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Why was the color of the note links changed from green to blue?

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I haven’t opened my desktop app yet to see the change myself. Best thing for you to do is use the feedback option to send feedback directly to Evernote.  This is a user based forum - and I don’t recall the last time anyone from Evernote participated here. 

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I agree with you OP. Also a recent related thread: 


I'll bet we start to see a lot more complaints about this come in and hopefully they'll change their minds and reverse this decision once they realize how many people loved and depended on internal links being easily discernible from external links. This was especially huge for links to other Evernote notes that you didn't want to be internal because you were sharing a few documents with outside people.

This loss of difference in color is not just a cosmetic change, it's actually a huge feature deprecation.


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My 5c - might be a coding error in which case it'll get fixed quickly;  might be in response to user pressure "why are these links different colours?" in which case they'll maybe have to offer an option whether or not to show links in different colours.  More coding,  takes longer.

Meantime if you want to show a difference - use an emoji for internal links?  🔸<link>

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On 4/12/2024 at 6:58 PM, gazumped said:

Meantime if you want to show a difference - use an emoji for internal links?  🔸<link>

I mainly weep for the past links that don't stand out anymore. but then, there are also alternative ways to represent these links!

on the bright side, after a decade of disfunction and neglect on the legacy clients I am always happy to notice someone is actually working on the product. 

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14 minutes ago, lhb said:

I mainly weep for the past links that don't stand out anymore.

We are hoping this is a bug, but please share your comments to feedback@evernote.com.  If not a bug, maybe with enough feedback, they will change their mind.

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Same here... Please change internal links back to green or provide an option in the settings.

This was super useful and annoying that it is displaying internal links in blue now.

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Warning, post a bit into techy details.

I was surprised today to find a note that had both blue and green links for Evernote links.  I copied the links out of the original document into a new small document and things were preserved.


Exporting this to an ENEX File, looking at it in a text editor with soft wrap on the lines:


I have munged the actual Evernote links.

The green link has a SPAN around it, coloring it green, while the blue link does not. I assume that blue is the default link color.  The original note had the same SPAN for styling around the green link.





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I too am having this problem and it is making it extremely difficult to use the features I bought Evernote for in the first place. I use the full functionality of color in my note's workflow - I am not colorblind, nor do I want another step in trying to figuring out what the difference between external links vs internal links. Please change it back to normal and grow the company in the "correct" direction. Listen to your userbase. 

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Idiotic. Let's get together on the responses tho - thread in "General" area as opposed to "Platform-specific"... Pls re-post there in hope of gaining attention of the clowns in charge???:


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10 minutes ago, Dobby said:

Pls re-post there in hope of gaining attention

This is primarily a users forum.  It is unlikely Evernote will see your comments here.  Best to send those to feedback@evernote.com

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4 minutes ago, s2sailor said:

This is primarily a users forum.  It is unlikely Evernote will see your comments here.  Best to send those to feedback@evernote.com

Understood - but, a] email would very likely be buried, and b] I'd be shocked if this forum wasn't monitored by ENt staff. Then again - based on some of the moves they've made - maybe not! Thx, @s2sailor

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10 minutes ago, Dobby said:

I'd be shocked if this forum wasn't monitored by ENt staff

It could be but I doubt it.  The only Bending Spoons presence I’ve seen here is Federico, and lately he’s mostly on X instead.

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11 minutes ago, s2sailor said:

It could be but I doubt it.  The only Bending Spoons presence I’ve seen here is Federico, and lately he’s mostly on X instead.

Sad. Not surprising, I suppose.

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Why on earth would you change/eliminate the two colours previously used to differentiate internal & external links?!?!  Yet another example of incredibly poor business decisions from a company that seems to specialize in pissing off their long-term users!

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As if green to blue wasn’t bad enough, what about the iOS app update? Just awful. At least make it optional to open to the widget screen!

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If someone asks him directly on Twitter ... sorry, X, maybe he will respond.  Initially I thought it was a mistake, but I'm thinking it is now an unfortunate design decision.

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@BobB53 Forum rules: If you don't like one thing, post in the appropriate thread.

Please don't hijack a thread about something else, just to get rid of something.

If you don't find a thread, start a new one.

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On 4/12/2024 at 3:06 PM, buckethead said:

I haven’t opened my desktop app yet to see the change myself. Best thing for you to do is use the feedback option to send feedback directly to Evernote.  This is a user based forum - and I don’t recall the last time anyone from Evernote participated here. 

I understand that this is a user-driven forum. I agree with you about the usefulness of sending feedback to EN using the proper channels, but how many times have I gotten an answer from EN support in the last 6 months? Zero. I have sent at least 5 cases to them about diverse topics, bug reports, etc, and have yet to receive a single answer.

Years ago it could take time for them to answer but you did receive something back from support. Nowadays you receive nothing.

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2 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

Messages at the feedback address will not be answered.

Actually,  providing feedback gets you a nice boiler-plate "thankyou" message every time...

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These blue-coloured links really bother me too! I'm quite sure it's a bug that's easily fixed.....?

I have also emailed the issue to their feedback address......I'm not sure why they even provide a 'feedback' option - I haven't received a reply from them since the take-over.

Initially, I heard it's useful to post on the forum, as (I heard) Evernote IT tend to sift through there to see important issues.......but maybe not anymore :(

Such a pity they offer no customer support anymore.....

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