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Text colors



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This is ridiculous. So in my notes I use yellow texts all over the place to emphasize some texts, and now yellow is suddenly gone, but we do have 4 shades of grey, because they are more important than yellow? 

If the notes can display all colors, why not set them also?

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Please provide a method where we can open the default Mac Color Picker. It is fine that you provide a limited palette that is easy to use, sure, but this isn't 1981 with CGA graphics limiting us to 16-colors, we should have all of the color options available.

And/or at minimum, you should allow us to customize the palette of colors in your built-it color picker. I have thousands of notes with a color palette that I have used for years, and now I can't easily make new notes with that palette because the colors aren't available. 

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I haven't found any workarounds other that what you two mentioned, copying and pasting text with the right colors from elsewhere... I had tried the web editor hoping there was some different option there, but there wasn't.

First it was freedom of speech in the news... now our freedom of colors has been removed.

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On 10/14/2020 at 11:12 AM, Nick L. said:

No, the editor can still display some colors not available in the picker. Moving forward you're limited to these colors. 

Crazy decision by Evernote. What was the reasoning behind limiting our colours ? Any plans to fix this ? Will you ever add macOS colours like banana, yellow, lime, spring, turquoise and carnation (in pencil palette) into your picker ?  I used these a lot. I'm sticking with Evernote 7 until EN 10 gets more colours. If 7 breaks I'll move my notes to Onenote which still lets me use a wide selection of macOS colours.

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Wow, I came to the forums to see if I was stupid, but I guess it was not me lol

How do you "UPGRADE" into having less colors??

What I'm doing is resorting to my old notes, copying one letter of the color I want to use, pasting into the new note, typing from that letter on, then erasing the letter. It's extremely bad if you want to change the color of something that's already written though. Is there something like a formatting brush or some other way to replicate specific formatting or some other workaround?

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7 hours ago, Pyre said:

Wow, I came to the forums to see if I was stupid, but I guess it was not me lol

How do you "UPGRADE" into having less colors??

What I'm doing is resorting to my old notes, copying one letter of the color I want to use, pasting into the new note, typing from that letter on, then erasing the letter. It's extremely bad if you want to change the color of something that's already written though. Is there something like a formatting brush or some other way to replicate specific formatting or some other workaround?

I hear ya! The design features including colors layout, fonts, and overall use of options is absurd at this point. I am looking for another app that can hopefully come close to the nearly good ten years I had using Evernote. 

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7 hours ago, Pyre said:

Wow, I came to the forums to see if I was stupid, but I guess it was not me lol

How do you "UPGRADE" into having less colors??

What I'm doing is resorting to my old notes, copying one letter of the color I want to use, pasting into the new note, typing from that letter on, then erasing the letter. It's extremely bad if you want to change the color of something that's already written though. Is there something like a formatting brush or some other way to replicate specific formatting or some other workaround?

And forgot to mention - I am doing something similar with the font situation. Thankfully I had a few of my favorites already in use in other notes and was able to copy and paste them to a new note to be able to use that font. i.e. Caslon Pro - one of the best fonts for an editorial document and I use it frequently, so I was able to take the first sentence of a note and copy to a new one, erase all of the sentence except one letter, start typing what I need to type and then erase the first letter. I now can have my note in said font. 😔

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It is so, so disappointing.  How on earth did they decide to "update" the app by reducing what it does?  It's a disaster--I have so many notes carefully color coded, with different fonts for different purposes.  

I can understand why they might want to "simplify"--but why wouldn't they also include a "preference" option where one could get the full array of fonts and colors that are available in almost every other app?  Mysterious and infuriating.  

I don't feel like migrating 10 years of notes to some new app, but maybe it's come to that?  Does evernote pay attention to feedback?  Is there some user out there who is HAPPY to have fewer options? 

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1 hour ago, seven said:

I have given feedback via the desktop app three times....

I am willing to put money on it that I will never hear back.

So would I.  I'd bet that a few million people have given feedback on the website in the last 2 months.  If you reach out to Support,  you get a reserved place in a queue with a ticket number plus a direct and individual response within a week or so.

And just in case anyone is in any doubt Evernote Legacy is alive and well and working as well (?) as it always did...



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20 minutes ago, DanDawson said:

I haven't found any workarounds other that what you two mentioned, copying and pasting text with the right colors from elsewhere... I had tried the web editor hoping there was some different option there, but there wasn't.

First it was freedom of speech in the news... now our freedom of colors has been removed.

Right? Isn't a bummer?! It's a very sad situation because in my opinion (for what my needs are on a daily basis) Evernote is the best app out there. I just spent 2 hours of my life that I will never get back researching other apps on their features, and have found virtually nothing that does what Evernote does. This is why I am so disappointed...this font thing is eating me up. I don't want to hear from anyone that Evernote isn't a layout app or a word processing app...blah blah - it actually is. It functions better than any other junky app out there with endless options on formatting to saving pages in their entirety off the web to be saved. Evernote is my notebook. My journal. My project producer. My photo album. Have you sent feedback in the app? Do that. I have a couple times now. 

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I hate to post this on an Evernote forum... but given the changes... here were some that I was looking at:

  • Microsoft OneNote

  • Google Keep 

  • SimpleNote

  • Memosnag

  • Bear App

  • Apple Notes 

  • SOHO Notes

  • Together

  • Yojimbo

  • Nevernote (Now NixNote?)

  • Turtl

  • alternoteapp.com

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On 2/2/2021 at 4:50 PM, DanDawson said:

I hate to post this on an Evernote forum... but given the changes... here were some that I was looking at:

  • Microsoft OneNote

  • Google Keep 

  • SimpleNote

  • Memosnag

  • Bear App

  • Apple Notes 

  • SOHO Notes

  • Together

  • Yojimbo

  • Nevernote (Now NixNote?)

  • Turtl

  • alternoteapp.com

I looked at some of these as well. We have to do what is best for us. 

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3 hours ago, JFH29 said:

It is so, so disappointing.  How on earth did they decide to "update" the app by reducing what it does?  It's a disaster--I have so many notes carefully color coded, with different fonts for different purposes.  

I can understand why they might want to "simplify"--but why wouldn't they also include a "preference" option where one could get the full array of fonts and colors that are available in almost every other app?  Mysterious and infuriating.  

I don't feel like migrating 10 years of notes to some new app, but maybe it's come to that?  Does evernote pay attention to feedback?  Is there some user out there who is HAPPY to have fewer options? 

Yea, exactly. I'm on 9 years. :(  I agree with you and believe it or not there are some people on here that don't seem to be bothered by having less options. If you didn't see - my biggest issue has been related to not being able to install custom fonts any longer. Did you use different fonts for your notes? I have given feedback via the desktop app three times. Every so often I see an "Evernote staff" member posting on here, but I am willing to put money on it that I will never hear back. I don't want to migrate all my stuff over either, but it may come down to it if I find something that is going to function the way I need it to.

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15 hours ago, gazumped said:

So would I.  I'd bet that a few million people have given feedback on the website in the last 2 months.  If you reach out to Support,  you get a reserved place in a queue with a ticket number plus a direct and individual response within a week or so.

And just in case anyone is in any doubt Evernote Legacy is alive and well and working as well (?) as it always did...



Great! Thanks for the info! 

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This may sound crazy but one of the colors I cannot choose is.... wait for it....   White!

I use dark mode so 99% of my fonts are white. I sometimes after I change the color of my font I want to turn it back to white but it is not one of those very few colors I can select from. If there is a way to specify the colors I can choose, 


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What is this Evernote!? I really need a bit more flexibility with colours then you guys offer. I'm paying a good chunk of money every month and you guys downgrade to less flexibility? We are currently in 2021, we are now heading back to 1990's right?

4 shades of grey? No yellows? Boring greens? Why not implement a colour picker? This is really ridiculous. Going to change my rating because this is really a BAD decision.

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I have been an Evernote user for a decade. I have paid for Premium almost continuously from the point at which the premium service was offered.

I was recently "updated" to the v10 client only to find that the color range and color choices have been downgraded. Removing functionality is not how I spell "premium" and certainly is not an advancement.

I developed my own note coloring standards several years ago and have used them to highlight and draw attention to key parts of my technical notes since that time. This downgrade in color options may be cute for an entry level casual notes product, but to remove color control like this after a decade of support is ridiculous.

Please restore the original color flexibility and choices as soon as possible.

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You may ask for it, as other users have asked for changes with the new client (like choice of fonts).

My personal assumption (no inside knowledge) is that this will not happen. EN v10 is build pretty much around the new editor. It is tuned to work similarly on the different platforms supported by EN. So they had to downgrade to a „smallest common denominator“ to make notes look alike independently  from the OS and device where they are hosted.

It is the long term user that feels that sort of strategy change the most. I can be wrong, but better adapt to the new selection, because waiting it to change again will probably be a long wait.

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4 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

You may ask for it, as other users have asked for changes with the new client (like choice of fonts).

My personal assumption (no inside knowledge) is that this will not happen. EN v10 is build pretty much around the new editor. It is tuned to work similarly on the different platforms supported by EN. So they had to downgrade to a „smallest common denominator“ to make notes look alike independently  from the OS and device where they are hosted.

It is the long term user that feels that sort of strategy change the most. I can be wrong, but better adapt to the new selection, because waiting it to change again will probably be a long wait.

Never a good sign to piss off the core of long term users imo. I know they wont change this, they like to rake in the most $'s possible so they have to mitigate with options they used to have. Sad thing but it is what it is unfortunately.  

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Why it was decided, is futil (I think they maybe overrated to get the one and same look on all platforms). It is as it is, some people who used features now disabled are hit more than others. If a necessary feature for a use case was taken away, you need to change the use case, or look for an alternative that better supports it.

EN is changing, and some users will not like what they get. I (as another user) can’t change it, but I think we should be honest when talking about it. If is does not give us adequate value for the money for the NEXT subscription period, we take the money and put it somewhere else. But looking back in nostalgia will not take us anywhere.

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On 2/2/2021 at 1:45 PM, seven said:

Right? Isn't a bummer?! It's a very sad situation because in my opinion (for what my needs are on a daily basis) Evernote is the best app out there. I just spent 2 hours of my life that I will never get back researching other apps on their features, and have found virtually nothing that does what Evernote does. This is why I am so disappointed...this font thing is eating me up. I don't want to hear from anyone that Evernote isn't a layout app or a word processing app...blah blah - it actually is. It functions better than any other junky app out there with endless options on formatting to saving pages in their entirety off the web to be saved. Evernote is my notebook. My journal. My project producer. My photo album. Have you sent feedback in the app? Do that. I have a couple times now. 


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5 minutes ago, Joyce Wycoff said:

I seem to have lost the ability to change text color at all! Am I doing something wrong. I've got some highlight colors but can't find any way to change font colors.

It's the dropdown next to the colored circle with the ring of colors around it -- right before the 'Bold' tool bar button.


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4 hours ago, Patrick Woo said:

Yes please give us custom colours!! 


On 10/26/2022 at 2:23 AM, Boot17 said:

It's the dropdown next to the colored circle with the ring of colors around it -- right before the 'Bold' tool bar button.


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It's the dropdown next to the colored circle with the ring of colors around it -- right before the 'Bold' tool bar button.

Thank you for suggesting this Gazumped! I actually mean custom, configurable colours beyond the palette of predefined colours.

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None of us users in the forum knows what may be in the making. My personal feeling is we will not see an editor blowing features up to a word-like monster, loosing simplicity on the way.

Yes, it is infinite colors here, it is specific indenting there, it is list features in other posts. But the sum of it would be bloated, one of these „I know it must be there, but where“ monsters. My opinion, I like it lean and quick.

Any user can send their wishes by feedback, subscribers by support ticket either.

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4 hours ago, Cedj said:

It got worse. Now we can't even pick ANY colours. This is absolutely fracking insane.

Hmmn.  Just updated to 10.105.2 on Win 11 - no font colour.  Same note on Android 10.104.1 - colours are available.  Bug reported #3989487 

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On 9/10/2024 at 7:16 AM, Cedj said:

It got worse. Now we can't even pick ANY colours. This is absolutely fracking insane.


The same problem in Spanish version of Evernote 10.106.4. I don't see colours to choose from. Only the black and white circle and the word "Automático" (The Spanish for "Auto").

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5 minutes ago, gazumped said:

On the same version,  but no such issue - have you tried a power off/ back on cycle?  Try reinstall if there's no change

It only happens on some notes, but I haven't able to identify an element that make this problem to appear. 

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It happens to me too - all of  sudden only 'Auto' at the color picker. Using web version of Evernote on Edge version 129.0.2792.52.

The remedy is to close the tab and re-open, tedious...

Reported as a bug: #4003278


Edited by Ernst Jan
Added bug notification ticket number.
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Ernst, just to be clear, there is a difference between quitting and logging out.  Many users (like me) only occasionally log out.  I might log once a week at most.  Otherwise,  I just quit the program by clicking on the upper right x (Windows, I see you are on a Mac).   What @PinkElephant and @gazumped are referring to is signing out.  To do that on the web version, you click on your name in the upper left of the Edge window, and choose "sign out."  

That tends to reset some things and clear the odd problem.

If you are already signing out and the problem recurs, then you probably will have to wait for support.



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Actually, Evernote singss off autromically everyday. 
However, I just signed off manually, and the signed in agian. 
To my surpriser, the problem is still there!
After I close the tab in which Evernote web service runs, open a new tab and go to Evernote, then the colorselection is availble again, without siging off and on.
So it seems to have somerthing to do with the interaction between Evernote and Edge.

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