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ScottLougheed last won the day on May 28 2015

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  1. Glad you found a tool that fits your needs and suits your budget. That's what matters!
  2. Just checked on my iPhone, should be similar on iPad. While viewing a note, you should see a share icon (box with upward arrow). Tap that share icon and in the bottom row of icons (black and white) you'll see "Copy Link". Once you tap Copy Link you'll be given the option to copy a private or public link.
  3. It's a bit of a pain in the butt, but that's likely the point. I don't want to see ads, especially not targeted ads, and they already limit bandwidth (that 60mb cap isn't exactly generous). The market sucks sometimes.
  4. My use has shifted so that this is also the case for me. I have other tools that are more secure that I keep those important files in. Evernote gets only the things that do not need encryption.
  5. I don't understand.... I never saw the creation of selectable (and thus, extricable) text from images in any marketing material from Evernote in the last 10 years... I have NEVER seen evernote claim to have this feature. They have always only ever said that they make images of text searchable, which is what they do (success is, of course, determined by the quality of the image and the clarity of the writing).
  6. That sounds like a really compelling idea. I can definitely see a use case for that, though I don't know if it fits my needs... perhaps in large part because my use of Evernote has dropped considerably in the last year, and my current use of it is now very straightforward. The heavy-duty work takes place in another application now. As such I am less invested in, and have less need for, sophisticated organizational assistance within Evernote. I'd certainly consider a trial of this application you are developing though!
  7. 1400 notes (4 years of use, I have a couple thousand notes exported and stored in an archive that are from years-old projects). As few notebooks as possible, good titles, judicious tagging. Search is my usual means of retrieval. I very rarely browse. The exception would be for very tightly related notes. For example, when I travel I might place my various itinerary documents into Evernote and tag them with a locationMMYY tag, (e.g., baltimore0415). I would either search for that tag with tag:baltimore* or tag:baltimore0415. I may browse by clicking on that tag (likely if it is close to my departure that tag will be saved as a shortcut) but unless the tag is in the shortcuts section, that's not as efficient in my opinion. Searching for note content (rather than a specific tag) can produce a fair number of false positives, but in general the false positives aren't too hard to sift through. So, tightly defined tags and searching. Minimal use of notebooks (my notebook count is slightly inflated due to the need to share some things, which requires its own notebook).
  8. I like encrypting notebooks. I agree it would increase security. I don't, and did not, suggest otherwise. I think encryption is extremely important. I just can't see it fitting easily into Evernote's service without some issues or some compromises that deteriorate the benefit of encryption to at least some degree. I'm sure there are power users and savvy product managers out there with much better ideas than what I possess who will figure out how to implement ZK encryption in a way that doesn't seriously degrade UX.
  9. I disagree that implementing encryption "would negate the majority of the features that Evernote has to offer". The ONLY feature that encryption negates is Search of the data that is encrypted. Also, OCR'ing images, generating "related notes"/"Context" suggestions. You'd also be unable to email or clip into encrypted notebooks. Yes, you could allow users to make some notebooks zero-knowledge encrypted and others not, but this seems like it could be immensely confusing for some users who, for some reason they may not fully understand, find that some images or PDFs or DOCX files aren't indexed and others are, and why the email they sent to an encrypted notebook ended up in their default notebook (which could never likely be ZK encrypted), or why only some of their notebooks show up in their web clipper, and so on. Maybe it wouldn't be confusing at all though. Perhaps the users who are inclined to employ zero-knowledge encryption will be savvy enough to fully understand the implications. But at the same time, it isn't just savvy users who need or could benefit from zero-knowledge encryption. As JM suggests, you could encrypt the contents and not the metadata to facilitate some retrieval, and indeed this seems much more viable than the new, emergent, potentially expensive, yet-to-be-implimented-anywhere technology that Eric99 mentioned. However, leaving metadata unencrypted is also problematic for several reasons: 1) metadata could contain sensitive information as well, especially if the note contents are sensitive. 2) It seems like a bit of a mess trying to explain to users during the course of their use of the app that the contents, but not the metadata, are encrypted, and this is definitely something that Evernote would need to inform users of. 3) Still precludes emailing/clipping/any other server side additions to that specific notebook, you'd have to toss it into an unencrypted notebook first, defeating the purpose (though then again, anything you are clipping or email already existed on an unencrypted cloud anyway so perhaps this isn't an issue? the exception would be content clipped from intranets) Altogether the lack of ZK encryption is an issue for me insofar as I am unable to store large portions of my work in Evernote, however I've since found better options where encryption isn't an issue and that are superior products for my work needs. Even if Evernote implemented zero-knowledge encryption I'd probably still not return my work content to Evernote.
  10. My understanding is that the encryption is zero-knowledge and easily done for OneNote, so you might not find that you have much to worry about after all. I wouldn't put anything sensitive on anyone else's servers unless it was encrypted. Good point . . . that's something I wasn't aware of. I'm wondering why Evernote skipped over that feature. My apologies for going a little off-topic, by the way. Implementing that feature would negate the majority of the features that Evernote has to offer. This is because a large portion of Evernote's features require server-side access to your note content to do the indexing and OCRing and whatnot. Having users choose between not encrypting their data, or encrypting their data and getting none of the features they pay for is a pretty ugly pair of decisions. The solution is local processing of these things, but that comes with other major downsides (and would likely severely handicap the functionality of their mobile applications) and can't replace all of the server-side processes that plus/premium users pay for (as well as those that benefit free users). I agree, good, (ideally) zero-knowledge encryption is super important, but I think Evernote is a long way away from doing it (in fact, I don't think they ever will). In the meantime there are other options for storing sensitive data.
  11. Where is Evernote Support here? While Evernote Staff do participate in some threads, there are no staff in this one. Other than Gazumped asking for the OP for why this is important, the general consensus in this thread seems to be that extracting text is a useful feature that isn't available (and like will never be available) in Evernote. There are alternatives for extracting text from images.
  12. An alternative would be to create a single archive, and upon archiving, tag the note with whichever notebook it was archived from. so a note in "The Thing" would be tagged with the tag "thething" and moved to an archive. When revisiting your archive, you can just filter your view by tag. So you navigate to your archive notebook and you want to see all the archived stuff tome your "the thing" notebook so you select that tag from the little tag dropdown at the top of the note list. Perhaps you want to see them from "Project X". so you select the "project x" tag from the tag dropdown, etc.
  13. You don't need to install Office to get One Note. One Note is available as a standalone application from the Mac App Store.
  14. You might not need to do a backup of your Evernote database on your computer. Log into the web interface of Evernote and confirm that all of your notes are present there. If stye are all there you can uninstall and re-install the evernote application on your windows machine without needing to backup. (That being said, having backups of your computer is generally good practice so if you don't already have a backup system in place, you should consider doing so)
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