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Rammy Leeds

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  1. Thanks for some great replies. and so quickly too. You guys are amazing. By the way, is IFTTT free compared to Zapier? Is it meant to work better?
  2. I am using OneNote and my notes are saved in OneDrive - as I use both a lappy, a PC and another tablet to do my work and it seems sensible to have them all in one place - i.e. the cloud. I have set up a Zapier zap to say "when there is a new note in OneNote", then "create a new note in Evernote" And it seems to work. BUT when I open it up, it's just all gobbledigook (to me). What am I doing wrong? Many thanks Dr Ram PS Here is the Evernote note of the OneNote message transfered (which was a simple "Does this translate into Evernote" as text and handwritten "I wonder if this will work"). As you can see, a lot of "noise" for such a short note! title For evernote from ONE NOTE FOR WINDOWS 10 links oneNoteClientUrl href onenote:https://d.docs.live.net/fbd0253bd26576a4/Documents/Ramesh's%20Notebook/Quick%20Notes.one#For%20evernote%20from%20ONE%20NOTE%20FOR%20WINDOWS%2010&section-id=ecaf89c0-d47b-4ae4-abf0-6c853aa582e4&page-id=05c0d6de-77ac-4b59-aa0d-861033ac7de4&end oneNoteWebUrl href https://onedrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=fbd0253bd26576a4&page=edit&resid=FBD0253BD26576A4!1451&parId=FBD0253BD26576A4!124&wd=target(Quick Notes.one|ecaf89c0-d47b-4ae4-abf0-6c853aa582e4%2FFor evernote from ONE NOTE FOR WINDOWS 10|05c0d6de-77ac-4b59-aa0d-861033ac7de4%2F) details note <html lang="en-GB"> <head> <title>For evernote from ONE NOTE FOR WINDOWS 10</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="created" content="2023-04-16T21:03:00.0000000" /> </head> <body data-absolute-enabled="true" style="font-family:Calibri;font-size:11pt"> <div style="position:absolute;left:144px;top:139px;width:624px"> <p style="margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt">This is the basic version evernote </p> <br /> </div> <!-- InkNode is not supported --> <!-- InkNode is not supported --> <!-- InkNode is not supported --> <!-- InkNode is not supported --> <!-- InkNode is not supported --> <!-- InkNode is not supported --> <!-- InkNode is not supported --> <!-- InkNode is not supported --> <!-- InkNode is not supported --> <!-- InkNode is not supported --> <!-- InkNode is not supported --> <!-- InkNode is not supported --> <!-- InkNode is not supported --> <!-- InkNode is not supported --> <!-- InkNode is not supported --> <!-- InkNode is not supported --> <!-- InkNode is not supported --> <!-- InkNode is not supported --> <!-- InkNode is not supported --> <!-- InkNode is not supported --> <!-- InkNode is not supported --> <!-- InkNode is not supported --> <div style="position:absolute;left:611px;top:570px;width:624px"> <br /> </div> </body> </html>
  3. Mike P Thanks for replying. Im on Professional now so thanks for that. Im trying to refresh the local database. So I did this for the Evernote App. Signed back in. No difference. There is a Word .doc file with the word "drastically" in it. And when I search for this word, it does not still find that word document. Furthermore, I still cannot embed/preview the Word file. Options are only - save as, open, rename. But with a pdf or image file there are addition options of Preview and Edit/Annotate. Also, tried signing out of the Evernote web version. Clearly there was no option to "remove evernote data from this device" as it is all stored online. But when I logged in, the two problems remain. Word docs - cannot be previewed/embedded and nor can they be searched. I'm a medical educator and got a whole load of stuff to teach doctors over the next month and was hoping to have my files uploaded and searchable on Evernote rather than Dropbox, but looks like I'm going to have to hang onto Dropbox for the time being. Help? I'm clearly not doing something simple. Can you advise any further. Thanks Dr Ram PS With the Evernote app, why does the program advise you not to store the repository on a Dropbox account but in another Windows folder instead? I thought by having it in Dropbox would hypersecure it.
  4. Thanks for the suggestions above. Gazumped - you say: As far as I know it has never been possible to preview a word document or to search inside an Office document in Legacy, or on the web. But the fact is it seems SILLY that you can search pdfs and even images and handwriting scrawl yet you can't preview or search the content of word documents that don't even need any OCR conversion! Seems very illogical for Evernote to say search all your documents at a glance and find them with ease. In fact so many YouTube users comment how amazing the search function is so that tells me there must be a way. People do not just work with pdfs, or images. Docs are a part of everyone's life and if Evernote is a great repository then why can it not handle Word document searches. So I believe that there MUST be a way, on the web atleast if not available on Legacy. And Pink Elephant disagrees with you. Pink Elephant says - If previews of office documents is of a high value for you, you must be using EN professionally. So, if you want to preview office documents, you simply subscribe to the Professional (sic) plan, and off you go. But Pink Elephant - I have upgraded a few days ago to the Profesional plan, and I still cannot preview/embed Word documents like you can with pdfs and images. So, thank you both of you for replying. Have you any other suggestions (esp Pink Elephant - as your suggestion did not work). Many thanks again for replying so quickly. Thanks for the time and effort you have put into a reply. Dr. Ram
  5. Hi, I'm a paid user and I take all my notes in Word documents, then tag and organize them via evernote. In the old version, I loved the way you can see pdfs, ppt, word documents and images in preview mode within the note - with no need to open them up. And you could search for a term within those documents and evernote would find it. But with the new version (evernote 10) - i can only see preview mode for images and pdfs BUT NOT FOR WORD DOCUMENTS. And whilst search for terms in the body of a file works for images and pdfs and scribbled notes, the search function does not work any of the word documents and their contents. This is a crazy step backwards. It is instrumental that I, like many others, see these at a glance. Otherwise, Evernote just becomes laden with friction. Why did you remove it? What on Earth made you think it was a good move? Are you planning to put it back in? If so, when? I want the previewed word documents back, and please make them indexed and searchable. And please do not tell me to DOWNGRADE to the legacy version. THis is an unnaceptable solution as I work mostly on the web. Please fix it Bring it back Dr Ram
  6. Hi, I'm a paid user and I take all my notes in Word documents, then tag and organize them via evernote. In the old version, I loved the way you can see pdfs, ppt, word documents and images in preview mode within the note - with no need to open them up. And you could search for a term within those documents and evernote would find it. But with the new version (evernote 10) - i can only see preview mode for images and pdfs BUT NOT FOR WORD DOCUMENTS. And whilst search for terms in the body of a file works for images and pdfs and scribbled notes, the search function does not work any of the word documents and their contents. This is a crazy step backwards. It is instrumental that I, like many others, see these at a glance. Otherwise, Evernote just becomes laden with friction. Why did you remove it? What on Earth made you think it was a good move? Are you planning to put it back in? If so, when? I want the previewed word documents back, and please make them indexed and searchable. And please do not tell me to DOWNGRADE to the legacy version. THis is an unnaceptable solution as I work mostly on the web. Please fix it Dr Ram
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