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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. Yes, just use "pin to notebook" from the three dots menu in the note.
  2. That was the release notes for 10.102, which I also never understood, and was probably a very specific issue. The release notes for 10.103 say "Fixed an issue with internal links not redirecting to the correct note" which sounds much more general (and wrong). As requested by @Jon/t I have done some further investigation which you can find here:
  3. I can't access the screenshot. Are you sure that the sort order has not been reset to the default ("relevance") rather than by task title?
  4. I'm also a fan but I hope the "fuzzy" search which EN originally used has not been lost. The fact that it would record both "tan" and "ton" if it wasn't sure, gave a few false positives but did guarantee that you would find things.
  5. I am pretty sure that this is only an issue with "large" notebooks. Scenario 1 Set up the notebook sort to be created date with the newest at the top Select a note which is at least number 501 in the list (for me number 500 works and number 501 fails) Make a note shortcut and paste this shortcut into a note in a different notebook Click the shortcut and you will go to the first note in the target notebook (ie most recent) Scenario 2 Set up the notebook sort to be created date with the newest at the top Select a recent note Make a note shortcut and paste this shortcut into a note in a different notebook Click the shortcut to confirm it works Now change the sort order to be oldest first Provided the note is now more than number 500 in the list you will go the first note in the notebook (ie the oldest) Scenario 3 Set up the notebook sort to be created date with the newest at the top Make a link to note 500 and paste it into a note in a different notebook and confirm that it works Create a new note in the target notebook Note 500 is now note 501 so the link you made now fails! Technical aside. I used the created: search syntax to filter the notebook to find the number of notes - if you use filter it doesn't give you the number of notes in the filtered list, only the total number of notes in the notebook.
  6. I think that just supports what I'm saying. If a link works, and the target note is in a notebook with a large number of notes, then you can make it fail by simply reversing the sort order. Some notes are always going to be in the "middle" of the notebook whatever the sort order, so will always fail. I organise primarily by tag so 99% of my notes are in one notebook which probably doesn't help!
  7. I think I can now see the pattern - the target note needs to be towards the top of the notebook in whatever sort order I have at the time. I can make all my links fail by simply changing the sort order to increasing creation date (old notes at the top) as none of the links I use regularly are to very old notes.
  8. Interesting to understand why. Are they recent notes, in notebooks with only a small number of notes in? Can you make them fail by changing the sort order of the notebook to make them lower down the list?
  9. This is my experience too. It's almost like EN is finding the note by scrolling through the folder and if it's too low down it gives up and can't be bothered! EN did acknowledge a probelm with notes lower in the notebook and I don't think they have solved it
  10. I wish my experience were the same. Maybe my setup is now unusual. Basically one notebook with 6.5k notes. I tend to test using my master dashboard note which I have as a shortcut and therefore opens in the "no note list view". New notes generally work if I have the notebook sorted by created date but these stop working if I change the sort order to "Title".
  11. I've also seen this. It seems that notes towards the top of whatever sort order you have in place work, but others don't. I guess it doesn't help if, like me, you only have a few folders each containing lots of notes (and use tags to organise).
  12. I'm not really seeing any improvements. Most note links go to the most recently created note. However it seems to work most of the time on the web version so I may need to do a database refresh on the desktop version. UPDATE - The database refresh seems to have done the trick. However, links still do not work if the note is in a filtered list or a list of search results, so I will still have to ctrl+click most of the time.
  13. I asked a week ago in another thread what "Fixes an issue where internal links no longer redirected to the correct note from the sidebar." actually means and I never got an answer. I think it is one specific issue. Meanwhile, as noted above, fixing internal links is still listed in the bug tracker.
  14. For the record the original post was regarding the web version of EN, where ctrl+click is not available.
  15. Back (alt + left arrow) works for me. I would have thought alt+ctrl+\ (Focus on note list) would work, but it doesn't for me.
  16. I thought I would give a quick update on this issue. The good news is that if you filter by tag, the tag is now almost always transferred across to search without using the collapse and expand sidebar hack. However we still have the issue that typing into the search bar and pressing enter does not initially work and you need to repeat the process. Sometimes the search term is deleted and sometimes it remains so sometimes you have to type in the search term again and sometimes simply going into the field and pressing enter again is sufficient. I got so fed up with this that I automated using AutoHotKey (Windows), so instead of typing in the search and pressing {Enter}, I type it in and press {F8}. Here's the code in-case anybody is interested. F8:: { SetKeyDelay 50 SendEvent "+{Home}^c{Enter}" Sleep 100 SendEvent "!^f" Sleep 100 SendEvent "+{Home}^v{Enter}" }
  17. Possibly "most" but there is no search syntax for what EN is calling "Created by" or "Updated by". There is syntax for "Author" but the author field is blank in most of my notes. I guess a workaround would be to have a tag for each person. Careful design of the tag would also allow notes from groups of people to easily be found marketing_Sarah marketing_John tag:marketing* You might even want to put in some unique identifier at the beginning of the tag name so you could identify any notes without a person tag. You could then run a regular check for notes that have slipped through without a name tag name_marketing_Sarah name_marketing_John -tag:name* Generally though I think that if you can add a field to a table you should be able to sort by that field. But we've been saying that ever sine V10 came out!
  18. I won't be able to logon to the desktop or web versions until the end of the week but does anybody actually understand the statement in the release notes? Whatever it means it certainly doesn't seem to be claiming to solve all the link problems. Fixes an issue where internal links no longer redirected to the correct note from the sidebar.
  19. Internal note header links (or whatever the correct terminology is) are basically still links, so they suffer from the same problems as ordinary links. The one that drives me mad (since at least 10.60) is the inability to open a link (in the main app window) if the parent note is in a filtered list.
  20. For me ctrl-clicking a link opens the note in a new Window but does not go to the heading - it just stays at the top of the note.
  21. It continues to download stuff in the background for some time. However I have never found that this really causes me a problem provided I am online. It will still find the stuff I want but might take a little longer to actually open the note. Think of it as the web app transitioning to the desktop app.
  22. All users can use the advanced search syntax, it is reasonably well documented in the help website. I agree it may not be that easy to use, but less used searches probably shouldn't be allowed to clutter up the basic search. Different users will obviously have a different view as to whether a particular search is less used. Some searches, like these ones, which don't change can be saved and even added to shortcuts to make them more accessible.
  23. My response won't surprise you! Notes shared with any specific person sharedwith:* Notes shared with everybody (what EN now calls "publish to the web") sharedate:*
  24. Interesting. Even if you add a full table of contents to a note (rather than just a link to a particular heading) and launch that note in a new window, clicking the TOC items will take you back to the main window. Not very well thought out! I think I understand what you are trying to say, but links to headers were never a feature of legacy.
  25. ctrl+q (Windows) also searches on just titles as do the search suggestions that come up when you search. That's the entry level solution. I think that it is reasonable that people start using the advanced search syntax after that because it is so powerful, especially combined with Boolean search which BS made available to all users recently. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828-Use-advanced-search-syntax https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/search_grammar.php
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