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Paul A.

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Everything posted by Paul A.

  1. Well, we finally have some clarity on the situation, though the pricing changes are probably not what most of us wanted to hear. I do like that they are being transparent and direct about the upcoming changes, and I'm quite excited about the sync improvements, and I truly hope it is rock-solid and bug-free. The AI feature coming later this year to query one's own notes for answers could be a killer feature, if (IF!!!) it works well. But were my subscription renewing soon, I would be hesitant to incur a significant price hike months before even being able to test that new feature. Although "big" features like the sync improvements and upcoming AI features are flashy and potentially add significant value, I find my own opinion towards Evernote is reduced quite significantly by a large number of what I call "quality of life" issues. These are all minor individually, but they are irritants and in combination they add up to significantly reducing the value of Evernote. Here's a sample of some of the QOL issues that irritate me to various degrees: First: I spend a lot of time searching my Evernote database. I use a keyboard shortcut, Opt-Cmd-F (on Mac) to jump right to the search box. The problem comes when I perform a second search, when I use Opt-Cmd-F to jump back to the search box, the previous search term isn't highlighted. So I have to delete the terms manually and then type the new ones. The convention in just about all software that I've ever used is that the previous search term is highlighted, so that if one wants to enter new search terms one can just begin typing. (Try this in Safari, Chrome, Gmail, Spotlight, Signal, it's a remarkably consistent software design convention.) A small issue but it's an irritant and fixing it would (presumably) be SO easy. Here are some other QOL issues:
  2. I don't disagree at all. Just sharing why I think they *might* choose to add it one day. I hope they focus on much broader features like the forever-pending sync improvements, personally...
  3. I thought I'd start a discussion on what people might want to see in terms of AI in Evernote. Microsoft just announced they are starting to test their AI that they call "Copilot" in OneNote. See this announcement and embedded video for a preview of what they hope to achieve. Similarly, Google is also working on embedding AI into all their tools. Though Google doesn't have a direct Evernote competitor (unless we count Google Docs and Drive, which some may use for some of the same use cases as Evernote), they've also put out a very interesting video that provides a vision of how they plan/hope to implement generative AI into their products. OpenAI's GPT-4 (the AI that powers Microsoft's CoPilot) is not exclusive to Microsoft and can be licensed by third party software products, so Evernote could theoretically license it and integrate it into the product. Although GPT-4 only just released to the public, GPT-5 is already under development is rumored to be scheduled to release next year. These AI products are going to get better and better, and could become almost expected within a couple of years. For my part, I'm not currently begging for an AI in my note taking app, but I could see myself changing my mind pretty quickly if I start to rely on these AI tools in other parts of my life. Thoughts?
  4. I think it depends whether BS wants to target the education market. OneNote supports equation handling and in my understanding is quite popular in math-heavy education. I think BS might be more focused on increasing revenue now rather than the long-term growing of the Evernote user base, but perhaps that will change in time.
  5. They may have a couple of employees in Santa Clara or even a small office, but it's basically a Chinese company. Some tells are how vague they are about the company and team on their website, the poor English language translation of their marketing copy, no US-based venture funding, and so on. The below Reddit thread goes into more detail. Also, there's this corporate directory I found which lists Appest as a Hong Kong company: https://www.ltddir.com/companies/appest-limited/ https://www.reddit.com/r/ticktick/comments/qqzb3a/is_ticktick_really_a_chinese_company_i_see_that/
  6. Have you seen any progress at all on the long-promised real-time synchronization changes? I hope BS didn't lay off too many of the key architects of that fairly massive change. I've heard good things about Tick Tick as a product, but I am leery of trusting and installing Chinese software. I don't have national secrets to protect and the CCP has no reason to be interested in me or my data, but it still makes me squeamish to know that they can force any Chinese company to disclose user data, install backdoors, monitor my local network traffic, etc. Certainly the US is not perfect by any means, but the privacy risks for a US-based company are lower and better understood. And of course Bending Spoons is an Italian company, and the EU has generally stricter data privacy rules than the US.
  7. I have a TOTP (time-based one-time password) set for my account, and have for years. Just tested it again in an incognito window. I wonder why you don't see that option? I agree on the U2F key, that would be nice. There's been a feature request active for that for almost a decade. Feel free to add an additional vote! Also, I started an overlapping feature request related to the risk of using SMS text verification due to "SIM swap" attacks (and lately increasingly sophisticated phishing schemes as well.) It's duplicative but feel free to drop a vote here too if you like:
  8. What version of the client are you using? Is it 10.54.4? There is a newer version on the Evernote website (10.55.1). If you're experiencing the same issue as the OP, I wonder if this new version might include a fix? However, as a paid user, my first step would be to contact support and see what they suggest. Mostly user to user communication in this forum.
  9. Perhaps I am misunderstanding your workflow - are you under the impression that exporting to pdf deletes the original note? It does not. Your original note remains intact, so there's no need to reimport anything after exporting to PDF, unless there's something we're all missing in terms of your workflow and desired outcome.
  10. It's discrimination based on willingness to pay, and it's commonplace. So commonplace, that I don't see how it could be remotely controversial. Airlines do it. Mobile phone companies do it. So do Internet providers, newspapers, retailers, clothing stores, grocery stores, and on and on. Sticking specifically to the software industry, it's bog standard to adjust prices globally and charge countries with lower income a lower price. It's generally considered a good idea. Evernote as a cloud-based service has higher marginal costs than 'offline" software, but the marginal cost of a single user is still lower than the full cost of offering the software (which includes all the R&D to develop it), so it can still be accretive to profits to charge less than full price for people who cannot afford full price (e.g. students, people who live in lower-income countries, etc.)
  11. I was unable to recreate his workaround. Raj, could you provide some more detail to recreate your steps? What are you copying on desktop? If I copy the link that was created on Android, it just pastes the exact same https:// web link when I paste again.
  12. It's a problem in that copying and then inserting an "internal link" on mobile opens up in the web browser when that link is clicked on desktop. I prefer all my links to open in the app and it's a little irritating to not be able to create and insert links from the Android app that will always open on the desktop app.
  13. I'm sorry that I don't have a suggestion for your issues, but I just wanted to say that I've used the Web Clipper for years and never realized that I could highlight text prior to clipping! 🤯 This will be very useful; thank you!!
  14. I experienced this too during the time I downgraded back to Free. From what I recall, it's encouraging you to upgrade so you get OCR on your images/PDFs. I also found it somewhat annoying at times, but the software was free and I wasn't paying for it, so small price to pay, really.
  15. OUCH. That is a 50% increase. Better than a 80% increase, but not by much...
  16. Shhh, don't say that too loudly or too publicly, or you'll just encourage them. 😬
  17. Effectively, canceling one's subscription does just drop you back to Free. Completely deleting one's Evernote account is a different process and as you point out, isn't necessary when the Free account continues to allow unlimited access to all previously created notes and continues to allow fairly full-featured new note creation. However, this assumes they don't severely restrict the free account as a next course of action, and if 80% subscription increases become common, I fully expect the Free service to be drastically pared back as a further "incentive" for people to stay subscribed. 😕
  18. It should save attachments, at least it has for me in the past. I haven't used it recently, perhaps something has changed or broken. Try support if you're on a paid plan.
  19. I wonder if this is the explanation? I noticed one of the people on Twitter who posted a similar screenshot said they were based in Australia (but screenshot clearly indicated price was in USD). A mistake that conflates AUD/NZD prices with USD would also explain why there are only a "few" reports of such a dramatic price increase. Also, laying off 1/3 or 1/2 of your employees makes it far more likely for mistakes like this to crop up and not be fixed immediately.
  20. I too think [[ or @ could be great shortcuts for evernote to add, but they did add a keyboard shortcut for linking that you might find a little easier. Take a look at the video / description in the help article below: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313588-Link-to-other-notes-in-Evernote
  21. Interesting! I just started a thread (below) as I saw some discussion about a much more "modest" price increase of only 80%. I speculated that it could be a pricing test. This offer you saw could be a mistake as @PinkElephantsuggested, or it may in fact be another pricing test...
  22. There's some chatter on Twitter and Reddit that people with expiring subscriptions are seeing renewal offers that are up to 80% higher (one example is a year of Personal being offered for $126, and Professional jumping from $9.99/month to $17.99/month). I'm not personally seeing these prices on my account, so this might simply be a pricing test. I personally felt $70 annual for premium ($100 annual for Professional) was getting up there, then it went to $80/$110, and if it now goes to $126 minimum? In that case, Bending Spoons is about to find out just how loyal Evernote's users really are.
  23. Confirmed here. The very first time I created the note and highlighted the words, they deleted as they should. I then exited the note, confirmed it had synced, then re-entered the note and tested again. The second time (and subsequent times) I was able to reproduce the glitch, same as you. Unfortunately, the Android app has had similar editor-related bugs for years that have not been addressed. No one has given me a straight reason as to why, but I have speculated that enough of the "guts" are being rewritten as part of the real-time sync project that they are waiting for that project to complete first. For an example of a similar bug, I get near-identical results when highlighting text and using the "shift" key on the standard Gboard keyboard to change the capitalization of the highlighted word. I've documented this annoying bug in the below thread:
  24. Was it working for you previously? I haven't tried very recently, but over six months ago I reported an issue with saving Gmail emails containing PDF attachments using the web clipper. The thread below also documents my workaround, which may be of help to you:
  25. As I mentioned above thread, I've been unable to clip pdfs for about three weeks on Google Chrome for Mac. Here's an example using a publicly available pdf: https://www.energy.gov/eere/buildings/articles/residential-cold-climate-heat-pump-technology-challenge-fact-sheet On the above pdf page, clicking the Evernote icon on the browser does nothing. Right-clicking on the icon gives me the option to capture the page, screenshot, or bookmark. Choosing the "capture the page" option does not save the pdf. Edit: Firefox for Mac also does not work. On Firefox I get an error message asking me to reload the page, which doesn't help.
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