’s fair enough, what would they gain from that? Much better they use the time productively. I don’t think it’s fair at all to say they are never here or respond.
  23. If tags are power user then I’m a super power user 😂 For me what keeps me on Evernote even though I have massive issues with sync and a few other things is - universal tags, custom templates that are easy to implement, multi device, email in notes, note reminders (a new one I’m starting to use). This stuff is really handy as I use Evernote for meeting notes and weekly organisation, for research, book notes, all sorts of things.
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