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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. Also only a fellow user, but wanting to be clear on what happened. You were working on a note in the Evernote desktop app on a laptop while offline on a plane. The note was being saved to the EN database on the laptop. The next day you went online and the note was not there. I presume you hadn't looked for it in the time between. Was this a Mac or Windows laptop? Have you checked for the note in the trash (I know, duh), or in the Evernote Web app (this is actually the forum for that client)? Even if the note never got synced after you worked on it online, it should still have been present in the local DB and then synced when you went online. If that definitively did not happen, then do open a support ticket. And do let us know here if there's any progress--as @agsteele said, this is not an everyday occurrence (in my experience), and other users would want to know what happened.
  2. Hi, and welcome to the forums. This can occur if you happen to use both the Evernote desktop app on your laptop and the Evernote Web client. Each of them counts as a "device," and when you add the mobile app that makes 3. The place to check is on the Devices page in your account settings: https://www.evernote.com/Devices.action. That will show you what devices you have used that Evernote is aware of, and if there are more than 2, you can revoke access to one or more. Another, more remote possibility is that your account password was stolen and someone else has logged into your account on a different device. This has happened when people use an easy password on multiple services. If it gets stolen on one service, it can be used on the others. If you see an unrecognized device on the Devices page, that could be the case. In that case, change your password immediately to something unique to your Evernote account.
  3. This has been requested a number of times. Rather than start a new request, it would be more helpful to find one of the existing ones and add support to it.
  4. Welcome to the forums. With your first post you've described the entire output of someone with over 16,000, so yay. None of us here "runs" the forum (or is a moderator). Some respond more often than others, some respond more vigorously than others, some get tired now and then of responding about the same old same old. I ask again: are you really seeing update nags every single day? I never have my work interrupted by one, though generally I'm in a position to respond readily if I get the information that there's a new version. If you're getting update requests every single day, what version of Evernote are you using and on what operating system? And do you ever update? As for a number followed by a dot turning into a list, Evernote has done this for quite awhile, and I often find it handy. If I don't want it, a simple Ctrl+Z goes back to plain text. If I wanted just 1. and not a list a lot, though, I'm sure I'd find it annoying too; but (for me) not nearly as annoying as not having all the good features I get from Evernote. You dislike it: OK, but that doesn't mean everyone else does. I'm with you, though, that Evernote's set of options is lacking, esp. compared with v. 6. They recently added some new ones, and I'm hopeful that as more major issues have gotten addressed, we'll start to see more preference settings.
  5. "Us guys" are primarily other users; Evernote staff may come by, but this is not a way of getting into a dialog (or monolog) with them. If you search these forums, you'll find multiple complaints about this, which is clearly a serious issue. It might be more helpful to add your experiences to one of the existing threads.
  6. That is, update on your own schedule, in the evening or morning outside of work time, or over lunch. Force Evernote to obey you. But honestly, I don't know why you would get popups at all. Maybe I'm nuts or unobservant, but I don't remember EN suddenly popping up an update reminder while I'm working. I will honestly try to be more alert for these, since the whole thing has started to puzzle me. (I'm assuming you're on a paid subscription, and this is not the popup to upgrade from a free account triggered by trying to access an unsupported feature. That's a whole other conversation.)
  7. Hi, and welcome to the forums. These are user-to-user forums, so they're not a great way of contacting Evernote directly with suggestions. (There are feedback forums, though, which are designed for feature requests.) WRT flow charts, aren't they just graphics/images, which you can attach as such?
  8. I agree also about the value of having the most recently used notebooks at the top of the list. It's a nice touch. OTOH, I actually use reminders more often than tags, so I'd like that back at the top too. Having to hit Done to actually select the notebook may be intended to give users a chance to be sure; I've sometimes clicked the wrong notebook in the old version.
  9. There is a monthly data upload limit on the free account, and it may be that you've bumped into that, especially if you're uploading a lot of documents. The system limits page that @gazumped linked to can clarify this. If that's what happened, the limit should reset on the monthly anniversary date and restore your access.
  10. At this point, I just have one question: are people still receiving daily popups about updates? If so, on what version of Evernote, and on what operating system? I don't receive these, but if they're still showing up for others, it would be helpful to know the circumstances. If that's not happening any more, then what are we talking about here?
  11. Ahhh ... it comes down to Electron once more, and its inability to accept commands from outside (scripting, etc.). Good digging, @James000 and @agsteele!
  12. You mean the guy who called other people addicts, right? I've gone all through this thread and I have not seen one post by an Evernote employee. Can you give a more specific reference to it? I actually think your objection and the solution you found make good sense for your purposes. And of course, as you point out, the behavior of the updating process itself has changed since the long-ago beginning of this thread. What I find annoying is people who assume that everybody experiences what they do (an update notice every day, stopping their workflow) and/or ought to react to updates just as they do, and if not, they must be trolls and addicts.
  13. Agreed (at least for some; others may prefer it this way). In my experience, Cronofy has had a pretty responsive support department, and it might be worth raising it with them. Since the link in the Calendar event is actually a Cronofy link (of the form http://in.cronofy.com/Aa1bB2Cc3), it is Cronofy that decides what to open when it is clicked.
  14. I'll have to say I never did understand why reminders and tags moved to the bottom of the screen in v. 10. I assume it was a rational decision, but the rationale still escapes me. Yet there it is; it's good to have advice about how to deal with it more effectively.
  15. I do the same thing. On my (older) Android phone, clicking the Cronofy link actually opens an Evernote logon tab in my browser, but then proceeds to the note in the app (since Evernote can't run in a browser tab on Android). In Windows, clicking the link does indeed open the note in a browser tab. Basically, this seems to be the intended behavior, and while I'm not crazy about it either, it can have the advantage of having the note in question open in a browser window while I work on other Evernote notes in the app. Of course, this is likely to be due to the way Cronofy operates more than to Evernote; it may not have the wherewithal to open an app instead of a browser window.
  16. I suppose not; but that doesn't happen to me. It's two seconds to dismiss a notification once a week or so (if that often) when I'm too busy to update, or less than two minutes to update. It's too much aggravation for you, none at all for others. Why act as if only your experience and your reaction to it is normative? Why act as if people who use Evernote productively have something wrong with them?
  17. It's been almost a year since anyone has posted in this thread, so apparently the problem is pretty rare, or occurs only in special contexts (such as code blocks). If you have a paid subscription, it might be worthwhile creating a support ticket: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.
  18. I just did a brief test using Evernote for Windows v. 10.47.7 on a Windows 10 laptop. I right-clicked on an image, selected copy, and then tried pasting into MS Word and into TextMaker, a Word alternative. I did this for several images in several notes, and found that most .PNG and .JPG images pasted successfully, but that one or two .JPGs failed to paste into either program. So there may be an issue with certain images from certain sources, but no problem with others.
  19. @DavidJE, these are basically user-to-user forums and not a reliable way of commenting to Evernote on their plans. That is better handled through a support ticket or feedback from within the app. One thing I appreciate about Evernote is its flexibility, so that multitudes of users can use it in multitudes of ways for multitudes of purposes. It makes utterly no difference to me where 99% of my notes were created, and it would never occur to me to want to search on that. What Professional does offer is worth the money to me, even if it has some features I don't use or don't use yet (but plan to). I suppose in an ideal world Evernote would offer a menu of features and let us choose, say, any 5 for Personal, any 10 for Professional. I absolutely guarantee you that if they did, instantly there would be people here complaining that the cutoff was 5 and not 6. Or 9. Evernote has to make what seems to them a rational decision about what to offer at each level, and I assume they do that based on feedback about what most people want (and on technical feasibility, etc.). Because I use Evernote for professional purposes, I'm willing to pay the Professional fee. Paid annually, it costs me $30 more than Personal, averaging $2.50/month. To me, that doesn't feel exorbitant, but I realize that everyone's situation is different.
  20. Writing 100 times.... I will not get into the notebooks vs tags argument I will not get into the notebooks vs tags argument I will not get into the notebooks vs tags argument I will not get into the notebooks vs tags argument
  21. Have you glanced over this thread? For several months now it has been possible to type a line at the top of a note, where the cursor is automatically placed, and then at any time click or Shift+Tab or F2 into the title bar, and it populates with that first line. (Unless that's what you mean be "things get messy." It's not my favorite either, but it does work to create a title.) This can be done by creating a template with YYMMDD- at the beginning of the title. Of course, then you have to manually type in the date. AFAIK, Evernote has never had an auto-date field.
  22. As usual, the key factor is the personal pronouns: it's not that great a tool FOR YOU. It is FOR ME, and I easily get my $2/week worth of good from it on the Professional plan. If I went to a coffee shop on even a weekly basis I'd pay much more than two bucks for much less benefit. It's all in how each person calculates what it's worth. I'm a little unclear on who it is that's sad, though. Evernote? Not if they're shedding a user who wants large service for little or no money. If it's you ... then maybe it might be worth $0.22/day after all? Which leads me to conclude that the problem is in Evernote's payment structure. $80 sounds like a lot of money; no one really feels what a year feels like any more. If they took $1.50 out of a customer's credit card every week no one would even notice it. (I doubt that credit card processors would be willing to handle a $0.22 daily charge ).
  23. I'm a retired professor, and in my last years of teaching, students were getting heavily into using Websites (not yet YouTube) for research. I began issuing strong advisories that while, in order to get a book or an article published you have to convince a number of people that your ideas are worth using paper and ink to put before the public, any idiot can put something up on the Internet. And most of them do. However, I would imagine that today professors (and secondary school teachers) are assigning specific YT videos for students to watch, and that is a different story, since the video will have been vetted and validated. As long as the teacher gives the right link, and students don't end up watching someone training their dog to do the laundry. @dmund, I apologize for going off-topic. I think you're getting good advice. One thing about a table for screenshots is that, as has been pointed out a few times in these forums, table cells do give you the opportunity to control image size.
  24. @sherryerrera, just to be clear, these are basically user-to-user forums. That was some fantastic research, but people who come here to try to help out on their own free time will be less likely to be able to wade through it. Good idea submitting the ticket--the info may be really useful to tech support. I've had a few duplications, and it is very aggravating, though rare enough not to cause me to want to leave.
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