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Drag and Drop from Evernote to applications not working

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Sorry if this has been asked -- I can't find it if it has.

Using Evernote 6.8.7 on a Windows 10 platform, I cannot drag and drop files from Evernote into Windows applications, like Chrome or Outlook.

I know that I was able to do this before upgrading to Windows 10.  I have reinstalled Evernote with no luck.



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Me too. This was a change with one of the recent updates. My current EN version: (306387) Public (CE Build ce-1.36.3494). Running Windows 10.

Here are the two traits that started driving me bonkers since version ~ 6.8.6:

1) Cannot drag PDFs from EN (using EN Business btw) to emails being composed in Outlook. Instead, I have to save to desktop. (There is a workaround: put the mouse cursor next to the PDF image in EN; shift+arrow to "select" it; copy it to clipboard; paste into application. But it is -- what's the word? inelegant? clumsy? stupid?)

2) Cannot drag PDFs to EN from Outlook (& similar applications). Instead, I have to save them first to the desktop.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi! I just get the (306921) Public (CE Build ce-1.39.438 and I have the same problem. I can not drag and drop to other apps like asana. It was everything ok until today. So if I am right since 6.8.7 it must be correct it, it is like that?

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, BobRegis said:

Anyone know when the next update is. This problem has brought my office to a standstill!

Nope - Evernote don't (usually) trail an update.  There's not even a current Beta version - the latest 6.10.3 GA is all anyone has for the moment.

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They are trying to fix this issue but no date up to now. In the meantime they suggest to go back to Evernote 6.7.5 where you will not have this problem.

To reinstall Evernote for Windows, follow these steps:

  1. If Evernote is running, select File > Exit from the menu bar to exit the Evernote app
  2. Click the 'Start' button to open your Start menu
  3. Go to Control Panel > Uninstall a program
  4. Select Evernote, then click Uninstall
  5. Restart your computer
  6. Exit Internet Explorer and Outlook (if installed & open)
  7. Download and install (as an administrator) Evernote for Windows 6.7.5 from this link
  8. Open Evernote and log in to your Evernote account
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A joke !! is there only one guy in the EN dev team ? Not able to fix such an important feature after 3 months !

I'm really struggling using evernote as drag and drop from Evernote is a crucial feature.


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6.11 Beta is out, I wonder if that fixed this problem. Along with the PDF viewer issue and the lack of drag and drop, it looks like I will be stuck in 6.7 for a while!

I drag and drop into other apps on a daily basis and part of my daily workflow, this can be a major issue for many people for sure.

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  • Level 5*

This whole issue would be fixed if Evernote acknowledged that implementing Chrome's PDF viewer was a terrible decision and fixed it.

But they won't.

Because they don't care.

I've used Evernote for 8 years. My entire method of using computers is based around using Evernote. I love this app.

But I quit.

Evernote doesn't care. They don't listen. I've been barking about this in the beta threads for months and they have fixed nothing. Nothing. They won't even respond to comments bringing it up!

So I'm done. Goodbye, Evernote. I'm tired of the bugs, I'm tired of new "features" being introduced when game-stopping bugs still exist. I'm tired of the apps being wildly different across various platforms. I'm tired of this whole freaking charade.

Evernote, you've lost a dedicated user. I have spent countless hours in these forums helping users, reporting bugs, and in general evangelizing for your app. For Pete's sake, I bought one of your overpriced t-shirts. With my own money. Because I wanted to wear your logo out in public.

But I'm out. Goodbye, and good freaking riddance.

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  • Level 5

Can't blame you a bit. I stopped updating at v. 6.5.4, and I may never update again. Why should I? This one works, and there are no recent features I need. By now I just assume that every update will go out with issues raised in beta unresolved, something borked that wasn't borked before, and little if any concern for quality control. I'm a Premium user, and will probably renew again. But for the life of me I can't understand why a company as ambitious as Evernote in its software aims keeps churning out broken updates.

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1 hour ago, chirmer said:

This whole issue would be fixed if Evernote acknowledged that implementing Chrome's PDF viewer was a terrible decision and fixed it.

But they won't.

Because they don't care.

I've used Evernote for 8 years. My entire method of using computers is based around using Evernote. I love this app.

But I quit.

Evernote doesn't care. They don't listen. I've been barking about this in the beta threads for months and they have fixed nothing. Nothing. They won't even respond to comments bringing it up!

So I'm done. Goodbye, Evernote. I'm tired of the bugs, I'm tired of new "features" being introduced when game-stopping bugs still exist. I'm tired of the apps being wildly different across various platforms. I'm tired of this whole freaking charade.

Evernote, you've lost a dedicated user. I have spent countless hours in these forums helping users, reporting bugs, and in general evangelizing for your app. For Pete's sake, I bought one of your overpriced t-shirts. With my own money. Because I wanted to wear your logo out in public.

But I'm out. Goodbye, and good freaking riddance.

This is sad that they are losing good customers. And not in the sense that they are paying customers, they are involved customers that market the product by wearing a tshirt or helping out in the forums and more.

Not sure what the sample size is but the forum users are definitely not liking the new PDF viewer. They really need to make a statement about the decision for the change and address the issue with their dedicated customers. I've always had the latest update for all the apps I use, and this is the first time I am couple versions down just because of the PDF viewer. 

There are so many dedicated users that really LOVE this product and the app and they are being ignored which is really sad. I get that you cannot reply to every forum post or make everybody happy but when there is this kind of an objection to this feature, somebody should say something and they need to fix it or give us the option to pick our PDF viewer format.

Like @Dave-in-Decatur said, nobody can blame you.

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  • Level 5*
4 hours ago, TK0047 said:

6.11 Beta is out, I wonder if that fixed this problem. Along with the PDF viewer issue and the lack of drag and drop, it looks like I will be stuck in 6.7 for a while!

The irony is that the 6.11 beta introduced a bug where PDFs are displayed as a straight line in the note window.  Open the note in its own window and you can see the PDF.  Incomprehensible as to how this makes it past QA.  The teeter totter hasn't tilted as much for me as for @chirmer, but it is tilting.  The lack of workable alternatives for my use case is too big an issue at this point.  Will miss her insights on these forums.  :(

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  • Level 5*
3 hours ago, TK0047 said:

This is sad that they are losing good customers. And not in the sense that they are paying customers, they are involved customers that market the product by wearing a tshirt or helping out in the forums and more.

Not sure what the sample size is but the forum users are definitely not liking the new PDF viewer. They really need to make a statement about the decision for the change and address the issue with their dedicated customers. I've always had the latest update for all the apps I use, and this is the first time I am couple versions down just because of the PDF viewer. 

There are so many dedicated users that really LOVE this product and the app and they are being ignored which is really sad. I get that you cannot reply to every forum post or make everybody happy but when there is this kind of an objection to this feature, somebody should say something and they need to fix it or give us the option to pick our PDF viewer format.

Like @Dave-in-Decatur said, nobody can blame you.

Yeah, it really sucks. I am willing to put up with small glitches and bugs. I run betas knowing this will be the case. I do it because I care about making the product better. But this PDF viewer has been a steaming pile of you-know-what since they rolled it out with ZERO warning, and not. a. single. peep. has. been. said. to any complaints or worries. Features that many users each day have been removed without even an acknowledgement or reassurance they're working on bringing them back. 


And then they broke all drag-and-drop to boot. Awesome.

The company is headed a direction I no longer feel fits what I'm looking for in software. Every ad for Spaces in Evernote Business I get in my software that's rapidly removing its usable features is a slap in the face. 

3 hours ago, CalS said:

The irony is that the 6.11 beta introduced a bug where PDFs are displayed as a straight line in the note window.  Open the note in its own window and you can see the PDF.  Incomprehensible as to how this makes it past QA.  The teeter totter hasn't tilted as much for me as for @chirmer, but it is tilting.  The lack of workable alternatives for my use case is too big an issue at this point.  Will miss her insights on these forums.  :(

It's so frustrating, because each beta is a small burst of hope that they've fixed it, which is promptly dashed. Or made worse, like in the current beta. I give up. 

I will miss Evernote. I'll miss the forums, though I'll probably still lurk to see if they ever wise up. But life is too short to deal with this. I've found a decent alternative and I'm slowly moving away. When I finally cancel my Premium membership, I won't be back.

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, chirmer said:

I've found a decent alternative and I'm slowly moving away.

Willing to share the alternative?  PM if you don't feel it is appropriate to post in public forum.

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On 3/26/2018 at 1:36 AM, Roberto Checchinato said:

Download and install (as an administrator) Evernote for Windows 6.7.5 from this link

Thank goodness for this - I was simply trying to move my recent trip from the "active trips" folder to past ones, and I realized drag and drop is completely nonfunctional, even within evernote.  Uninstalled and reinstalled the 6.7.5 version - its fixed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Any other workaround available?

this download pdf with download butten and then change to download location, then drag&drop from there - uff, this is really stopping my efficency not having this drag and drop for pdf anymore after paying for 8 years premium fees here (307027) Public (CE Build ce-43.0.4829) has not solved it as reported already

thanks for every help

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30 minutes ago, olpa-swiss said:

Any other workaround available?

this download pdf with download butten and then change to download location, then drag&drop from there - uff, this is really stopping my efficency not having this drag and drop for pdf anymore after paying for 8 years premium fees here (307027) Public (CE Build ce-43.0.4829) has not solved it as reported already

thanks for every help

No one said that the issue was resolved in 6.11.  The only way to "resolve" this issue is to downgrade to 6.7.5:

On 3/26/2018 at 2:36 AM, Roberto Checchinato said:

Download and install (as an administrator) Evernote for Windows 6.7.5 from this link


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On ‎3‎/‎29‎/‎2018 at 4:57 PM, chirmer said:

Yeah, it really sucks. I am willing to put up with small glitches and bugs. I run betas knowing this will be the case. I do it because I care about making the product better. But this PDF viewer has been a steaming pile of you-know-what since they rolled it out with ZERO warning, and not. a. single. peep. has. been. said. to any complaints or worries. Features that many users each day have been removed without even an acknowledgement or reassurance they're working on bringing them back. 


And then they broke all drag-and-drop to boot. Awesome.

The company is headed a direction I no longer feel fits what I'm looking for in software. Every ad for Spaces in Evernote Business I get in my software that's rapidly removing its usable features is a slap in the face. 

It's so frustrating, because each beta is a small burst of hope that they've fixed it, which is promptly dashed. Or made worse, like in the current beta. I give up. 

I will miss Evernote. I'll miss the forums, though I'll probably still lurk to see if they ever wise up. But life is too short to deal with this. I've found a decent alternative and I'm slowly moving away. When I finally cancel my Premium membership, I won't be back.

What alternative did you choose if I may ask.  I can't wait to leave EN.  Like you, loyal user/payer since the beginning.


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Confirming. I'm heavy evernote user for 6 years with premium account. Drag and drop from the app was very usefull and saved a lot of time. 

In the latest it is not resolved.

Moreover - in the kiiled my second favorite feature - show annotate icon while hovering over image. It is disappeared. So do not upgrade and report bug to the support.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Столкнулся с этой проблемой - перестал работать прямой драг-н--доп из Evernote в браузеры.

Так совпало что проблема появилась после перехода с Window 7 на Window 10 - сначала думал что проблема в этом.

Но в итоге нашел эту тему - помог даунгрейд до версии 6.7.5: https://filehippo.com/download_evernote/history/


Faced with this problem - direct drag-n-do from Evernote to browsers stopped work.

Coincidence that the problem appeared after upgrading from Window 7 to Window 10 - at first I thought that is the reason of problem.

But found this topic - it helped to downgrade to version 6.7.5: https://filehippo.com/download_evernote/history/

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  • Level 5*
On 4/13/2018 at 3:24 AM, Astermaster said:

Moreover - in the kiiled my second favorite feature - show annotate icon while hovering over image. It is disappeared. So do not upgrade and report bug to the support.

Right-click / "Annotate this image..."

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  • 2 weeks later...

This has not been fixed.


I used to be able to snip an image, drag and drop it into evernote desktop. I am now forced to use the web client because the image doesn't load when using the desktop client.


If this isn't fixed i'll be canceling my subscription.

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  • 2 months later...

This works now in 6.13 - however only if you right click --> view as attachment first on the PDF. If you are viewing the PDF inline it doesn't work which is annoying as I can do this on my Mac without problems. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

This problem is STILL not fixed in!

Going back to 6.7.5 (much grumbling as there are bugs in 6.7.5 that occasionally and irrevocably corrupt and overwrite PDFs). Only remedy is to dig back through backups and recover the one PDF. What a WOFTAM!

I just raised this ticket: 

PDF drag and drop is BROKEN from 6.8 through to 6.17 - PLEASE FIX


Let's see if my firm but polite request will be escalated to the developers.

I asked for a feature in the EN options menu that allows us to choose between old style (6.7 and before) or new style (6.8) PDF presentation modes any time we want to switch.

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  • Level 5*
20 minutes ago, j0lx said:

This problem is STILL not fixed in!

AFAICS it's possible to dnd most files,  except PDFs need to be 'saved as attachment' before the action.  If you're having particular issues,  why not raise a ticket and see what Evernote have to say?

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  • 2 months later...


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