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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. Hi, and welcome to the forums. To address the first issue, if you're getting a system menu on right-click rather than an Evernote one, either (A) be sure you're in the Evernote desktop program and not in the Evernote Web client in a browser; or (B) if you're definitely in the desktop program, it may need to be restarted -- exit it completely (File > Exit; the red X box will only close the interface, not the whole program), then start it again and see if things are set right. Once you're in the desktop program and are getting the correct menu on right-click ... then someone else here will have to help you, because I know nothing about exporting. But there are people here who are good at it and can give advice.
  2. EDIT: Forget this, based on a hasty reading and misunderstanding. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I hope I'm not misunderstanding you--are you looking to set the Evernote program on one computer and have that sizing relative to the screen sync to the other? I'm pretty sure that that kind of information is not synced. But I would think that once it's sized correctly on the laptop it ought to "stick." One thing to try would be to quit Evernote completely on the laptop (File > Exit; the red X box only closes the interface, not the whole program). Then restart the program and see if the proper sizing sticks. Rebooting the laptop might also help. Sometimes stuff gets corrupted in memory and needs to be cleared out. Hope this is some help!
  3. Hi, Dee, and welcome to the forums. I see that you've already tried reinstalling. It's surprising that that didn't fix it, because this should work. What is the source of the material you're pasting? Is it from a Web site, a Word or Google doc, etc.? It's possible that there's something in the source formatting that is confusing Evernote. Also, does it happen all the time, or just with certain source material or certain Evernote notes?
  4. Have you gone through this thread and tried some of the solutions suggested (which worked for some people and not others)?
  5. Hi, and welcome to the forums. In some testing I did awhile ago, I found that you can get notes from Samsung Notes into Evernote by using the Share function in Samsung notes. If they are handwritten notes, you can share as images or PDFs. Handwritten text in images will be indexed for searching in Evernote (it can take a minute and a re-sync). For typed text notes, not handwritten, you can share them in Samsung Notes as a text file to Evernote, and it will appear in the default Evernote notebook as a text note. I don't use Samsung Notes much, but I did this testing just to see what would happen, so no guarantees. But bottom line, yes, you do have to do them one by one AFAIK. I don't think Samsung Notes has a bulk export function, and I'm sure the Evernote Android app doesn't have a bulk import function.
  6. It's not as simple as a single direct shortcut, but it is possible to get there with the keyboard alone. The exact procedure depends on where the focus is when you start. The Tab key moves left to right and Shift+Tab moves right to left. So if you are in the Left Panel (the list of notebooks, tags, etc.), pressing Tab moves to the Search Bar at the top of the Note List; Tab from there moves to the Note List itself; the next Tab moves to the title field of the current note in the Note Panel; and one more Tab moves to the body of the note itself. Shift+Tab reverses direction in the same sequence, but if you are in the body of a note, you first must use F2 to move to its title field; then Shift+Tab moves to the Note List, the Search Bar, and the Left Panel in order. It's that F2 that is the tricky part, in my experience. Clear as mud, eh (as we used to say)?
  7. Lots of problems remain with spellcheck: words missing, inability to edit the dictionary, inability to spellcheck an entire note, most of it caused by an "upgrade" to the spellchecker a couple of years ago. I really hope this gets fixed at some point in the revamping of the editor that's in process. One correction, though: I don't think there's ever been a spellchecker in the Evernote Android app. I don't think Android is really set up for that. At any rate, I don't have spellcheck on other Android apps either. The only spellcheck on Android is the autocorrect system in whatever keyboard app you're using, and Evernote (and other apps) can't control that.
  8. Just came across the post below in another forum. It has info on how sharing and deleting works that may provide some insight on the problem.
  9. Hmm, if all the notes are "unavailable," yet they're present and in order in the Web client (which reflects the status of the main online Evernote database), then there may be an issue with the app on the phone. If you don't have any offline notebooks, your best bet would probably be to uninstall Evernote and reinstall it. Evernote will then re-download the note information (just basically an index, not all the note content, downloads on a mobile device). This can be a bit time-consuming, depending on the number of notes; and you'll lose any customized settings within the app. But it might be the fix for this particular issue, since it's affecting all the notes. If you have any offline notebooks, you may need to designate them as synced notebooks again and do a sync before uninstalling. Hope this is some help.
  10. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Here's the Help article on notebook sharing: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314748. Scroll down to the section on setting permissions. Judging from that (I don't have personal experience), it looks like the person who created the notebook would have to give you permission to edit it, not just view it.
  11. Oh, I feel your pain. My wife has had me print out recipes she finds online (she's not interested in a digital notebook), and "nightmare" is the right word to describe what happens on some of these sites. I have to copy into Word and massage the formatting there. 😠 However, I've discovered that the Evernote Web beta can now do some pretty good tricks on malformed Web clips. I haven't tried that with recipes yet, but you might want to check it out (see my post linked below). Oh wait ... sorry for the thread drift. This thread is about how Evernote is no good for anything.
  12. Hi @Chewed_crow and @Salvor, and welcome to the forums. Actually the other postings (especially the long thread I've linked below) generally show that making a dark mode for Windows is not as easy as on other platforms (unless you're Microsoft and wrote the OS code). But it's clear that there are quite a few Windows users of Evernote who need or strongly desire this. They're working on bringing a common user experience across the various platforms, and hopefully dark mode will be be part of it, but nothing has been promised.
  13. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Please be aware that these are mainly user-to-user help forums, not a regular way of addressing Evernote. That said, I can imagine your frustration. Is this happening with all of your notes, or only particular ones? Are you able to access Evernote by another means (e.g., through a browser on a computer at https://www.evernote.com/client/web)? If so, you could see if the affected note(s) are in proper order there.
  14. Glad you're finding the experiment successful so far. I just want to comment on this one thing--not really in reply to you, but it made me think about the number of complaints in the Evernote Android forum (and others) about how there's no autosave, they lose data because they don't remember to save it, etc., etc. I'm guessing there's hardly a single feature of any note-taking app that isn't somebody's dream and somebody's nightmare. And hence this forum....
  15. The forum moderator(s), whoever they may be, are not the program's developers, nor do they have control over the development process, though sometimes they ferry suggestions from here to there. Doing what you did in creating a feature request was the better way to draw their attention to the issue, though obviously from the one Evernote support response copied into this post above they're aware of it. The forums work mainly as user-to-user tech support, not necessarily as ways of communicating directly with Evernote. For that, since you're a Plus user, you could contact support. BTW, the @ EverNote that you and a couple of others in this thread have tagged is not an Evernote staff tag but just another user who, not too cleverly or helpfully, took "Evernote" for their username, posted a couple of times, and hasn't been heard from in almost 8 years.
  16. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Something like this is often the result of accidentally logging in with a different email address, and thereby creating a new account, which of course is empty. It's surprisingly easy to do this. My advice would be to give it another try and be very sure you're using the credentials used to create your private account.
  17. Glad to know it's fixed. This is really something mysterious. I hope they'll get it figured out soon.
  18. @CalS, note that this is the poster's first post, and all it does is repeat something from the 3rd post in the thread (from over a year ago). Don't know what the purpose is, but it looks fishy. I've reported it. EDIT: And now the admins have taken the post down (in case anyone comes here later and wonders whether Cal and I have lost our marbles).
  19. Hi, and welcome to the forums! It's often useful to search for existing discussions before posting about a problem. Please see the long-running thread below on this issue, which contains one or two workarounds, and evidence that it seems to work for some people but not for others. (I experience the same thing you do.)
  20. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Yes, this issue has been reported by a number of people, specifically in the Firefox browser, and Evernote is working on a fix for it, which is expected soon. See this thread: It may be helpful to search the forums to see if a problem is already under discussion before posting it.
  21. @mnl1337 has posted a video to illustrate a different problem; but his video shows that, in German, "OK Google. Mache ein Notiz" brings up a note-making dialog that includes an Evernote elephant icon. I just tried it again, and I do not get this. So I wonder if different versions of Android, or even different regional variations of Android, work differently in this respect.
  22. Thank you for the video. I see the problem. The problem for me is that when I say "OK Google. Make a note", it makes a note in Google's own rudimentary note-taking system. I don't have the Evernote elephant icon that you have in the video. Perhaps it works differently in German versions of Android than in English ones?? At any rate, I hope someone else will be able to pop in here and suggest a solution.
  23. FWIW, there is much more sophisticated text formatting available in the Web beta editor (https://www.evernote.com/client/web, then be sure there's a black Beta button at bottom right). Formatting created there then displays properly in the Android app, and you can even edit within formatted zones and the formatting remains intact. Not a solution, for sure; but at least a sign of progress, since what's being done in the Web beta is intended to be migrated to all platforms as I understand it.
  24. As of today, February 5, 2020, I find that this problem is fixed. Thanks developers!
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