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Stacey Harmon

Evernote Expert
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Posts posted by Stacey Harmon

  1. Much like Keynote lets me "group" objects together so that I can move them around the slide, I'd like to be able to "group" content blocks together in a note so that when I move them within the note, or cut/paste them to another note, they stay together.

    If you were able to offer this, of course I'd want the ability to "ungroup" them too.

    With this functionality, I could, for example, during a meeting, insert a picture of something in the meeting note (maybe a picture of a slide from a presentation I'm watching), then add my thoughts about the slide in text or bullet point form under it, add an internal note link to a supporting note that has details about something in the picture, and add a couple of actionable tasks to it too.

    Then, I could group them together, and have the freedom to move this "block" of related content anywhere in the note, or cut/paste it as a group to another note.

    This would be so awesome! Probably not easy to accomplish, but really awesome. So, putting it here as a wish.

    • Like 1
  2. I use non-dated reminders (pinned notes) a lot. They are more functional to me in Legacy than they are in v10 for two reasons:

    1. Being able to custom order my pinned notes by dragging/dropping them is a key part of my workflow. Not having this option in v10 is a workflow issue for me because it is less efficient (another micro-efficiency lost for me). I use non-dated reminders as "shortcuts" for a specific notebook. By taking away my ability to sort them, I have to mentally think about which note I'm looking for in the list each time I go to that notebook, vs just knowing that, say, my "project management" note is at the top of the list every time. If you can image the pushback Evernote would get if users couldn't manually order shortcuts, that's the workflow frustration/inefficiency I'm feeling by not being able to manually order the non-dated reminders. REQUEST TO HAVE DRAG/DROP TO ORDER NON-DATED REMINDER NOTES RETURNED TO V10!

    2. I miss that the side-list layout for the reminders tab no matter what the view of the notes tab is. The important part of the reminder for me is the title (often using it as a project management note, a task list, or a shortcut for that particular notebook). I don't find the v10 behavior of the view (where it mirrors the selection of the notebook) as useful. This one doesn't "break" my workflow like #1 does though and if I could manually order them (request #1) it *might* be less of an issue for me – although have you have it in Legacy is great...and this doesn't feel like a functional improvement. 

    • Like 2
  3. @May LGreat to hear from a team member on this. To clarify, I want to be sure we are on the same page. You said:

    "It is an app wide design to open to the full note view so users can focus on the note they are working on.". 

    I want to be clear that I LOVE the new full note focus option (which I understand to be this feature):


    And, what I love about it is that it is an option for me to use – it's not enforced upon me, and, it DOES provide focus and a distraction free way to interact with the note. I think this is a smart and useful feature, and a very nice improvement over Legacy. This feature gets a thumbs up from me.

    What I have an issue with is when I access the same note from shortcuts (or recents, or quick switcher). In this situation, Evernote's removed my choice to view the notes list (which is what @ABENhas proposed should be a preference that we get to set and I completely agree – we don't want this forced 2 column layout ever!) and I have no way of easily getting to the 3 column layout that displays the note list at all:


    Because, when I click on the notebook to navigate to it, it does this:


    You may have understood my gripe correctly, but, I wasn't sure, and hadn't used any visuals in my complaint, so wanted to make sure I was communicating clearly. And, I'm happy to hear there are multiple options to address this. For me, my preference is the one that requires as few clicks as possible (the most efficient option). So, even if you fix the issue where when I click through to the notebook, it holds the focus on the note that took me there,  I don't want to actually have to click that notebook button to be taken there. I just want to be able to see the note list when I click a note from shortcuts/recents/quick search.

    As to your thoughts about my template use case, yes, the Quick Switcher gives me a bigger view of the note title, so that is an option. I'll work with this to see it that works for me. Thanks.



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  4. I think @ABENhas proposed the ideal solution – giving users the option and having it be a preference. Got my fingers crossed that this is in the works. In the meantime, I'm going to keep piling up the use cases where this behavior is problematic. Just came upon a new one today.

    I use templates regularly. This creates a lot of notes that have similar names, inherited from the template with a modification on the name typically at the end of the note title (in the way I use templates).  So, when I use search to search for the template name, I get a lot of options (all the times I've used the template) in the search menu. And, the menu isn't wide so I can't see the whole name of the note. So I guess to which one I want. In Legacy, it doesn't really matter if I selected the correct one, because if I didn't, I could see the other iterations of it right next to the one I selected and down or up arrow to the right note, or sort the notes column by title, or by date updated (whatever helped me to surface the version I was looking for in that context). 

    But, in v10, if I pick the wrong one, it gives me the note in a 2 column view. I then see it is the wrong one, have to go to the the notebook via the button at the top, it doesn't hold the focus on the note that was found in search, and I'm lost. SO INEFFICIENT and FRUSTRATING (enough for me to use ALL CAPS!!!!)

    • Like 1
  5. The back button doesn't work for any location previous to using the Quick Switcher (it does in Legacy). So, if I take this navigation path:

    Note 1 via a click > Note 2 via a click > Note 3 via Quick Switcher > Note 4 via click, and then I use the back arrow, I can only get back to Note 3. I can't get to note 2 or note 1. That history is "lost". 

    • Like 2
  6. I'm sad to see that the Quick Switcher (now available in v10....thank you Evernote!) triggers this two column layout if you switch to a single note (vs a notebook or stack). This behavior makes the feature (Quick Switcher) just *that* much less efficient for me, and gives me the tiniest of friction/frustration each and every time (which is A LOT) I use it and have this experience.

    The quick switcher is the #1 daily command I use and now if I want to see the note in relation to the other notes in its notebook, I have the extra steps of needing to click the Notebook button, and then have to locate the note in that notebook. This is really disappointing to me as a power user.

    I once again ask if anyone (from Evernote or a user that likes this feature) can explain to me what the logic is behind this navigational/interface decision? If I have to deal with it – which it looks like the feature is spreading vs going away – I want to understand what I'm missing in terms of how it is desired behavior. Grasping for anything to help me embrace this and also teach its value to other users.

    • Like 2
  7. 28 minutes ago, aukirk said:

    If that is the main question, you can get to them through "All Notes"... then click on the reminders tab. 


    @aukirk Of course! 🤦‍♀️ Thanks for the reminder – and simplest of solutions. It think what threw me is that my customer actually asked me what the best way to search for all notes with reminders is. And, as you point out, it isn't through search at all! 

    And, thank you also for sharing your more detailed approach to your saved searches...that's outstanding! And, for sure note naming conventions will help immensely here. Appreciate your comment.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Mike P said:

    Interesting. I  get the same number of notes in "Notes" in the sidebar, the total of all my notebooks added together and searching for *. I have shared notebooks but I am the owner of all of them so that could explain it. intitle:* also works for me.

    intitle:* works better for me – it got me 231 found notes, with 231 in the account (its grown from 224 which was this mornings count). 

    * still gets me 177 of 231. I do have shared notebooks in this account that this account is *not* the owner of. But, I can't make the math work on those note counts. Going to give up and just use initle:*. Thanks for that tip!


    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, DTLow said:

    Using the direct search syntax; search for reminders      reminderOrder:*   
    Two other searchable items are      reminderTime and reminderDoneTime   
    My current task list is generated by saved search    
    reminderOrder:* -reminderTime:day+1 -reminderDoneTime:*  

    Super helpful @DTLow...thank you. That gets the desired result. 

    I do hope that Evernote is listening to this though...the reason this came up is because I had a customer simply ask me "How do I find a list of all my reminders?".  I think that is a really reasonable search request. I'd like to see this search syntax feature work it's way into a more intuitive primary search option. If Evernote is going to enforce use of the search box as the source of all searches, then there should be a way to search "all notes" (vs needing to know to use the * which requires a certain level of detailed Evernote knowledge, and also isn't available as an option in the keyboard shortcuts). Alternatively (and to me very intuitive) Evernote could add the "Reminders" filter to the note list filter options and not require a primary search first. This is how I'm observing users naturally want to work/find in v10. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, Mike P said:

    The other hack is to search for *. This brings up all your notes. Then filter using the filter menu. Becasue you started as a search you can then save the search

    This has the promise to be a great workaround...just tested it though, and it only brought up 170 or 224 notes in my test account. Do you think the difference (54 notes) could be due to shared notebooks?

  11. I'm not finding the process for saving tag searches at all intuitive. Hoping the community here can help me out.

    Ultimately, my goal is to save a compound tag search to my shortcuts. I can't figure out how to do this.

    If I want to save a tag search, it appears that I have to follow a certain path to be able to do so, but I'm not clear exactly what that path is. Here's what I'm experiencing (v10.13.4 on Mac):

    Scenario 1:

    If I select a single tag from the tag list, it pulls up the group of tags, and I don't have the option to save the search (seems Evernote feels that the tag list is enough of a saved search?):


    Scenario 2:

    If I do a search for a single tag from the search box, I *DO* have the option to save the search:


    Scenario 3:

    If I do a compound tag search, sometimes I get the option to save the search, and sometimes I don't. But, I don't know what I did differently (other than pull different tags) to allow me to have the option to save the search, or not. (EDIT: Posting this helped me to figure it out....you HAVE to trigger the primary tag search from the left search bar in order to save the search. If you do that, you can add 2ndary tags/filters and then you can save the search. This is very unintuitive if you ask me).

    3a: Compound tag search with the option to save the search:


    3b: Compound tag search with NO option to save the search (done 1 minute after clearing the search above):


    Can anyone help me understand what is going on, and how I make it so that I can save a compound tag search every single time? TIA.


    If you do your first search from the left hand sidebar, then add the 2nd tag as a filter, you can save the search:


    Does anyone else find this very confusing? In my opinion, you should be able to run scenario 3B and be able to save the search.


  12. I'm not clear on the best way to search for notes that have reminders in v10. Hoping the community can help me find what I'm missing – because I'm not finding it easy.

    I'm aware that "reminders" is a filter available in the middle note panel. But that option doesn't appear unless you've already done a search in the primary search box (option shown here):


    But, how do I search for notes for reminders as my first search option? If I type in "reminders" (which seems intuitive to me), it's only presenting me with text based search results (not a filter as I am looking for).


    And, as already stated, if I don't have a primary search already defined in the search box, I don't have the option to filter in the 2ndary search box by filter:


    What am I missing? Can someone help me understand how to do a primary search by reminder status? I must be missing something easy (hoping). Thanks in advance.

    • Like 1
  13. 2 hours ago, Mike P said:

    You go to the notebook but loose the note ie the focus goes to the top of the notebook. I had hoped to see the notes before and after the note I had selected.

    Yes...you're so right. That's exactly what's happening! That's the other reason I'm hating this feature...thank you for pointing it out @Mike P. It makes NO sense. If I go through the thought process/choice to actually shortcut a note (presumably it has some contextual importance to me at the time I shortcut it), why would I not want to be navigated directly to that note when I go to the note list? You work shortcuts the same way I do – the notes around it in the notebook matter – A LOT. And, this feature has stripped that context away and made it unintuitive, multi-step, and a thinking exercise (where there doesn't need to be one) to use both the shortcuts and recent notes. No wonder I dislike it so much.

    • Like 4
  14. @ABENThank you for consolidating the forum requests on this. I did a search but couldn't even figure out what words to include to describe this – glad to see it has been brought up before. In the current configuration, and, based on @Nick L.reply, I see that they want us to click the notebook icon on the top of the note to navigate to the notebook. I'm aware of this navigational option, but I don't like that i have to take this extra step (and, for some reason, I am not "learning" to do this – and I learn how to do new paths in Evernote pretty quickly – for example, I've adjusted to the reminders button being moved and I now embrace the checkbox vs checklist options). This hints to me that the UI design for this could be improved.

    And, since this feature is clearly by design, I continue to wondering what the logic/benefit is behind this feature. I can't figure it out. It's not the new "full focus" feature, and it isn't the standard navigation feature. Instead, it's a display view that creates less function that what is within the expected experience for the user. 

    I see that @stocky2605expressed his dislike for this feature back in October. I'm wondering if he has evolved his opinion or found a reason for it over the past few months?

    • Like 1
  15. I have *tried* to embrace the two column note view that results when you access a note from the shortcuts or recent notes. I feel like I've given it a fair shot. But, I continue to REALLY dislike it.

    I think it's because it makes the shortcuts and recents notes far less useful to me, because, particularly in the shortcuts, very often I need to navigate to notes that are related to the shortcut that live in the same notebook, and I can't get to the notebook. I keep trying to click the "expand" button to collapse the note view, but, this only expands the note focus, not contracts it.

    The solution I end up going to is to have to search for the notebook (an annoying and inefficient step), or click the "go to notebook" button in the note (which I often forget is there as an option) so that I can get back to seeing the note list.

    This feature feels very confining to me. I really don't like it.

    Am I missing something about what point of this is? Why is the interface forcing us to not access the note list? Why wouldn't you just give me the option to do a full expand on the note if I want to (I love this feature). I guess I just hate that it is imposed on me. And, the way I work, it doesn't work for me, at all. It's jarring and puts an undesired hurdle in my workflow.

    Are other users actually liking this feature? If so, could someone explain to me why you like it? Or, could a team member explain what the reasoning is behind the feature? I'm trying to understand what I'm missing.

    And, regardless, my vote is for this to go away. I just want shortcuts and recent notes to navigate to the note in the note panel, with the note list still showing. If others agree with me, I hope you'll vote this up.

    • Like 2
  16. 17 hours ago, Sayre Ambrosio said:

    It's any link in the PDF, Internet, web links. I tested it with a note that has EN web and internal app links, web links in the body of the note for reference, links to Notion, Goodreads, et cetera. In v10 the actual ability click and navigate those is stripped. Legacy is good though.

    @Sayre AmbrosioI tested the "Save to PDF" option from the print note dialogue box on both Legacy and v10 (Mac). The note has a web link and an EN internal note link in it. The web link works in both, and the internal EN note link works in neither. So, it's the same for me for these note link types.

  17. 21 hours ago, gazumped said:

    Hi.  You may not be aware that this forum is -mostly- supported by other users,  not Evernote staff;  and if their comment is that "it works",  then that's their real-world experience - not a dismissal.  We're not Support and if you have a specific issue then it's best reported to them when you may be able to help resolve the problem.

    I appreciate you saying this @gazumped. Nicely stated and it has helped me to calm down after reading @DougInNCcomments.

    @DougInNCI find tone not only "harsh" (as you say), but also offensive. It shows a lack of awareness (and simple kindness) to the effort that users are offering here in the community, and I doubt also that it is at all motivating to staff members who have to power to evolve the platform. @Kim Korn request was perfectly stated, and his responses cordial and helpful. Also, I believe both of your concerns are valid. And, I agree it should be fixed.

    The additional details provided in my response weren't dismissive – they were details that, in my experience, will help the Evernote team understand the extent of the problem. This seems like a productive path to resolution. In contrast, your comment has succeed in making others angry, and not aligned with you. Your personal value judgement of "wrongness" directed to specific users is completely unhelpful. We can certainly disagree, but your opinion isn't fact. And, in my opinion, your tone discourages helpful participation by other members – which ultimately, is not positive for the overall community, or the evolution of the software.

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  18. I'm not sure why there is the change in the Window's version of the app, but to add to this conversation, I"m not able to replicate this behavior change in the Mac version of the app (when I go to print a note and "Save as PDF", it creates a full PDF in both Legacy and v10). So, I"m hopeful this means it will be supported functionality in Windows as well. I can see how you need this to work and it is odd that it doesn't. Hoping other Windows fluent users can give you some options and/or the team here can confirm it will work in v10 at some point. Seems odd to me that it doesn't. 

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