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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. The web is the definitive version of what is in the database because there are no synchronisation issues. It may well be that the desktop version will sync if given enough time. Needless to say you need to be very careful if you have more than one version of EN open at the same time or you can get in a complete mess.
  2. There are actually two spearate issues here. Firstly changing the tags of a note, either adding or removing, takes a while to be reflected in search. The time taken is anything from a few seconds to minutes or hours. Secondly, search results are not dynamic. ie it does not automatically update if something changes. There is also no manual refresh so you literally have to rerun the search, which if it's a complex search and not saved is not straightforward. You can continue to use the legacy version and hope that the issues are addressed.
  3. If you mean Windows V10 you can revert to the legacy version here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314?fbclid=IwAR2TNqp-eGRH3Ds8Vfu-CiKPjYolJzZ_keR9eWQaDahJ2GN-7hwn595zI8w&__s=bsetfdgzirbvqtopurph
  4. I don't think the developers originally understood that people use tags dynamically. ie it's not just to find a note in 6 months time but it's also to identify notes for action, review etc now. I hope that if they do undestand this now the new search architecture will allow a much fastrt search and that this is not a fundamental issue. I take some comfort from @Shane D.'s comments above so we will have to wait and see.
  5. I think on balance I would also prefer a proper search rather than a "starts with" search, although it might increase false results. I like being able to type a "special character" and see all my tags beginning with that character without it being cluttered by tags that have the character in the middle. For those who aren't aware the full edit tags window (alt-ctrl-T) does search for tags properly.
  6. I agree. To my mind if you have a table (e.g side or top list view) you should be able to sort by any field you add to that table.
  7. I agree. You can add coloured icons (via windows emoji keyboard win + ; ) but that's not really convenient if you often have to type out the name of the tag in full.(e.g. using the search syntax)
  8. Well you should still have your existing ones. The easiest way to create a new one is drag a note, tag, notebook or saved search into the shortcuts area at the top of the sidebar. As you can see from the screen shot you can drag it into any position you want which is handy for the ctrl+number shorcuts..
  9. If you have copied multiple links and copy them into a numbered list you can drag and drop the items around to get them in the order you want them.
  10. Shorcuts still exist but there is no longer the option to have them along the top. They are now only found at the top of the sidebar. I agree that this is nowhere near as covenient as the old system. The keyboard shortcut ctrl + number will take you straight to the appropriate shorcut; ctrl+4 to the 4th in the list and so on so that might help.
  11. I think that the issue is that it does not appear as the title of the window. This also appears in the icon in the toolbar so is actually quite useful. I can't reproduce the issue so compare my screen shot.
  12. I find that the easiest way to add a code block in the new version is the markdown method of typing three backticks (```) followed by enter.
  13. Not exactly sure what you mean by list. Do you mean move tafs within the tag hierarchy? If you do this can be achieved from the main tags window obtained by clicking the tags icon in the sidebar. It can no longer be done in the sidebar.
  14. In my experience sometimes I do get a pdf preview image and sometimes I don't. I haven't been able to spot any definite pattern but for notes that have just one pdf attachment and no other attachments it appears that you don't get a preview image if the pdf is bigger than about 10MB. I've not been through every note containing a pdf so I may be wrong.
  15. Currently you can not select multiple notes and then drag and drop them into a notebook. I believe EN are working on improving this. The current method is to use the blue multiselect menu that pops up whenever you select two or more notes. Not nearly as convenient as drag and drop but quicker than doing them individually. All operations on multiple notes are incredibly slow (even adding a tag) so if this is something you do alot I would stick with the legacy version.
  16. It is odd to see the highlighted note in the note list not being dispalyed. V10 is generally not good at dynamic updating (e.g. searches etc). If you want to avoid using the mouse, pressing enter also dispays the highlighted note.
  17. Clipped content now appears inside an html content or web clip box. I think the reason is that as websites become more and more complex the ability of the webclipper to convert content to EN format means formatting etc is often messed up. The downside is that you can't edit the text of even highlight bits. If you want to make any changes you have to "simplify and make editable" using the magic wand icon or the three dots menu shown at the top of the box in your screenshot. If that messes it up then I've generally found that the change can be undone using ctrl-Z.
  18. Despite your somewhat ungracious response I will continue to try to help. Like most of the people on this forum I am not an EN employee and am not connected to EN in any way. When you say Could you describe your workflow. There are many ways of creating new notes and moving them so it would help if you could outline exactly how you are doinng it.
  19. The handling of preview images is now a little quirky. If you delete the image in the note sometimes the preview image stays. Today I deleted the image from a note and surprisingly the preview image disappeared. I then put a new image in the note and the old preview image reappeared. It is also quite common to have different preview images in the web, legacy and windows V10. It's all a bit of a mess and needs sorting out.
  20. In case you ever run up against this problem again with EN or a different program. If you have a shortcut to actually run the program (on the desktop or in the start menu) you can right click it at look at properties. Obviously if for some reason the shortcut has gone then this won't work.
  21. The questions was about getting files out of Evernote. Your solution is a very good way of getting files into Evernote.
  22. Same on windows. There is also the three dots menu for each notebook. Worth emphasising that you can only do this from the notebook menu (obtained by clicking the notebook icon in the sidebar) and not in the sidebar itself.
  23. I certainly agree that their idea of "acceptable for release to an unsuspecting public" is different from ours. They constantly say that they know they still have lot s of work to do and I think the roughly 2 week release cycle does provide some evidence for that. They could certainly have handled it better and marketed it as an extended public beta rather than encouraging people to "upgrade".
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