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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. Valid point but we are just other users here so we can only point out the best workarounds we have found In the edit tags window that you get when you select multiple notes (as shown in your screen shot) the common tags are listed as "lozenges" - "sent" in your case If you were to manually open all of the nested tags you would find the tags that are not common marked with a blue dash and those that are common marked with a blue tick Adding the option to show without hierarchy (so you could scan through) and most importantly to show only selecterd tags I agree would be very useful. In the mean time the best solution at the moment is probably copying the tags fom one not to another
  2. Just to be absolutely crystal clear about the process: 1. Filter by tag (I have 903 notes tagged with R which is correct) 2. Add a search term to the search box and press enter. The screen flashes as if the search has been executed but nothing has actually changed. Even if EN want us to search and then filter this must be a bug. The cross at the end of search field seems to suggest that the search term has been included in the search - but it hasn't been. 3. Click in the search box and hit enter again. Now you get the search but the tag filter is removed If you search and then filter or use the advanced search syntax you get the correct result (272 notes): OR Notice that my 2nd and 4th screen shots look the same but have different number of results.
  3. If this is a big issue you could add the emoji to the end of the tag and use the search wildcard. eg if your tag was green_🟢 You could use tag:green_🟢 OR tag:green*
  4. The standard work around is to use coloured emojis as part of your tag name This has advantages and disadvantages, mainly as the emoji is now part of the tag name. This means you can search for tags containing the emoji but also if you use the advanced search syntax you need to include the emoji. I have all my common emojis linked to strings in a text expander to give me instant access to them. So ,,r gives me 🔴
  5. You can still do this in V10 but in the new UI it is less obvious. The process is click the first tag in the list of tags at the bottom of the note - you will not see anything happen! then shift click the last tag - again you won't see anything happen Press ctrl+C - this adds a comma separated list of tags to teh clipboard Go to the new note, click into the tags area and press ctrl+V to paste the tags into the new note This used to be much better in the old UI of V10 where clicking a tag obviously slected it with a blue border.
  6. EN have decided that you cannot filter by tag first and then search the filtered results. It used to work in V10 but they changed it. The only solution is to use the advanced search syntax as outlined by @Boot17 above. Please make sure you feedback directly to EN that this restriction is ridiculous. I have an outstanding support request from months ago. It's been mentioned before. See for example
  7. How did you do it in the legacy version? Certainly some of thse methods worked in legacy, and I don't remember this particular issue being a pain point when I transitioned.
  8. I have a master index note which is always at the top of my shortcuts, so I know can always be accessed using ctrl+1. The master index note then contains the links to all my other index notes. The ability to get to my most important navigation note with a simple keyboard shortcut has now become absolutely essential to my workflow in EN.
  9. "Notes" in the sidebar So many ways! Click on the note title at the top of the note Drag the note from the note list onto the notebook name in the sidebar Drag the notebook name from the sidebar onto the note in the note list Again lots of ways. For example: Start typing the tag name in the tag area at the bottom of the note Drag a tag from the sidebar onto the note in the note list or onto the preview of the note itself Drag a note from the notelist onto the tag Use the edit tags box (alt+ctrl+T
  10. I would certainly not use it without my keystroke expander that converts ,,r into 🔴 and gives me easy access to all the different emojis I use. The text based system also works well but there is the danger that you use the string in the title anyway. Hence my suggestion of using angle brackets around it. e.g <A1> As I said, I hope they will improve the tasks experience, but in the mean time at least I have a system that works for me.
  11. Tasks live in notes so it doesn't really make sense to move them into a "folder". However, it's easy enough to move a task into another note so you could just set up a note called archived tasks and move completed tasks into that note
  12. I recently started having difficulty seeing indentation in tags in the hierarchy in the sidebar. Has it changed in the new UI vs older versions of the new UI or is just me? I found a screen shot of the old UI and it was so much easier to see the hierarchy if scrolling through the tag list in the sidebar. If you look at the tag icons the old UI had a much bigger indentation. The EN design team love adding space except where it is actually helpful!
  13. If you can't find something that suits you beter don't forget that as well as making a note full screen (expand note) you can also launch it in a new Window. That window can be sized to take up the space of the note panel and the note list.
  14. This has been a contentious issue ever since the introduction of V10. As users we have absolutrely no idea whether EN will ever allow us to sort by all the parameters that you can put in a side or top list. There are some uses of sort by tags for which I don't think there are workarounds - see my post above about the desire to find notes containing only one particular tag and no other tags. However in the vast majority of cases it is possible to replace sorting with searching/filtering. With the increased white space in the new UI I find myself filtering more than I did in the past just to be able to see all my results on screen (or at least with less scrolling). This is a pain but does actaully increase my focus on the critical notes/tasks. One trick that people may not be aware of is that if you put a top level tag into the shortcuts you also get easy access to all the sub tags using the expand triangle that appears next to the tag in the shortcuts. Obviously, if sorting by tags is critical to somebody's workflow and they are not able or willing to modify it, then they will need to go elsewhere. If on balance EN does most of what you want it to do, and other apps don't, then it really is worth rethinking your workflow. I know you shouldn't have to, but I live in the real world, where app suppliers change stuff and I have to either adapt or move on.
  15. A keyboard shortcut that scrolled the sidebar up to shortcuts or even better opened a window of shortcuts (like tasks or tags) would work for me.
  16. I agree that this sort of functionality would be useful. In the mean time there is alot you can do for yourself using a text based system (e.g <A1> or an emoji based system (🔴 🔵 etc) Here is a screen shot of my current task list And you can search:
  17. got it. Just users here, so you need to create a ticket here:https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  18. Not much consolation to you but importing enex files exported from V10 retain the creation date (provided you opted to export the creation date). Unfortunately I don't have any enex files created in legacy to test. Looking at the snippet you put in your post the date-time format does seem to have changed. Your example (legacy) <created>2023-09-15T17:49:22.347Z</created> My example (V10) <created>20210303T204130Z</created> So to test the theory I modified the created date-time in my enex file to match the formatting of legacy and re-imported. It was imported with the creation date-time set as the current date-time. I thought local notebooks were automatically imported into V10 when you installed it. Does that not happen anymore?
  19. Youy are right that you can't export all notes but you can export notebooks from either the sidebar or the main notebooks pop out.
  20. Logging out and then logging back in again worked for me. 10.79.2 Windows.
  21. I thought this question was more complicated, but on re-reading it I think @Jon/t is spot on! If by chance anybody wants to extract all the task information, perhaps with a view to putting it into a format that could be imported into a different task app, then exporting the note containing the task(s) as an enex is the way to go. If you then open it in a text editor you get all the information in xml format. If you paste the xml into an xml viewer (e.g https://jsonformatter.org/xml-viewer) it will parse it into something a little nicer looking
  22. That is how it is designed. You can position the image but you cannot have anything else to the left or to the right of it. We are just other users here so you need to feedback directly to EN
  23. I don't know if this works on ios but on desktop or web you can select all the checklist items, click the checklist icon in the toolbar to remove the check marks and then hit the checklist icon again to reintroduce the checklist. If you have any indented lines this stricture is retained..
  24. This has been mentioned in another thread. EN search does not (anymore?) parse "words" containing periods. So, for example the web site https://www.bbc.co.uk/news contains the three "words" https www.bbc.co.uk news EN has never been able to find a few characters within a word. The best it can do is start from the beginning. So www.bbc.co.uk www.bbc www.bbc* news All find the link. We're just users here so you need to feed back directly to EN if you are not happy.
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