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Evernote desktop version (yes I know!) just stopped syncing - any ideas?

Go to solution Solved by Truncheon,

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I have version on my windows laptop. I know it's a very old version but it works & I'm happy with it. Last night it suddenly stopped syncing (Sept 19, 2023, around 6am GMT). I've not been able to sync it since then. The (also old) version on my android mobile phone is still syncing ok. Any ideas? Has Evernote suddenly disabled my old desktop version?

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I'm a "free" user & I understand I can only access Support if I am a Premium user. But if any of you wonderful "licensed support" users (level 5 etc) would like to do that and let me know the answer that would be great! 👍😉

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On 9/19/2023 at 10:41 PM, Andy O said:

Any ideas?

Idea from me is that you'll need to upgrade your Desktop version to v10 or use a browser to access Evernote via the Web.

See this semi-related post -- that's what they ended up doing when an old version of Evernote stopped syncing for them: 


17 minutes ago, Andy O said:

But if any of you wonderful "licensed support" users (level 5 etc) would like to do that and let me know the answer that would be great!

I don't think that would work because we don't have your same configuration or issue. They'll want to see application log files and we couldn't provide them. (Plus they probably only troubleshoot version 10 log files anyway.)

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Good - ish news! After I tried updating my Evernote Desktop version 5.8.3 6507 on my Windows XP Dell laptop to first & then & it still refused to sync, I loaded my original onto my (2nd) identical Windows 7 Dell laptop. It syncs & works perfectly, so it seems this week's new syncing problem was with Windows XP rather than the legacy versions themselves. So now I've got a bit more breathing space at least to think about next steps in the future (including whether to embrace v10 or leave Evernote for another database software). I use my 2nd laptop for other stuff, but that's small beer as "problems," go. of course - maybe I'll try to upgrade my 1st (XP) laptop to Windows 7 so I can switch my desktop Evernote back again for convenience.. Thanks for your ideas everyone!

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  • Solution

The same issues affects Evernote 6.8 on OS X 10.9, giving the error "An SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to the server cannot be made." with the Console reporting "CFNetwork SSLHandshake failed."

Evernote is changing their backend and have upgraded their security stack beyond what OS X 10.9 and Windows XP support.

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On 9/23/2023 at 10:35 PM, Truncheon said:

The same issues affects Evernote 6.8 on OS X 10.9, giving the error "An SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to the server cannot be made." with the Console reporting "CFNetwork SSLHandshake failed."

Evernote is changing their backend and have upgraded their security stack beyond what OS X 10.9 and Windows XP support.

Same in OS 10.10 too

I've managed to find the latest version of Evernote that will work on that OS, but it still doesn't sync.

One piece of advice for anyone experiencing the same issue - don't log out of the app because it won't let you log back in again! At least while logged in you can copy and paste out your unsynced notes, or potentially export them.

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I am using Evernote for Windows 6.25.1 and starting 9/25/2023, I cannot connect to the server and I cannot synch.    I tried to logout and when I try to login it says it cannot reach a server.   I am able to use the web version of Evernote.   What are my options to resolve this, because reading the other posts it looks like Evernote is strong arming the user base to upgrading to 10+ and they did not even have the courtesy to notify us of a deadline.

I start 6.25.1 and it prompts for a login.  I went to Help menu to "Check for Update" and it tells me that no update is available and I am using the latest version.  I guess that is all about the legacy server I was connected to no longer existing.   How should I do my upgrade?

Can I download the latest version 10+, and then will the installer see my existing version and attempt to do an upgrade in place?

What is the last version of Evernote Windows that still supports Windows 8.1 for the installation?

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  • Level 5

The latest version that supports Win 8.1 is the one you have. v10 requires Windows 10.

You can either upgrade your Windows - Win10 uses similar system resources as Win 8.1. Or try to use EN in a browser - that’s the web client.

With the web make sure you use the latest version - in account settings, on page 1 Evernote Web must be on the new editor, and on page 2 Web Client must have the checkbox for v10+ client enabled.

About the syncing problems with legacy, users got a red banner warning they are on an outdated version for some weeks now. 

The current problems are probably related to an outage of the server some days ago. If the individual legacy clients will recover we can’t know. For others on legacy syncing is back, it seems.

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On 9/23/2023 at 3:21 AM, Andy O said:

Good - ish news! After I tried updating my Evernote Desktop version 5.8.3 6507 on my Windows XP Dell laptop to first & then & it still refused to sync, I loaded my original onto my (2nd) identical Windows 7 Dell laptop. It syncs & works perfectly, so it seems this week's new syncing problem was with Windows XP rather than the legacy versions themselves. So now I've got a bit more breathing space at least to think about next steps in the future (including whether to embrace v10 or leave Evernote for another database software). I use my 2nd laptop for other stuff, but that's small beer as "problems," go. of course - maybe I'll try to upgrade my 1st (XP) laptop to Windows 7 so I can switch my desktop Evernote back again for convenience.. Thanks for your ideas everyone!

So back on 23/9 I determined by process of elimination that Evernote has recently switched off synchronisation with the server for any remaining Windows XP (yes I know) users. I loaded my legacy version on my identical Windows 7 laptop & it synchronised again perfectly.

Now, last night, 8/10, I found my Windows 7 installation has ALSO stopped syncing. I've just updated it to legacy & that's STILL not syncing.

So.... 1. has Evernote now switched off sync access for Windows 7 as WELL as XP? or

2. has Evernote finally disconnected legacy software (6.25 & below) sync access or

3. is this a temporary syncing/server problem relating to the recent outage of the server that pink elephant mentioned yesterday, that will hopefully be fixed soon like any maintenance issue?


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  • Level 5

EN hasn’t switched off syncing. There is an outdated SSL-version that isn’t allowed any more. SSL is the encryption protocol used for the secure communication between client and server.

If your OS doesn’t support the actual SSL versions, encrypted communication with the server may not be possible any longer.

You can’t expect the server to operate a compromised SSL protocol. It creates a security breach that could be exploited.

Make sure you use a supported OS and client version. XP is deprecated since long, as is Windows 7, 8 and 8.1.

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So.......not actually of any help.

The question Is, is what's just happened 1, 2 or 3?

I'm just using simple non-technical  non-precise language (as I'm not an expert) to try to find out what's effectively just happened (changed) to Evernote syncing in the last couple of days (Your comments just state the obvious about unsupported OS blah blah blah but don't actually tell me any facts or thing of value that help me in my current situation)

What is the case is that something HAS just most definitely changed in the last few days and I need to know what it is (1, 2 or 3). The facts are:

XP synced perfectly with Evernote for me every day for ten years until September 22nd ish &

Windows 7 synced perfectly with Evernote for me until last night.

I got an answer to my XP syncing issue back on 23/9 (See Truncheon's marked solution posting).

The question I need an answer to NOW is, in relation to Windows 7 stopping syncing last night  - what has therefore just changed AGAIN, in the last few days, that has suddenly stopped me from syncing in Windows 7?!

Sooo... bearing in mind the purpose of any posting should be to offer me an actual diagnosis/solution (!)...do you have any actual FACTS from Evernote Central as to what's just changed that is stopping me syncing, and whether basically what's happened here is alternative 1, 2 or 3? (and no, I can't ask them as I'm a Free user so don't qualify for support)

(See the previous "marked solution" posting by Truncheon on 23/9 as an example of an actual useful & therefore valuable diagnosis to my previous problem)

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  • Evernote Expert
2 hours ago, Andy O said:

What is the case is that something HAS just most definitely changed in the last few days and I need to know what it is (1, 2 or 3)

None of the options you propose. Well you may have an element of 3 but it is more complex. You'll need to think through whether there are 4, 5 or even 6 possibilities.

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User of older EN here, 6.25.1, and sheepishly admit that I do have one straggly Win7 machine still kicking around.  That machine no longer syncs at all, and has not since what looks like around 9/28/2023, so I can confirm that, as well.

Been a pro subscriber since 2011, or something like that, and just sent a message to support for some more information, more just out of curiosity.  From the log, it's a string of HTTP errors.  Some obvious limitation.

hh:mm:ss [ERROR  ] [29212] [4832] * Can't send HTTP request, error: INTERNET_CANNOT_CONNECT

There are other specifics in the log regarding some specific content that cannot sync, and those are HTTPS URLs.

I'm also seeing a red banner now on 6.25.1 versions on newer OSes.

I knew I wasn't going to be able to ride 6.25 forever.  I guess it's time to see what the new versions of EN look like.  Not looking forward to this.  I have a feeling I'm not going to enjoy the differences since finally getting settled after the traumatic experience of the Helsinki Fiasco of August 2018, and we all remember how that went.


I just hope it doesn't look like a website built for toddlers.


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Alright, well, here's something strange - my 6.25 on an unsupported OS is syncing this morning.

Only differences between yesterday and this morning are a reboot (sorry, I know better and should have EN'd, but I don't recall if I tried this before, yesterday; believe I did), and local login this AM.

Will continue to watch log.  More just a curiosity at this point.  I'll check out newer versions in a VM somewhere before I make the jump on other systems.

Personally, I find major UI changes to be disruptive to workflows, especially when they move from a tight, cohesive, expanded info view to overly simplified UIs with cartoonishly large and sparse content display, requiring a lot of sluggish back and forth.  An example of this would be going from the desktop client to a web UI.

Again, been a while, so I need to catch up on the EN world and see how things are going.  Under a rock for the past 5 years?  Absolutely, but what I've been using works great, and I like it the way it is.  As an IT pro, I do understand things need to evolve, but those drivers should be things like security, features and usability.  Changes should be calculated and measured for purpose and impact, not just changed just to make it look like there's development value.  I'm all for it, but don't #$%* with the UI unless you're making a legacy option available.  Just a humble opinion from the field, granted a hugely presumptive one, though based on prior experiences with EN version checks.  Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised. </coffeedrivensreamoffconsciousness>

Missed hangin' out around here!

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Heard back from support on my request from yesterday afternoon - love those guys, so fast :)


Our team spotted an issue affecting Evernote Legacy versions and has since then managed to solve it. Please, let us know if you are still experiencing some issues syncing your Evernote account.

Issue resolved for now.  I've requested some information, if available, on drop-dead dates for legacy versions, etc.  I've been away for a while, so if anyone here knows that this info has been posted/shared somewhere and has link available, much appreciated.

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2 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Syncing between legacy clients and the server will stop soon now. Even when it is working again, it’s nothing you can build on.

Do you have any idea when this is set to occur?

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  • Level 5

No, we are users and can only see what you see.

Since EN started to put that red banner on legacy warning about the end of the service, I wouldn‘t expect it to live for much longer now.

I expect that the target date will finally be announced. What we had these days was a server problem, not an intentional action.

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Final response from EN Support re: my ticket


The issue you have been experiencing was a consequence of the outage that happened last week. You can read more about it in our recent blog post: Update: October 4 outage, a big migration, and a better infrastructure.

I would also like to assure you that Evernote Legacy clients will continue working as usual for the time being. That said, we strongly recommend updating to the latest version because we will not release security patches and new features and won't fix any bugs or incompatibility with future OS versions.


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58 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

No, we are users and can only see what you see.

Since EN started to put that red banner on legacy warning about the end of the service, I wouldn‘t expect it to live for much longer now.

I expect that the target date will finally be announced. What we had these days was a server problem, not an intentional action.

Yeah, I know we're all users, here, sure.  I've been around a while.  Was just wondering whether anyone had any specific info instead of generalization.

How do you guys keep up with goings-on?  The blog?  Like this issue being the result of an outage last week, which support documented on the blog back on 10/5.  I wasn't aware of the blog for announcements - looks like a good resource.

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6 hours ago, msg5 said:

How do you guys keep up with goings-on?

For me it's mostly this: https://discussion.evernote.com/discover/unread/ and the Evernote subreddit https://www.reddit.com/r/evernote (lots of complaining, but some good stuff posted there every now and again).

I follow @Federico Simionato on the forum too. He is the new product owner for Evernote and posts quite frequently.

7 hours ago, msg5 said:

I've requested some information, if available, on drop-dead dates for legacy versions, etc.

They've never made a public announcement about that yet and I wonder if they even have one yet. From my own reading of it, it looks like there are three phases with sunsetting legacy at this point -- where Bending Spoons is trying to come up to speed with where it is at having taken the reigns from the previous team:

  • First phase they tried to make sure that everyone that was on legacy really knew they were on legacy and tried to help (some people might say "trick") them in to upgrading to the new version. Lots of people didn't/don't know there is a new version out there.
  • Second phase they are giving these dire warnings (and some really old clients have already stopped syncing just more ongoing casualties of out-dated software). <--- We are here.
  • Third phase a drop-dead date will be announced.
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  • Level 5

About phase 2: AFAIK nobody stopped the older clients from syncing. They were stopped because their outdated OSes didn't provide a more modern version of TLS/SSL, the encryption used to make the communication between client and server secure. Unless you remove such old code altogether, it can be used as a backdoor to a server, compromising everybody's security - not only those running the outdated clients.

Since security requires to block old protocols from time to time, this is probably what happened to the really old clients on really old platforms, like Windows XP. It had AFAIK nothing to do with anybody stopping syncing between the server and the old clients in itself. Collateral damage, for the sake of a secure communication for all.

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17 hours ago, msg5 said:

Alright, well, here's something strange - my 6.25 on an unsupported OS is syncing this morning.

Only differences between yesterday and this morning are a reboot (sorry, I know better and should have EN'd, but I don't recall if I tried this before, yesterday; believe I did), and local login this AM.

Will continue to watch log.  More just a curiosity at this point.  I'll check out newer versions in a VM somewhere before I make the jump on other systems.

Personally, I find major UI changes to be disruptive to workflows, especially when they move from a tight, cohesive, expanded info view to overly simplified UIs with cartoonishly large and sparse content display, requiring a lot of sluggish back and forth.  An example of this would be going from the desktop client to a web UI.

Again, been a while, so I need to catch up on the EN world and see how things are going.  Under a rock for the past 5 years?  Absolutely, but what I've been using works great, and I like it the way it is.  As an IT pro, I do understand things need to evolve, but those drivers should be things like security, features and usability.  Changes should be calculated and measured for purpose and impact, not just changed just to make it look like there's development value.  I'm all for it, but don't #$%* with the UI unless you're making a legacy option available.  Just a humble opinion from the field, granted a hugely presumptive one, though based on prior experiences with EN version checks.  Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised. </coffeedrivensreamoffconsciousness>

Missed hangin' out around here!

Yes, msg5, mine has just started syncing again also! 🙂 Since I reported my syncing problem of Oct 8th, I had tried upgrading from  to (both on Windows 7). So I was essentially in the same position as you! (except you're at 6.25 obv). I literally just tried it and it's syncing again. Looks like the answer was option #3 of my options 1, 2 &3! (the temporary outage possibility). Good news anyway. 

(Oh I agree with all your comments on "evolving"  btw!)

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On 10/9/2023 at 11:21 AM, agsteele said:

None of the options you propose. Well you may have an element of 3 but it is more complex. You'll need to think through whether there are 4, 5 or even 6 possibilities.

So... my legacy in Windows 7 has just started syncing again, and based on the support information msg5 managed to access it looks like it was Option 3 (temporary outage) that actually applied this time, out of the three options I suggested. Good news!

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On 10/7/2023 at 11:28 PM, PinkElephant said:

The latest version that supports Win 8.1 is the one you have. v10 requires Windows 10.

You can either upgrade your Windows - Win10 uses similar system resources as Win 8.1. Or try to use EN in a browser - that’s the web client.

With the web make sure you use the latest version - in account settings, on page 1 Evernote Web must be on the new editor, and on page 2 Web Client must have the checkbox for v10+ client enabled.

About the syncing problems with legacy, users got a red banner warning they are on an outdated version for some weeks now. 

The current problems are probably related to an outage of the server some days ago. If the individual legacy clients will recover we can’t know. For others on legacy syncing is back, it seems.

It is simply NOT OKAY to charge me money for a service and then to yank it away from me without warning, and then to tell me that I have no recourse to use it again with the operating system that runs on my computer.     People use 10 year old operating systems all the time.  They should just deal with it!!   Giving me a dialog that says my version is outdated and asking would I like to upgrade is NOT the same as telling me point blank:  You MUST upgrade because we are going to STOP SUPPORT FOR THIS VERSION SOON.   Give me a deadline and then I can plan options.

I don't understand what you are saying when you say that "Evernote Web" must be an "editor"?   And how do I select "the latest version"?   I just went to Evernote.com and logged in.   I don't see a choice for versions.   I don't understand what you mean by "web client" being version 10+.

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13 hours ago, Andy O said:

So... my legacy in Windows 7 has just started syncing again, and based on the support information msg5 managed to access it looks like it was Option 3 (temporary outage) that actually applied this time, out of the three options I suggested. Good news!

I am back up as well now.    But I think this was a warning shot across the bow, and I need to understand my options better now.

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  • Evernote Expert

The system requirements for v10 have been Win 10 or better since it was released. The software framework that has been used for Evernote v10 ceased to support Windows 8 and lower which is why Evernote v10 does not, now, run on Win 8.1.  It isn't, in this case, that Evernote pulled the plug but that the Electron framework stopped supporting Win 8.1.

As you have discovered there was an issue that persisted after last week's system outage which affected Legacy users in particular so you have everything back.

But you are right to surmise that you should review your plans for the future.  It seems unlikely that Legacy is going to be turned off suddenly but given that Legacy isn't supported you can expect that compatibility issues will continue to arise and that one day it will no longer work.  If that is planned then there will be an announcement but unplanned things might catch us unawares.

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Now I am totally screwed.   After logging in Evernote asked me to upgrade to "the latest client" and I attempted to do so.  It uninstalled version 6.25 and then went ahead and did the install.    If my OS was not compatible, shouldn't their installer have done a simple OS check before completely destroying my configuration?

Now I have no 6.25 and when the new program starts I get the error "The procedure entry point DiscardVirtualMemory could not be located..."   I guess this is because I do not have Windows 10?   They could not just do an OS check for compatibility before they started this install?    It's mind boggling that this is happening.

Do I have any option to find 6.25 somewhere and reinstall it after first uninstalling this dysfunctional "new client"?

I see I have saved an installer Evernote_6.4.2.3788.exe.   I will try to install this.



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1 hour ago, agsteele said:

If you have System Restore in Win 8.1 roll back to a previous date.

That was worth trying, and System Restore saw the removal of 6.25 and tried to restore.   It restarted the Windows system, but 6.25 is not showing as installed.

Is there a way to get the Evernote 6.25 installer?

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5 minutes ago, agsteele said:

Only through ones of the file repositories. Others have suggested File Hippo.

Do we have a published checksum for the 6.25 binary on any authoritative Evernote website?    I would want to make sure the FileHippo archive version has that checksum.

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  • 3 months later...

I have Evernote 6.25 on both my work and personal computer, and also Evernote 10 on my personal computer. Today, my work computer wouldn't sync. I stupidely logged out and now can't get back in. My personal computer is working fine. I fear maybe my work added something, I don't know. Both computers are Windows 10. I hope tomorrow is better, otherwise I've lost Evernote on my work computer. Evernote 10 didn't work well on my work computer with attachments a year ago. And I prefer Evernote 6.25, as much as I try to use Evernote 10 on my personal computer.

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  • Level 5
11 minutes ago, notetakeingguy said:

I have Evernote 6.25 on both my work and personal computer, and also Evernote 10 on my personal computer. Today, my work computer wouldn't sync. I stupidely logged out and now can't get back in. My personal computer is working fine. I fear maybe my work added something, I don't know. Both computers are Windows 10. I hope tomorrow is better, otherwise I've lost Evernote on my work computer. Evernote 10 didn't work well on my work computer with attachments a year ago. And I prefer Evernote 6.25, as much as I try to use Evernote 10 on my personal computer.

There have been multiple reports recently of v. 6.25 no longer working, and this may be the end of it. (There are a couple of threads in the General Discussions forum, and searching for 6.25 might find more.) I sympathize, in a way--IMHO, if Microsoft had stopped at Windows 7 the world would be a better place; but they didn't, and it's not safe to just keep using it, so I've got Windows 10, and before long I'll have to move to Win11. Since you're familiar with v. 10, I won't ask what specifically you prefer in 6.25--you know what there is in each version, and it does look like it's going to be v. 10 from here on.

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  • Level 5*
15 minutes ago, notetakeingguy said:

Evernote 10 didn't work well on my work computer with attachments a year ago. And I prefer Evernote 6.25, as much as I try to use Evernote 10 on my personal computer.

Evernote Legacy is being phased out and v10 is the path forward.  It has changed a lot in the last year and gotten faster so maybe you will be pleasantly surprised.  It took me a little while to get used to it, but aside from some quirks, I mostly like it and appreciate the new features that weren’t in Legacy.

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Yes, I installed version - it is connected!
But the sign is bad, while it works, I'll have to look for an alternative, if Evernote spits on subscribers like that

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For individual users, there are very few reasons to keep using Legacy. V10 has improved over time and is ready to use.

But in a business environment, there is a critical issue regarding the confidentiality of tags visibility. With V10, everyone see all tags. Within legacy, tags visibility depends on Notebooks/notes access permissions. Thousands of tags need to be checked and modified and nobody does it while it is working.

In the minor issues, there is no possibility to add color to a tag, and this is part of our way to use Evernote. Our workflow needs to change and everyone trained to it.

Evernote stays for me the best software for our usage and we are moving forward to migrate to V10.

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First, appreciate all the responses.


Just to clarity, I DO attempt to use v10 on my personal computer. I just find it harder. For example, when I do a search, it wants to search one notebook, and I want to search all. I also hate that most articles I clip are in this HTML view and I have to convert it. The version I am using is Evernote_6.25.1.9091.


Do you think it would help if I uninstall and reinstall that version? If I go to the next legacy version, what is the exact version number? On FileHippo, I don't see anything after the one I have before v10.

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  • Level 5

It’s quite easy to search only one notebook. Select a notebook from the sidebar, then search. Or pick the notebook from the filters. Or enter it into the search field. Or save a search …

The web clip format is a clever way to convert the dynamic CSS/CMS modern websites into a static HTML page. Be happy it exists.

6.25 is the end of the line for Windows, before v10. It is still 32bit software, completely outdated.

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2 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

It’s quite easy to search only one notebook. Select a notebook from the sidebar, then search. Or pick the notebook from the filters. Or enter it into the search field. Or save a search …

The web clip format is a clever way to convert the dynamic CSS/CMS modern websites into a static HTML page. Be happy it exists.

6.25 is the end of the line for Windows, before v10. It is still 32bit software, completely outdated.

I want to search ALL notebooks in v10 better.

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  • Level 5*
38 minutes ago, notetakeingguy said:

I want to search ALL notebooks in v10 better.

If you are already in a notebook it will default to search that notebook, but you should be given an option to select search everywhere.  Alternatively click on the notes icon in the left hand pane and search will default to all notes.

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  • Level 5
3 hours ago, notetakeingguy said:

I also hate that most articles I clip are in this HTML view and I have to convert it.

The plus side of this (besides the handling of contemporary CSS formatting, as @PinkElephant mentioned) is that you have the option of leaving the material in the HTML box, so it stays formatted as on the Website, or making it editable if you need to edit it. The latter can involve a fair amount of massaging for certain sites. Of course, if you use the Web Clipper simplified article option, I think you're less likely to get the box--or the formatting and images. Now that the Web Clipper also has the option to clip only selections from a Website, it may reduce the amount of editing required on a clip too. Just saying that there are more options now.

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I do not ask support or help according to 6.25)
We just want it to connect to the server and synchronize in the future))

For me, 6.25 is primarily speed. Everything opens instantly, and without new functions 10 I can do

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  • Evernote Expert

The old versions of Evernote seem to be in the process of being withdrawn. This has been predicted for three years. So no surprise.

The only option once V6 25 stops working seems to be v10.

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Just want to let everyone know I was able to install Evernote 10 on my work computer; however, the problems I had with it when it first came out (however many years ago) still remain. The main one being that some PDF attachments do not open. This is pretty critical at work when I attempt to open a document and it says the PDF is corrupted. Yet I go on my phone, old Evernote, and it opens up fine. So no fixes on that issue, despite the number of years.


I'm going to try to re-install Evernote 6.25 again on my computer today, when I'm back at home.

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  • Level 5*
41 minutes ago, notetakeingguy said:

The main one being that some PDF attachments do not open. This is pretty critical at work when I attempt to open a document and it says the PDF is corrupted. Yet I go on my phone, old Evernote, and it opens up fine. So no fixes on that issue, despite the number of years.

If this was a common problem, there would be a lot of comments about it.  This sounds unique to your installation.  You should uninstall with Revo, which will remove bits and pieces that other installers miss and reinstall.

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  • Level 5

Your notes need to be converted when you open them the first time in v10. This can take a little, meanwhile the new app can’t handle the old formats.

When it occurs to me on an old note, I leave the note and open another briefly. Usually after coming back to the first one, the attachments will open.

Using a mix of legacy and v10 is a bad idea: Every time the note was opened in legacy again, a new conversion needs to be done.

Just forget that legacy ***** - expect the legacy clients that do still sync to stop within shortly. None of the legacy apps are sustainable.

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  • Level 5
2 hours ago, notetakeingguy said:

The main one being that some PDF attachments do not open. This is pretty critical at work when I attempt to open a document and it says the PDF is corrupted. Yet I go on my phone, old Evernote, and it opens up fine. So no fixes on that issue, despite the number of years.

@s2sailor and @PinkElephant have good advice. Another thought is that, if the PDFs never show up in usable form in v. 10, you could download them on your phone and re-attach them, maybe to a new note, to see if they now work right in v. 10. Or even email the downloaded PDFs to yourself, and then attach to v. 10. A lot to go through if there's a bunch of PDFs involved, so I hope the simpler "wait for the process to complete" advice will work.

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Appreciate all the help.

I want to describe the problem I'm having (maybe I should post as a new post) since it happened today, on freshly created notes, all in Evernote v10, on my work computer.

I had a Powerpoint presentation on my personal Dropbox that I need to take to work (kids stuff calendar so I can mark my work calendar). On my phone, from Dropbox, I shared it to my gmail, and E-mailed it to Evernote. I opened it in Evernote on my work computer, and it said it was unreadable and then deleted the attachment from the note. Instead, I opened up my E-mail and got it from there. I tried sending it again and tried to save it from Evernote onto my computer, but that didn't work.

My wife also had something she wanted me to print. I had her put it in her Evernote 10, and share it with me in Evernote; 6 PDF files. I opened them up on my work computer, and it says it can't read any of them as it says "Couldn't display this PDF File". It won't let me save it the computer either.

However, luckily the problem I posted about last week was temporary. I reinstalled Evernote 6.25 on my work and I was able to login. I pulled up the notes and the PDFs came right in.

I posted about this 2 years ago, Nov 2021, and submitted a service ticket with the old EN management, and never heard anything.

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10 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Probably something on the company network or software installed on that computer. Do you have (local) admin rights on the company computer ?

I am pretty sure I do not. I'm not even supposed to have Evernote on it.

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  • Level 5
37 minutes ago, notetakeingguy said:

I am pretty sure I do not. I'm not even supposed to have Evernote on it.

This would be the reasonable approach - at least viewed from your enterprise ITs responsibility.

It holds as well the answer why it doesn’t work in the office as it does from home. These are factors out of ENs sphere.

You can only try if the web client allows access. Else don’t mix private and job, and stick to mobile devices and networks to get at your notes.

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55 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

This would be the reasonable approach - at least viewed from your enterprise ITs responsibility.

It holds as well the answer why it doesn’t work in the office as it does from home. These are factors out of ENs sphere.

You can only try if the web client allows access. Else don’t mix private and job, and stick to mobile devices and networks to get at your notes.

But, Evernote 6.25 had no problem on my work computer without local admin rights, and v10 does have problems. That just seems like something Evernote would know about or want to address.

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  • Level 5

It’s not necessarily an EN issue. Maybe your employer listed one day all running processes and whitelisted them.

All new processes will be blocked.

A simple procedure to introduce a firewall without getting swamped by „can’t watch my favorite Netflix show any more during boring meetings“ calls at the help desk. And it’s effective, since all new stuff (like malware) gets blocked.

I know quite some companies that today block ALL cloud services not controlled by the MDM.

I doubt anybody at the EN team is interested at all that your company IT tries to keep their network clean. But as always: Try support.

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