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If somebody waited for it to appear, he is waiting since 9 years now. So I think it must be technically sort of challenging, without a clue why.

The workarounds are simple and improve performance: Instead of one long note, create shorter ones, and link them together by a TOC note. Backlinks which were introduced a short year ago have added to the efficiency of this strategy.

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9 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

Ak niekto čakal, že sa objaví, čaká už 9 rokov. Takže si myslím, že to musí byť technicky trochu náročné, bez poňatia prečo.

Alternatívne riešenia sú jednoduché a zlepšujú výkon: Namiesto jednej dlhej poznámky vytvorte kratšie a prepojte ich poznámkou TOC. Spätné odkazy, ktoré boli zavedené pred rokom, prispeli k efektívnosti tejto stratégie.

That's exactly how I use it.  It's just that if I have multiple notes like this that I want to share at once to non-Evernote clients, I have to put one after the other to share. If there was an option to have navigation in one longer note, I would only send them one for example.. and they can move within it...

Besides, we don't write requests here to get an answer that we have to do it differently than we want..
The demands are because we want it just the way we want it.

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2 hours ago, ferol said:

if I have multiple notes like this that I want to share at once to non-Evernote clients,

Hi.  Actually if you share a 'home page' style note with lots of links to othe notes,  things get very complicated.  Ordinary note links won't work for that,  you need to replace the home page links with the shareable link for each connected note,  and make sure that all the notes are publically shared.  It's no longer possible to share a notebook so its contents are available as soon as they are created.  The best option I found is Postach.io which converts notes from a specified notebook into published notes (or blog pages) when the tag <published> is applied to the note,  and is (IMHO) the most effective way to share information from an Evernote account.

(It's also possible to password-protect access to the the content with a subscription)

See https://postach.io for more 

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17 hours ago, gazumped said:

Ahoj. V skutočnosti, ak zdieľate poznámku v štýle „domovskej stránky“ s množstvom odkazov na iné poznámky, veci sa veľmi skomplikujú. Bežné odkazy na poznámky na to nebudú fungovať, musíte nahradiť odkazy na domovskú stránku odkazom na zdieľanie pre každú pripojenú poznámku a uistite sa, že všetky poznámky sú verejne zdieľané. Poznámkový blok už nie je možné zdieľať, takže jeho obsah je k dispozícii hneď po vytvorení. Najlepšia možnosť, ktorú som našiel, je Postach.io , ktorá konvertuje poznámky z určeného poznámkového bloku na publikované poznámky (alebo stránky blogu), keď sa na poznámku použije značka <published>, a je (IMHO) najefektívnejším spôsobom zdieľania informácií z Účet Evernote.

(Je tiež možné chrániť heslom prístup k obsahu pomocou predplatného)

Viac  nájdete na https://postach.io

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Sure, is complicated...

postach.io I tested years ago... But it another system, and is also complication.

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Did you try quip? It is amazing to be able to create a list of hyperlinks at the top of the note like a TOC that helps you navigate the note. 

In addition each of the headings in the note can collapse / fold the content under it.  

Clean way to read and navigate a note. Please have a look. 

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5 hours ago, Santanu said:

Did you try quip? It is amazing to be able to create a list of hyperlinks at the top of the note like a TOC that helps you navigate the note. 

...it's a significant investment for minimal gain...

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1 hour ago, sdadell said:

I appreciate your perspective on this

That was a comment about Quip, not bookmarks in general.

I get that this is one of the most requested new features in Evernote,  and the Powers That Be will probably include the option as some point.  Personally I prefer my 'bookmarks' to be short notes help together by titles, tags or a ToC - long notes are slow to load on bad connections,  hard to page through,  and frequently a disaster to lose.

Since a new feature would need to be integrated into the overall operation of the database it's likely to be planned (if it is to be added) for the next time they do a major review,  which is unlikely to be any time soon...

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15 minutes ago, gazumped said:

Personally I prefer my 'bookmarks' to be short notes help together by titles, tags or a ToC - long notes are slow to load on bad connections,  hard to page through,  and frequently a disaster to lose.

Sorry for repeating my use case, in which this solution does not work with EN10: If you plan to share information with others, later versions allowed to share a notebook and links to other notes worked quite well for others. In EN10 you have to share all related notes one-by-one to achieve this...

Have a look on https://tinyurl.com/missing-in-EN10
It would be fine to have local links from every line "Overview (see below for in-deep descriptions)" to the corresponding paragraph within the note below.

This allows to share only one note (and not all that are referenced by a ToC note) or to print only one note (an not all on seperate pages)

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For random sharing I'd still recommend Postach.io - last I looked you can share notes from up to 5 notebooks simply by adding 'published' to the note as a tag.  The URL can be your custom domain (but you need a subscription for that) or <title>.postach.io 

Everything in the free version is very basic,  but you get what you pay for.  The basic blog format has notes (posts) showing up on the day they're generated.

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+1 за объединение ссылок в одной заметке. Приложив к ним все руки, ноги и пальцы, я голосую за БАЗОВУЮ функцию. Я очень скучаю по этому!!

Edited by Nadia_si
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On 4/17/2024 at 12:50 PM, Sarah Farrell said:

Bit of a necropost perhaps but I can't see any resolution/decision/roadmap following it up.

Linking to a section within a note would massively help with note readability and organisation.  It's already a long-established feature within One-Note, and is sorely missing in Evernote.

Has this been looked-at and dismissed... or still "for potential review?"




Now delivered.  You're welcome.

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