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  1. Past hour
  2. Totally agree. Its a bastardisation of all sorts of bits of code from all over the place. Mind you the Obsidian developers are onto a good thing as other folk are building the functionality for them for free and they just sell sync services with a small team and less overheads. Maybe they're onto something 😁
  3. It is indeed a unique business model. And yet, somehow, we put up with it. For me, it's the path of least resistance -- migrating to a new app would just be too much onerous work. Just keeping my fingers crossed that I'll never actually NEED support, as I know I'm unlikely to get it...
  4. This discussion nicely illustrates why we stick to Evernote. Obsidian appears to be quite delicate and reliant on numerous plugins, customized / hacked to individual preferences. While I might personally choose this approach, it’s crucial that our notes remain accessible to my wife without requiring my assistance. She needs a straightforward and user-friendly tool, it's a little bit like linux vs mac-OS...
  5. Today
  6. This is a user community. Have you submitted a support request at all? The issue you describe is not something I've seen myself so there maybe something that needs resetting on the Evernote side. Support should help.
  7. I decided to just download the latest installer and reinstall and that did the trick. All my notes appeared as expected. I suspect that a recent update went wrong.
  8. The NuGet package is not maintained in 10 years. The Login Dialog is poulated from the Evernote server. I guess that is broken. Is there an API to connect to the Evernote client on Windows?
  9. I wonder what the point is of a note taking app that loses the contents of the notes. Now every time I use this app I am afraid I will lose my valuable data. This forum is hosted by the Evernote team, I came in with a legitimate problem and received no official support, not even an “we're sorry” or any kind of action from their side. My next notebook will be stored somewhere else, goodbye Evernote!
  10. Who knows. Reading does not necessarily mean they will do something about it - either because they deem it to be low priority or they actively don't want to change it. Sometimes, but very rarely these days, they will even respond to issues raised in the forums.
  11. Done. But do BS actually read that feedback?
  12. Hi. You have a highly specific request which I don't recall seeing before. Evernote haven't mentioned any features in development which might satisfy your need, and offhand I can't think of an easy way to generate an alternative. The closest suggestion would be to insert a link to a footnote using the table of contents feature, or link to an external note containing the extra comments. You could certainly feed this suggestion back to Evernote, or contact Support to request its addition, but don't expect changes to happen overnight...
  13. Different users share the same client and install, but run on their own database each. It depends on the root cause: If something is wrong with the install, it will carry over. If it is within the database, the new user will do ok
  14. Interesting, I'm looking forward to reading more. And if anyone from Bending Spoon is reading the forum: I appreciate BS's work, and I understand that no company will be able to fulfil all user requests (especially not immediately 😃)
  15. Maybe I just ignore rude show-offs and know-it-alls 🤔 💡 <block>
  16. This is the most frustrating bug, as I have found the tagged notes appear temporarily and then vanish. They generally come back into the list within 24 hours. To get round this bug, I set all important newly tagged notes as shortcuts, and remove the shortcuts usually the next day. This morning I did this for 6 notes, all of which were visible in the tagged list for about a minute. Blink, and you miss it.. I have submitted several tickets re this bug over the past year. Very limited response. Perhaps it will be fixed now more attention is being given to the mobile app.
  17. Thank you for the confirmation. A question: If I open another Evernote account, would it share the same database on my Mac? Would I have these same issues or would it be a clean install and separate from the database that I'm currently having issues with?
  18. That’s the right software, and freemacsoft is the developer.
  19. Somehow I didn't figure it out. It gives me an error. Can you share your codes? Or send it to a private message, so we don't spam here...
  20. Thank you. I will give your proposed solution a try. I noticed AppCleaner can be downloaded from multiple websites and I want to make sure I'm downloading it from a safe place. Is this the software your referring to: https://freemacsoft.net/appcleaner/ A question: If I open another Evernote account, would it share the same database on my Mac? Would I have these same issues or would it be a clean install? Thanks again.
  21. Ok, now with tag colored tabs, similar to what evernote legacy was having:
  22. I entered the user name but the continue button ist still disabled Pressing Contine with Google or Continue with Apple has no effect.
  23. Any idea which version of Evernote? Perhaps try uninstalling with the free Revo Uninstaller application, download the app from evernote.com.
  24. Evernote login never requests a password at the first step. Enter the username/Email in the box, tap continue and then a password box appears. But I've no idea what the NuGet app is and this may have broken the style. Try the NuGet developer for help?
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