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Heavy sketch issues on iPad Pro with Apple Pencil 2

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New Evernote that I unfortunately installed yesterday (what a mistake!) is a nightmare...
It makes my primary way of interacting with iPad, which is pencil, totally useless:

  • drawing with pencil is a madness! It looks like the handwriting of someone with Parkinson's disease  (when I write something with finger - it looks OK) - see 01.jpg (and before you ask - pencil works perfectly well in other apps, it'a a bug in Evernote)
  • selecting tool (the razor) is almost invisible when used with pencil (I circled the word "Apple" - note one single blue dash) - 02.jpg and again working well with finger - 03.jpg
  • there is no object-selecting tool! No way to easily moving drawings (razor cuts objects! what the heck?!) - there should be two modes of such tool: 1) cutting, 2) selecting (there is one more nice-to-have feature - selection by just crossing other lines, or only when whole line/shape is outlined - the same way like in CorelDraw - but i guess it will be too much for you...)
  • now try to remove highlighting that you made over something else - only the highlighter path. Good luck... Or try to move highlighter path somewhere else. Good luck again...
  • double-tap on pencil doesn't work! (by default it should switch to eraser)
  • there are sill missing strokes (so no @AgnesP it is not fixed)

Why want you use standard solid reliable way of sketching interface - the same like in Notes?! It it almost perfect. You can't come up with anything better. Just copy the Apple interface.

@Shane D. how on Earth could you publish such a buggy version in the store?! 

Few days ago I have upgraded Windows version. It is a total disaster (no preferences, no keyboard shortcut settings). 

Now it looks like you completely broken the iPad version (and you can't easily downgrade to previous version, for a vast majority of users it is simply impossible). I am afraid to install the macOS version because I will get a heart attack...

(Tech note: I have quite popular iPadPro 8,3 (11" 2018), but I'm pretty sure that these bugs also apply to other iPads. I use Apple Pencil 2. Latest Evernote 10.1 on latest iPadOS 14.2).




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in my case writing using Apple Pencil 2 is no problem at all (iPad Pro 12,9“ 3rd gen) - it works as expected and I‘m happy with that part of V10. Maybe it depends to CPU power of the device - seems V10 needs lot more CPU power compared to the legacy version.

Unfortunately this doesn‘t help you, I‘m sorry, but maybe a hint for development team to improve the (overall) CPU usage of version 10...

My wife’s iPad Air 2 is no longer able to run V10. No.way.period.

(my iPhone Xs feels much more speedy using V10 compared to my iPad Pro)

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Thanks for your reply @stocky2605 but I hardly believe that this is a performance issue. This is iPad Pro, only two years old, with Apple A12X Bionic onboard. Everything runs super fast (even Evernote itself).

My guess is that they mess something while implementing pencil interface. The best proof is the lack of support for Pencil 2 (double-tap does nothing). 

Drawing with both pencil and finger is fast. But the line made by pencil is way too thin, and it is very very "shaky", uneven, not smooth enough (sometime barely visible).

I have no such problem with other apps (like Notes, Procreate, Notability, etc.).

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52 minutes ago, CCortes said:

[...] sketching with Pencil 2 in iPad Pro is just horrible. I hope the release a fix for this soon. 

Can you @CCortes confirm that in your case double-tap on pencil not working as well? (it supposed to switch between active tool and eraser).

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That's very sad because it proves one brutal truth. Developers at Evernote are overworked or simply stupid (to put it bluntly). AI/UX leaders are bunch of idiots who don't listen to what users really want. There is no proper beta testing. No quality assurance. No nothing.

The company with with annual revenue of nearly $100 million (or more) release programs full of critical bugs and painful issues on all major platforms. 

I feel like they spit in my face after 10 years of paying for their software.

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I have the exact same problems as @Barabasz. two-year-old iPad Pro 11" with Apple Pencil 2gen.
Usually all my notes are handwritten directly in Evernote, since the Update this is impossible. Other Apps such als Moleskine FLOW are working perfectly, so it is definitely not a hardware problem. Double Tap to switch to eraser doesn't work either. Seriously, WTF. In one update my complete productivity flow was killed.

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  • Level 5

EN v10 is brand new, but it seems it had no interaction with iOS 14 during beta.

v10 is not even supporting features that came with iOS 13 (Open the app twice in split screen ? Drag & drop ???). iOS 14 obviously was not on the screen either.

So with Sketch (EN) and Scribble (iOS 14) it is like with the Millers twins 👯‍♂️: You can invite each of them to the party, but only alone. Otherwise you may start to flirt with Jane, thinking she was Marry.

Translated into the iPad world this means you either switch Scribble off (which means off for all apps, not only for EN), or you live with these 2 functions fighting over who rules the pencil while you handwrite. Quite a mess !

My solution is to use GoodNotes 5 for handwriting. Completely smooth, no iOS trouble. When you export handwritten notes into EN, you can even send the complete OCR of your handwriting embedded into the pdf. This makes it instantly searchable in EN without using the EN-own OCR.

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Same here... IPad Pro 10.5 (2017) and Apple Pencil 1st gen.

Handwritting is a disaster and it’s a feature I was using a lot... And don’t tell me to use penultimate... I want to be able to edit my note in Evernote....

will this bug be fix or should I look for another app?

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On 11/9/2020 at 4:39 AM, Barabasz said:

New Evernote that I unfortunately installed yesterday (what a mistake!) is a nightmare...
It makes my primary way of interacting with iPad, which is pencil, totally useless:

  • drawing with pencil is a madness! It looks like the handwriting of someone with Parkinson's disease  (when I write something with finger - it looks OK) - see 01.jpg (and before you ask - pencil works perfectly well in other apps, it'a a bug in Evernote)
  • selecting tool (the razor) is almost invisible when used with pencil (I circled the word "Apple" - note one single blue dash) - 02.jpg and again working well with finger - 03.jpg
  • there is no object-selecting tool! No way to easily moving drawings (razor cuts objects! what the heck?!) - there should be two modes of such tool: 1) cutting, 2) selecting (there is one more nice-to-have feature - selection by just crossing other lines, or only when whole line/shape is outlined - the same way like in CorelDraw - but i guess it will be too much for you...)
  • now try to remove highlighting that you made over something else - only the highlighter path. Good luck... Or try to move highlighter path somewhere else. Good luck again...
  • double-tap on pencil doesn't work! (by default it should switch to eraser)
  • there are sill missing strokes (so no @AgnesP it is not fixed)

Why want you use standard solid reliable way of sketching interface - the same like in Notes?! It it almost perfect. You can't come up with anything better. Just copy the Apple interface.

@Shane D. how on Earth could you publish such a buggy version in the store?! 

Few days ago I have upgraded Windows version. It is a total disaster (no preferences, no keyboard shortcut settings). 

Now it looks like you completely broken the iPad version (and you can't easily downgrade to previous version, for a vast majority of users it is simply impossible). I am afraid to install the macOS version because I will get a heart attack...

(Tech note: I have quite popular iPadPro 8,3 (11" 2018), but I'm pretty sure that these bugs also apply to other iPads. I use Apple Pencil 2. Latest Evernote 10.1 on latest iPadOS 14.2).




TOTALLY agree. It’s a trigger to take notes with a pencil now. I can’t believe how bad it is and all the features and simplicity they took away. From the page zooming around in size to simply remembering the ink color choice you selected from note to note. It always defaults to black now. 

I’ve been paying for Evernote for years and have a load of data here. Not looking forward to migrating it or finding a new solution. Their recommendations to integrate with another handwriting app is so incredibly lame. It suggests they’re giving up on it entirely.

Who sits in a meeting and types notes in when you can just write them down. it’s so much more intrusive to have a screen flipped up typing away for it others in the meeting, they think you’re not paying attention instead of taking good notes. 

You’re blowing it, Evernote. I’m disappointed and mad I have to find a new solution. 

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  • 1 month later...
  • Level 5

From my experience this tread is overly sensational. I just compared writing in EN Sketch (EN iOS 10.4, iPad 10.5 with Pencil 1st gen, iOS 14.3, Scribble is active) and GoodNotes 5. GoodNotes uses a smoothing technology and is regarded as among the apps with the finest handwriting results.



The first picture is from EN, the second from GoodNotes. GoodNotes is a bit smoother, but the EN take is not that bad either, and good to read for the eye and for the OCR engine on the server.

Maybe you guys could post some comparison here as well, with other apps. Everybody has at least Apple Notes installed, that allows for handwriting. Maybe one just needs to turn Scribble off to avoid auto conversion.


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@PinkElephant you have absolutely no idea what are you talking about 😂
There is critical bug with system wide shortcuts - but you think it is not important (LOL!). 

Here is another bug with pen input - you think it is "sensational". 

What is wrong with you? Being payed by the Evernote for trolling us here?...

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This is user experience from iPad (iPad Pro 11-inch model MU0M2FD) with Pencil (Apple Pencil 2 model MU8F2ZM).

Let's start with Apple's Notes - this is by far the best pencil experience you can get on iPad: 


Overall experience with Notability is almost the same - perfect smoothness, clean curves, optimal line thickness:


Now Penultimate (also made by Evernote).  Something wrong is starting here. It is still smooth, a little too thick by default, but take a closer look on the edges: it looks more like a raster image without antialiasing than clean curves. Still acceptable though.


And finally total disaster - Evernote:


What on Earth is going on here?!


I looks like a joke.  @PinkElephant you can't spot the difference? Seriously? 

Thickness is changing randomly, conversion to curves is chaotic. Everything is wrong here.

From my point of view this is a critical bug. I am unable to use Evernote to take handwriting notes and sketches. 

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  • 2 months later...

I have absolutely the same problem. I wrote 2 mails to Evernote about it and never got a reply. This killed my workflow I used Apple Pencil and Evernote on ipad pro as my primary notebook. No I think I switch completely to ONeNote from Microsoft which works perfectly well...

so sad Evernote has not fixed this and is not listening to users

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