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Keyboard shortcut for "Copy Classic Note Link"



Is there another way to copy a notes "classic link" (evernote:///) rather than going to the note and pressing opt+control-click then mousing down to the "copy classic note link"? I looked in applescript but I think it only covers the regular note links ( Also there is a keyboard shortcut for copying the normal link (on mac cmd+opt+ctrl+C) but not the classic link. 


Making this easier to do would help me out and I wonder if other people would like this as well. 

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52 replies to this idea

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  • Level 5*
4 minutes ago, kd01 said:

As I said, neither of these options appear for me.

In your Note menu image, I see Copy Note Link

Right click the note in the note list, not in the content section

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This is a big me too!!!


I've just started using Evernote, so not really sure what the backstory is on this, but this is really irritating! Why not just have the two options available via the menu bar with shortcuts attached? I don't get it....

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Evernote, this is unprofessional. This is the second issue that I stumbled into (the first was lack of clipper support for Google Inbox), and there is not even so much as an acknowledgement or an update. We (at least I speak for myself) pay for your services. A decent support system is the least someone can expect!

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  • Level 5*
23 minutes ago, 4abhishekpathak said:

Evernote, this is unprofessional. This is the second issue that I stumbled into (the first was lack of clipper support for Google Inbox), and there is not even so much as an acknowledgement or an update. We (at least I speak for myself) pay for your services. A decent support system is the least someone can expect!

Do you want to be more explicit on what your complaint is

This request has a total of 2 votes
and an applescript solution was suggested

I'm a big applescript user, and use Fastscripts to create a menu and shortcuts

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Three years later it still isn't possible to use a keyboard shortcut to invoke either Copy Note Link or Copy Classic Note Link.  I use both many times per day, and have for years now.  That's a lot of right-clicking and option key holding that I could have avoided if only someone at Evernote would pretty much flip a damn switch. 

I've assigned keyboard shortcuts to contextual menu items in other apps.  Contextual menu items SHOULD be accessible to the Keyboard preference pane.  But they aren't in Evernote.  Failing that, I can't see any reason why these shouldn't be main Note menu items: they seem more than important enough. 

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  • Level 5*
41 minutes ago, Big Cloits said:

Three years later it still isn't possible to use a keyboard shortcut to invoke either Copy Note Link or Copy Classic Note Link ...  if only someone at Evernote would pretty much flip a damn switch....

This request doesn't seem to be a high priority item; we're up to 3 votes

Since we're using a Mac, I can use System Preferences to assign keyboard shortcuts
(flipping the damn switch)

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I no longer see any way at all to obtain a Classic Note Link. There is neither a main menu option nor do any combination of keys such as pressing opt+control-click bring up an option for this.

Evernote Version 6.13.3 (Direct)

Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.3

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  • Level 5*
20 minutes ago, kd01 said:

I no longer see any way at all to obtain a Classic Note Link. There is neither a main menu option nor do any combination of keys such as pressing opt+control-click bring up an option for this.

I see two copy link options5a9307b526198_Untitled807.jpeg.edc263cb124710e957c204097c954b65.jpeg5a930706239e8_ScreenShot2018-02-25at10_44_42.png.eec231b61557c60dae098293123c3796.png

  1. Note Menu
  2. Right Click in the Note List

The Note Menu gives you a duplicate link
- classic if pasted witin Evernote
- browser if pasted outside Evernote

Right Click gives Classic Note Link
To change this, hold down the command key



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As I said, neither of these options appear for me.








RIGHT-CLICK MENU: (none of the other-key options, such as clicking control or command, make any difference in the menu that pops up when I right-click)


Screenshot 2018-02-25 12.59.49.png

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On 1/18/2016 at 4:35 PM, masterninja01 said:

Ends up I started using an applescript I could automate with a keyboard shortcut using alfred. Here's the applescript:

	tell application "Evernote"
		set enLink to missing value
		repeat until isSynchronizing is false
		end repeat
		set savedDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"/"}
		set foundNotes to selection
		set copyLink to ""
		repeat with aNote in foundNotes
			repeat while enLink is missing value
				set enLink to note link of aNote
				-- display notification enLink with title "Note"
			end repeat
			set copyLink to copyLink & enLink & "
			set enLink to missing value
		end repeat
		set the clipboard to copyLink
		display notification copyLink with title "Copy Evernote classic note link" subtitle ((count of foundNotes) as string) & " notes processed"
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to savedDelimiters
	end tell
on error errmsg
	display dialog errmsg buttons {"Oops, an error occurred!"}
end try

The applescript is from Sander Robijns. It's wrapped in an alfred workflow. If you use alfred then just use Sander's workflow. If not, use the applescript and trigger it with other automation apps (i.e. Keyboard Maestro or even Services in OSX). I think this is a suitable workaround. 

Master Ninja (and Sander), this was super helpful. Any idea how to get it paste as the Note Title with the link embedded though?

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  • Level 5*
20 minutes ago, kd01 said:

To be clear, when I use the Copy Note Link that appears under my Note menu to paste to something external such as a word-processing document, it pastes as a weblink that starts with https://www.evernote.com/

That's what I meant when I posted

The Note Menu gives you a duplicate link
- classic if pasted witin Evernote
- browser if pasted outside Evernote

>>Right-clicking the note in the note list gives the exact same menu.

Did you see the image I posted?5a930ed6666b1_ScreenShot2018-02-25at11_29_48.png.fee942df0d689c24c8f498f23bfb1984.png
To be clear, this is my note list (top list view)

I did post this bug report linked below


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For the love of all that is holy, I can't believe you just wasted my time like this.

This thread is about being able to paste Evernote links to outside programs that will open in the Evernote app when you click them, instead of opening the web browser.

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  • Level 5*
3 hours ago, kd01 said:

For the love of all that is holy, I can't believe you just wasted my time like this.

This thread is about being able to paste Evernote links to outside programs that will open in the Evernote app when you click them, instead of opening the web browser.

That's correct - the Classic Note Link

It's not usually considered holy :), but is also useful for links within the Evernote app

There are three types of links

  1. Classic in-app link (evernote:///view/...)
  2. Private browser link (https://www.evernote.com/shard/s1...)
  3. Public browser link  (https://www.evernote.com/shard/s1...)

      Edit: these are not active links, just examples of the format used

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Page not found

Page not found

Page not found

Could you stop wasting people's time?

I'm trying to get Evernote to allow me to copy and paste a link to another program that will then open within Evernote when I click it.

I don't know how you think anything you posted helps me with that. 

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, kd01 said:

I'm trying to get Evernote to allow me to copy and paste a link to another program that will then open within Evernote when I click it.

You should be using the Classic short link.  I posted the retrieval method; right click on the note in the note list.  I posted a screenshot of the menu


They weren't intended as active links, just examples of the link format being used

I edited the post to ensure others wouldn't be confused

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This thread just made my day!  I had no idea that hidden "Classic Link" feature existed.  I had stopped posting Evernote links in other apps and pretty much figured they didn't work anymore outside of the Evernote app (since they don't).  But now they work again!  Upvoted this request but really just happy to find there's a workaround at all!!! 

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  • Level 5*
19 minutes ago, schuss said:

This thread just made my day!  I had no idea that hidden "Classic Link" feature existed.  I had stopped posting Evernote links in other apps and pretty much figured they didn't work anymore outside of the Evernote app (since they don't).  But now they work again!  Upvoted this request but really just happy to find there's a workaround at all!!! 

This is an old request and the details are out dated for the current v7 version5a9307b526198_Untitled807.jpeg.edc263cb124710e957c204097c954b65.jpeg.181d387dbfe8aa9c5c3822911af10e90.jpeg

  1. There is still no keyboard shortcut to force the Classic Link feature
  2. Applescript delivers the Classic Link, and can be setup with a keyboard shortcut
  3. To retrieve the Classic Link, right-click the note in the note list, select Copy Classic Note Link
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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, kd01 said:

I am on v7 and still don't have this option. 

Right-clicking the note in the note list does NOT bring up an option for Copy Classic Note Link.

I'm on v7.1 and right clicking in the note list brings up an option for Copy Note Link
This is a 2 format link
- classic if pasted within Evernote
- browser if pasted outside Evernote

You can force Copy Classic Note Link by holding down the option key

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It's crazy that this is still an issue after all this time.

I literally never want my links to open on the web. Never. Never ever, ever, ever, ever.


@Adjusting: There should be a setting to only copy "classic" links. It can be disabled by default, I don't care.

The issue is - you HAVE to right click (+ option) on the note in the to get a classic link option - you can't even do it from the menu bar or via hotkey, so if you have a note open in a separate window, you need to go find it in a full window before you can copy the link. 😡

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Links do not paste as "evernote://" within Evernote for me.  If I copy a link to page in Evernote Mac then paste it (cmd+k, cmd+v), it pastes as a http:// link, and opens a browser if you click it.


The behaviour your describe is expected.


This is not expected behaviour. It is a bug which we expect to fix in the next release.

Note links should always paste as evernote:// when pasting into Evernote itself.

As a workaround, Control-click on the note, hold down the option key and select "Copy Classic Note Link" 



Read the OPs description more carefully - what they are experiencing is expected because they are using cmd+k, cmd+v to paste the link within evernote - which opens a web address link dialogue box and pastes within it - as expected - a web link.


As I described above, simply pasting within evernote (i.e. just cmd+v) does indeed paste an evernote:// link.

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Evernote guys: please, please consider this. Removal of the classic note links as default was a bad enough regression for power users (albeit an understandable choice for others), but making the classic links so hard to get to is a total pain.


The best, most mac-like choice would be to make the 'classic note link' available as a 'Note' menu option when the opt key is held (cf Finder Go->Library). That way a user can add their own App Shortcut in System Prefs.

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I couldn't agree more on this! The evernote:// link is essential, if not mission critical for me!

Keep in mind that the new functionality will still paste an evernote:/// link within evernote. So if your pasting destination is evernote itself (such as adding a link in one note to another note), you don't need a classic link. 


But, I also agree, a keyboard shortcut for classic note links would be great for the times (fairly often) when pasting outside of evernote and the evernote:/// link is desired. Or at least place it as a menu bar item so that we can create a shortcut manually in the Mac system preferences. 

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I couldn't agree more on this! The evernote:// link is essential, if not mission critical for me!

Keep in mind that the new functionality will still paste an evernote:/// link within evernote. So if your pasting destination is evernote itself (such as adding a link in one note to another note), you don't need a classic link. 


But, I also agree, a keyboard shortcut for classic note links would be great for the times (fairly often) when pasting outside of evernote and the evernote:/// link is desired. Or at least place it as a menu bar item so that we can create a shortcut manually in the Mac system preferences. 


I mostly use it with omnifocus. So, it would be good to have some kind of access to it (via applescript or keyboard shortcut) so I could automate. Thanks for the reply! 

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I couldn't agree more on this! The evernote:// link is essential, if not mission critical for me!

Keep in mind that the new functionality will still paste an evernote:/// link within evernote. So if your pasting destination is evernote itself (such as adding a link in one note to another note), you don't need a classic link. 


But, I also agree, a keyboard shortcut for classic note links would be great for the times (fairly often) when pasting outside of evernote and the evernote:/// link is desired. Or at least place it as a menu bar item so that we can create a shortcut manually in the Mac system preferences. 


I mostly use it with omnifocus. So, it would be good to have some kind of access to it (via applescript or keyboard shortcut) so I could automate. Thanks for the reply! 


I'm the same, I'd say half of my note links are evernote:/// links I paste into my calendar application and my to-do list application (Wunderlist in this case) so a menubar item/hotkey would be ideal for me. In the mean time a few extra clicks isn't a deal breaker, but it's not luxurious either! 

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Very glad to have stumbled upon this thread - I've been wondering why note links pasted in other applications have been taking me to evernote web! I emailed support about this last month but the respondent clearly wasn't aware of the change and just had me reinstall Evernote!


All of my note links are for my personal use; some within Evernote, but more than half within other apps (Onnifocus, calendar). So as far as I understand it, I always need an evernote:// link. In fact for a user like me who doesn't use Evernote web and doesn't use my other apps on machines without the Evernote application installed, I simply have no need of the newer web-based note links. And so an option for "classic" note links to be my default would be ideal. Unless I've misunderstood something?

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Links do not paste as "evernote://" within Evernote for me.  If I copy a link to page in Evernote Mac then paste it (cmd+k, cmd+v), it pastes as a http:// link, and opens a browser if you click it.


The behaviour your describe is expected. I have been in touch with Evernote Support on this issue and have clarified with them that the following behaviour is expected with note links in current versions of Evernote for Win/OSX:


Right-Click > Copy Note Link copies a context-sensitive link.


Within Evernote, as I understand it, one can then:


Command-V - which pastes an internal app link (evernote://)

Command-K - which opens a web address link box AND THEN Command-V which pasts an external web note link (https://www.evernote.com/...)


Outside of Evernote, Command-V pastes ONLY an external web note link (https://www.evernote.com/...).


Option + Right-click > Copy Classic Note Link copies an internal app link ONLY. I.e. wherever one pastes it (within or outside of the Evernote app) it will be an evernote:// link.



I hope that this explanation helps. I only wish that I could make "Copy Classic Note Link" the default because I never use web note links myself.

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Links do not paste as "evernote://" within Evernote for me.  If I copy a link to page in Evernote Mac then paste it (cmd+k, cmd+v), it pastes as a http:// link, and opens a browser if you click it.


Command-V - which pastes an internal app link (evernote://)

Command-K - which opens a web address link box AND THEN Command-V which pasts an external web note link (https://www.evernote.com/...)


Thank you!  That's not ideal, but I just tried it and it will work for me.  I just can't link something to my own description - I have to use the link text == the linked note's title.  That's Ok.

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  • Level 5


Links do not paste as "evernote://" within Evernote for me.  If I copy a link to page in Evernote Mac then paste it (cmd+k, cmd+v), it pastes as a http:// link, and opens a browser if you click it.


The behaviour your describe is expected.


This is not expected behaviour. It is a bug which we expect to fix in the next release.

Note links should always paste as evernote:// when pasting into Evernote itself.

As a workaround, Control-click on the note, hold down the option key and select "Copy Classic Note Link" 

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I know this thread is quite old now but short of using the Apple script mentioned, has there been no movement from EN to add this functionality? 

A keyboard shortcut to 'Copy Classic Note Link' (to then paste into OmniFocus) seems desirable to many.

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Links do not paste as "evernote://" within Evernote for me.  If I copy a link to page in Evernote Mac then paste it (cmd+k, cmd+v), it pastes as a http:// link, and opens a browser if you click it.


Command-V - which pastes an internal app link (evernote://)

Command-K - which opens a web address link box AND THEN Command-V which pasts an external web note link (https://www.evernote.com/...)


Thank you!  That's not ideal, but I just tried it and it will work for me.  I just can't link something to my own description - I have to use the link text == the linked note's title.  That's Ok.



The way to get around this is to option+right click on the note then Copy Classic Note link.


Then highlight the text where you want to create the note link, hit cmd+k and then cmd+v the Classic (i.e. evernote://) Note Link.


That way you can link a note to your own description rather than the linked note's title.

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  • Level 5

Read the OPs description more carefully - what they are experiencing is expected because they are using cmd+k, cmd+v to paste the link within evernote - which opens a web address link dialogue box and pastes within it - as expected - a web link.


As I described above, simply pasting within evernote (i.e. just cmd+v) does indeed paste an evernote:// link.


I read it and understood it.

Pasting a note link within Evernote in any way should produce an evernote://link

The fact that it doesn't work that way with cmd-k is a bug.

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Read the OPs description more carefully - what they are experiencing is expected because they are using cmd+k, cmd+v to paste the link within evernote - which opens a web address link dialogue box and pastes within it - as expected - a web link.


As I described above, simply pasting within evernote (i.e. just cmd+v) does indeed paste an evernote:// link.


I read it and understood it.

Pasting a note link within Evernote in any way should produce an evernote://link

The fact that it doesn't work that way with cmd-k is a bug.



There's a difference of view amongst evernote employees then as to whether this behaviour is expected or is a bug! I quote from an email from Evernote support yesterday - the underlined bit is my emphasis:



Thank you for contacting Evernote Support. My name is Linda and I'll be working with you to resolve this.

I apologize for the confusion regarding the new note link behaviors. The recent changes were made by design to make it easier for users to work with.

When you use the Copy Note Link function and paste into another note using Cmd+V, it continues to create a link that opens the note within the Evernote app. However, if you use Cmd+K, it pastes the web-version of the note link

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So, have I missed something or am I correct in my assessment that as of today (2014-06-10) there is no way to get the classic note link (evernote://) with a keyboard shortcut or through any automated means?

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So, have I missed something or am I correct in my assessment that as of today (2014-06-10) there is no way to get the classic note link (evernote://) with a keyboard shortcut or through any automated means?

That seems to be a correct assessment. Although I haven't looked at what automator/apple script could do here, so I can't say for sure. 

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So, have I missed something or am I correct in my assessment that as of today (2014-06-10) there is no way to get the classic note link (evernote://) with a keyboard shortcut or through any automated means?

That seems to be a correct assessment. Although I haven't looked at what automator/apple script could do here, so I can't say for sure. 



Ok, thank you. I hope they come up with a fix for this nonsense soon. Ideally, we get the ability to grab the evernote:// link from mobile devices as well.

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Thanks for the discussion. I am new to Evernote, and I appreciate all your experience.

Perhaps a couple of pictures are worth some reflection. I share the short version first, and my self documentation project on discovery path

A) my conflicting shortcut-key assignment in using Moom.

B) my slowing down and reflecting on what I think the API and what the UI are really telling me.


Bug: TEST Evernote shortcut-keys for Copy Note Link does NOT appear to work; Mouse and menu DOES work TEST

NoteLink:  Bug: Evernote shortcut-keys for Copy Note Link does NOT appear to work; Mouse and menu DOES work

URL:         https://www.evernote.com/shard/s264/sh/01b20faf-81e3-4e99-a83c-8457eb52a353/e04b5ab94abd2b9730db77d658899251

Ticket:      support ticket #678529.


To the Evernote team:  Full Editor Suggestion in the Forum

It would be great if the Paste preserved the links, I had to paste and manually copy the link onto the selected style lines above, ... a bit of a cludge work around and prone to error.

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Just wanted to put in my 2 cents to say this feature would be so amazing. I use "Copy Note Link" many times a day and could save lots of time with a keyboard shortcut. Thanks in advance Evernote dev team. Love your work!!!

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Ends up I started using an applescript I could automate with a keyboard shortcut using alfred. Here's the applescript:

	tell application "Evernote"
		set enLink to missing value
		repeat until isSynchronizing is false
		end repeat
		set savedDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"/"}
		set foundNotes to selection
		set copyLink to ""
		repeat with aNote in foundNotes
			repeat while enLink is missing value
				set enLink to note link of aNote
				-- display notification enLink with title "Note"
			end repeat
			set copyLink to copyLink & enLink & "
			set enLink to missing value
		end repeat
		set the clipboard to copyLink
		display notification copyLink with title "Copy Evernote classic note link" subtitle ((count of foundNotes) as string) & " notes processed"
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to savedDelimiters
	end tell
on error errmsg
	display dialog errmsg buttons {"Oops, an error occurred!"}
end try

The applescript is from Sander Robijns. It's wrapped in an alfred workflow. If you use alfred then just use Sander's workflow. If not, use the applescript and trigger it with other automation apps (i.e. Keyboard Maestro or even Services in OSX). I think this is a suitable workaround. 

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