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Everything posted by AlbertR

  1. Seems to be the same problem as in https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/132654-no-inline-view-of-pdf-20mb/?tab=comments#comment-598726 They decided to enhance display performance by avoiding auto-display of big attachments. Maybe a setting will come up to define a limit for that? Nobody knows... But to be honest: animated GIFs have been invented to be small and fast - I cannot see a really need of such big GIFs... Regarding inefficient UX design: Yes, many things are not as fluidy as we love it from oder version. But this will become better over the time. For the moment all functions should be available the same way on all platforms. For users who have to reside on their beloved workflows, there is a Legacy version available from https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote. You can have both versions installed in parallel (on Windows and Mac) to really work with Legacy and check for enhanced functionality time by time in EN-10.
  2. Oups - a nice advantage of EN-10. At least on Windows, Legacy allows to use emojis but displays it only in black and white. EN-10 fully supports coloured emojis in text, title, tags, ... Just klick Windows-. (German Keyboard; maybe Windows-; on others...) to open the emoji dialog, select one and close the dialog to insert it at the current cursor position.
  3. @Daniel IV You have to click the filter button above the result list shrink the results down by tags, dates, and content. It's not that easy like in former versions - but it works 😉
  4. Yeah, I'm driving a business account also and like the possibilities to admin users, books and spaces on a move advanced level (*). I'd like to have family account (means "small business") to offer kids (students and younger adults 😉) full EN possibilities for a price far below professionals until they will get professionals and able to pay theirself. (*) Business accounts lack the possibilty to stack tags - but this another discussion 😞
  5. THX for your comments - hope this leads to a little more attention on this at EN site 😉 Regarding the background of my statement from Friday: I'm using Notion to publish https://www.notion.so/EN-10-was-mir-noch-fehlt-1fada86e316b4b6f9cc7bdab5f4cfdf7 but I would prefere to do this in EN directly. I do not want embed foreign foreign tools and formats within my notes (except PDF, DOC, XLS and images) My first try was https://www.evernote.com/l/AU0IN8tazwtFyojGOs9g7Yq6s47bq-9HP6E/ but I early failed to find a suitable compromise between effort to manage and readability of the result.
  6. Before some days I started to maintain a list of missing features in EN-10. Therefore I decided to use collapsed text block - which are not available in EN so far. So I used Notion to build up https://www.notion.so/EN-10-was-mir-noch-fehlt-1fada86e316b4b6f9cc7bdab5f4cfdf7 - sorry for that. I promise to translate this site "back" on EN immediately after EN offers this feature 😉
  7. I tried to discuss this (use GUIDs in ENEX) with EN a long time ago when we started to use Business and tried to merge single accounts. From our point of view (as being developers of a "Multiuser" application that has to handle local changes in global amounts of data) maintaining GUID is the only way to solve syncing problems. If You take a look on EN-10 data formats, all tables are organized as TKey/TValue pairs containing GUID to data translations, this is and was true for EN all the time. So why did they refuse to add GUID to ENEX files? It should be possible to add GUID - even if older EN versions (before Legacy 😉) might not be able to ready such enhances ENEX files.
  8. Regarding "Keep Basic's existing features and time limit it." Why "time limiting"? Often beginners are threatend with such hard boundary and have the feeling that they cannot agree to start paying without having tested all the features. But there is no time to check all the stuff because playing around with such an application is not their first job... What about "Offer all features and transfer limit it."? OK, most basic users do not hit transfer boundaries as long as they're reset every month. But I'm sure EN can gather statistics over longer periods to settle up reasonable limits. If a new user hat time enough to figure out the main value, he/she will honour this dispite fancy UIs and trendy approaches to All-in-One apps (that will never come 😉) But biting around a "transfer" limit: If some suggests other nice limits (except time), this would be OK. Main thing is to convince newbies without time pressure.
  9. THX for this summary. I'm a also "keyboarder" (having used graphical CAD programs that even had a so calls "Button mode" in which every single button hit triggered functions). In my opinion, they should not focus on streamlining all keyboard strokes within one application over all system UIs. Most of the users are living in their world (Windows, Apple, Linux, ...) and will take one other finger-centered device like a smart phone or tablet (or both but from one world). So keyboard shortcut should go along with the specific world's habit. This makes it easy to use for customers (beginners and professionals) but is sometimes harder to handle for development and support. "Buttons mode" are not a good choice for programs and apps that are not used really all the time (like some CAD or image- and sound-handling applications).
  10. I know this - but I want to have enhanced it 😉 About sorting: Legacy allows to sort by any field that might be displayed. EN-10 restricts sorting to Titel, Changed and Created date - why? From a programmer's point of view, Side List and Top List are grids of which all modern frameworks offer simple to implement sort opions... This makes me optimistic about sorting. Changing viewing grid cells to editable grid cells is more sophisticated and might take some more time to implement. But they can start to think about at every (near) time...
  11. FYI: Just entered a feature request https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/132659-f2-to-change-any-note-property-inside-a-note-list/
  12. Background: A note list is configurable and sortable by note properties like title, dates, notebook and so on... It's the perfect tool to search and order masses of notes. Use case: During gardening work on such note masses, I want to set created day, reminder time, note title, notebook and even tags of notes to specific values. But therefore I have to go to the note editing window... User Story: I want to change all note properties inline within a note list - like we all know it from other grids like Excel. I want to point to a field (by using a mouse click or by navigating using keyboard arrow-keys and page up/down press F2 to enter an inline change mode of the current field change or input some new values (hopefully type checked with regard to dates or tags - allow only already defined ones!) press ENTER to end the change
  13. THX for pointing me to that feature at all 🙂. My screen is wide and CPU fast enough to always show the note content. Now - after Ctrl-F11 - I've a pretty overview of much more notes... But: This makes it more important to get a possibility to change note tite, times, tags and even the notebook of notes from within a note list - without the need to open a note first (something like F2 - which focusses to change the note title in the note editing window in EN-11 but does nothing in Legacy if note window is not present 😞)
  14. Just tested in under Windows: PDFs > 20 MB do not offer the ability to display it "as one page" (inline). They're seen as attachments and have to be opened by double-clicking or RClick->Open. I think this because of performance issues of the inline PDF viewer. From my point of view this might be OK (even if not exactly correct and not the same behaviour as in Legacy) because it had been also a performance issue in older versions. If simply click through my notes I want to see them as fast as possible immediately after clicking on the note header in the list. But - and this is really bad: If you have PDF displayed inline, Legacy finds embedded strings (Ctrl-F) in note text AND in PDF documents. If you have only attached them, Ctrl-F does not search inside the attachments... Global search operations (Ctrl-Q in Legacy or Alt-Ctrl-F in EN-10) do find strings in both cases. To check whether the find inside function has changed it associated key, have a look on the key mappings (Ctrl-/ on Windows (Ctrl-# on German keyboards).
  15. PLS post a small screenshot to help us to understand your question.
  16. As far as I know, filterize cannot add new notes. It simply works on new or change ones. So if new notes appear, it might be a synchronisation problem (conflicts?). How are you filter actions and conditions set?
  17. To extend/clarify: If you have an EN-10 window open und attach it to all desktops, the new window (after changing the account) will be attached only to the current desktop. This is completely unusable. The only way to get this solved (by EN) is to allow having multiple EN main windows (one per account) or switching accounts with an ever-living EN main window (as it was implemented long time ago).
  18. "So far" might be misleading, sorry. Up to now, I failed to find any statement from EN that this will be implemented (even in videos with Ian Small). It's only a feeling amoung many other trivial settings that are lost "so far" 😉 Up to now they try to avoid a global settings dialog or even to allow tooo much user specific settings to ease support's work.
  19. Impossible so far. Type Ctrl-+ to increase the display of everything.
  20. I'd like to vote for it - if it is configurable like in former times - the only way to fulfill all the wishes.
  21. It's simply the old version that you are used to use before EN-10 😉 https://help.evernote.com/hc/de/articles/360052560314-Alte-Version-von-Evernote-installieren Hope this links works for you as being outside Germany... If not, ask Mrs. Google "evernote download legacy"
  22. Oups, completely annoying. Here are results from Legacy and EN-10 (both on Windows). Note titles marked with "******" are not according to ASCII in Legacy (left screenshot) ... it makes some sense: "-" is very important, "~+<=>" might be used to weighten something But sort oder on EN-10 is neither ASCII nor Legacy-mode... (on the right) cannot find a reason for moving most characters to other positions only "_" might be by thought: it is the only special character that is NOT ignored while searching - it's a very special character for EN since ever 😉
  23. Strange. There was a already similar discussion around tags (before EN-10 😉) Because of this (and the fact that I cannot remember the sort of special characters at all), I decided to not rely on any order based on cryptic signs. I use a combination of a character to mark the type of anything (but not to sort) and a following number to sort within that type. Example (based on tags): ">" generally means "ToDo". So ">0-actual", ">1-next", ">2-anytime", ">9-wait" are the tags to specify when something is to do. "<" generally means "belongs to year". So "<2018", "<2019", ... are tags to define to which era a note belongs to Another possibility to get notes in list sorted by time is to use the creation and the reminder time carefully. Both can be set at any time and will not be changed automatically by EN with any operation. Doing so, the creation time is always the time, an activity has startet whereas reminder time points to either a specific deadline or the date of an event. See also: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/116502-sort-notes-using-and-so-on https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/114779-using-tags-to-implement-dynamic-todo-lists/
  24. Yes - someone saw a configuration property "multiSelectionLimit" of 50 anywhere. So I think it will be configurable in future.
  25. Zur Info: Habe eine Liste nicht funktionierender Kürzel und Funktionen zusammengestellt und werde sie weiter pflegen wenn mir etwas auffällt: EN-10 - was mir noch fehlt Ich gehe mal davon aus, das EN-Team, das für die Übersetzungen zuständig ist, kann auch damit umgehen 😉 Keine Angst: Ich habe sie mit Notion erstellt weil auch ich mich umgeschaut hatte - und von allen sich anbiedernden Alternativen lediglich einzelne Features toll fand. Sobald es auch in EN mal Toggled-Lists gibt, werde ich auch Notion wieder "den Hasen geben" 😜
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