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  1. Past hour
  2. Known issue. I'd submitted it several months ago. There's a problem in how task completion and task recurrence is being synced across devices. Especially if your recurrence is based off "Recurrence: Repeat After Completion", you'll see a task with different recurrence dates and completion statuses on different devices. If you really wanna continue using Evernote tasks, avoid recurring tasks.
  3. gone? Seriously? never ending loading attechments: deactivate wlan, use cellular - it works immediately but gone... Is another level 😞
  4. appreciate the workaround, but merging notes and then moving the image to the right place inside the note is making my workflow much longer vs copy paste . just put a ps for what I am seeing when opening a new note and pasting an image from another note into it , just FYI at first it looks pasted , but when leaving the note and returning to it the spins appear ... btw doing a snippet and pasting an image works fine , its just copy pasting , evernote 10.82.2 on desktop does not have this issue , so I am working with that for now.
  5. I also encountered this problem on the web version today, but it was more serious. Periodic tasks disappear directly in notes Can't search on the task page either The strange thing is that the computer version works fine This error is very exaggerated Will cause users to miss important tasks Fortunately, my task will be copied to Google Tasks 🫠
  6. Absolutely right. Upgrades and adding features is one thing -- I can choose not to use something that is newly introduced. But automatic and irreversible changes to the appearance of the content that we have created according to old parameters is unacceptable. Evernote should respect their users right to preserve a style of working that their own software has helped them formulate. Any changes should be options, not fiat. Users have the right to a simple unformatted note!
  7. It generally works fine for me. However if your link is to a sub section within a collapsed section it will not work. This is also a problem with the new and related internal TOC function.
  8. For me the most unreliable tasks are those which repeat a certain time after completion. I now tend to avoid using these.
  9. Today
  10. Hi I'd love that to be true! I'm still getting this error message: Windows 11 using the New Outlook. If I swap to 'classic' Outlook no issues at all works 100% of the time. I've uninstalled and re-installed. So I'm afraid (for this user at least) it ain't fixed.
  11. No, the default notebook is a general setting. You could ask for a change here feedback@evernote.com
  12. This is something anybody has to decide for himself. The main issue with Apple Notes for many users is probably that it works in the Apple ecosystem only.
  13. No double posting - spreading existing posts as shares without adding own content is nothing different.
  14. No double posting - spreading existing posts as shares without adding own content is nothing different.
  15. Mmm... I think I had this. Not 100% sure. I though I was confused. I'll keep a keen eye on this and try to check out which tasks/frequency/why/when/reproduction...
  16. I've never had the wrong attachments/pictures show up. I reguarly have attachments/pictures not loading or gone... 😞
  17. Mac版では、日本語で「・」を入力しようとするとスラッシュコマンドとして認識されてしまい、非常に弊害が大きい。 そもそも、シンプルにテキストを書きたいだけの場合、スラッシュコマンド自体が不要・邪魔。 「インラインヒントを非表示」ではなくて、スラッシュコマンド自体を無効化できるようにしてほしい。 (ちなみに、「インラインヒントの非表示」では、上記の問題は解決しない) 画面収録 2024-05-04 12.19.02.mov
  18. I have android devices and have the same issue. I had everything the way I wanted it. The new "home screen" does not support my use of the tool! Evernote's price went WAY up in the recent cycle. Very upsetting that the functionality I count on to be taken away.
  19. Among the plethora of disastrous changes they've made us all experience while enduring their live testing on us, I think this one is the most compelling reason why they can't be trusted with our valuable data. At this point I think I have submitted at least 3 bug reports & requests for a fix, all of which have not been answered or addressed. How many of you have gotten this photo of a waterfall when trying to open an attachment? I've never taken nor had that image on my phone before. Today I saw a new one: My attachment had a little 'sad face' emoji and was titled 'couldn't load attachment'. Of course neither of these was amusing while I was trying to open my attachments on a job site!
  20. Does anyone else have any recurring tasks that after you check them off as complete they go away only to return in the overdue section? This is not all recurring tasks at all for me. In fact it’s just a few here but it’s just about everyday. In the note where the task lives it’s updated correctly but in the task view it’s shown as overdue.
  21. Yesterday
  22. Wow. That was easy! LOL But it works and is repeatable and gets us around a major functional shortcoming and quaky UI. Thanks, Mike P!
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